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RAE Argentina ao mundo 9955 kHz via WRMI (Ondas curtas 31 metros)  View Printable Version 
Wednesday, January 02 2019

RAE Argentina ao mundo 9955 kHz via WRMI (Ondas curtas 31 metros)
Progama em idioma portuguÃs.Passou a identificaÃÃo em varias lÃnguas. Sinal
bom aqui.
12:35 UTC 02 Janeiro 2019


Receptor e Antena: Yaesu FRG 8800 e DS SWL DL Dipolo AssimÃtrica 42 metros
+ 15 metros coaxial + Balun
Daniel Wyllyans SÃtio Estrela do Araguaia Nova Xavantina MT Brazil
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Stations heard in Reinane and Lugo last days  View Printable Version 
Wednesday, January 02 2019


Manuel MÃndez
Lugo, Spain

Log in Reinante and Lugo
Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters

ARMENIA, 4810, Armenian Public Radio, Gavar/Yerevan, 1700-1710, 26-12, tuning music, Turkish, comments. 34433. (MÃndez)

CONGO, 6115, Radio Congo, Brazaville, 1650-1705, 26-12, French, comments. 14321. (MÃndez)

5825, OZ-Viola, HillerÃd, 2020-2110, 28-12, non stop instrumental music. Very weak, barely audible, best on LSB, but later improving signal and audible on normal AM. 15311. (MÃndez)

5840, World Music Radio, Randers, 2112, 28-12, pop songs, id. in Spanish: "Esta es WMR, World Music Radio". 35433.

15805 kHz, World Music Radio,Randers, 1146-1405 UTC , December 30, Caribbean songs in Spanish, pop songs in English, id. "WMR, World Music Radio", pop songs, at 1347 identification: "World Music Radio, WMR", more pop songs, at 1400 new identification: "World Music Radio, WMR". SINPO 25422. At moments good signal, but other moments the signal disappears. (MÃndez)

6090, Radio Oromiya, Addis Ababa, 1615-1623, 26-12, Vernacular comments. 24322. (MÃndez)

6110, Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, 1618-1625, 26-12, East African songs. 44444. (MÃndez)

5830, Radio Menschen & Geschichten, Short Wave Service, via Gavar/Yerevan or Uzbekistan, *1900-1925, 29-12, German, id. â Radio Menschen & Geschichtenâ comments, male, female. Very good signal here in Lugo. 45544. (MÃndez)

6070, Radio Klein Paris International, Rohrbach, Special Boxing day transmission, 1213-1300*, 26-12, German, comments, pop songs, mentioned âRadio Bavariaâ, âRadio Klein Paris Internationalâ. 35433. // 7440 with SINPO 25322. (MÃndez)

6085, Radio Mi Amigo, Kall Krekel, *0759-0820, 29-12, pop songs in English, id. âRadio Mi Amigo, Mi Amigoâ. 25322. (MÃndez)

7440, Italian Broadcasting Corporation, Rohrbach, 1429-1445, 26-12, Italian, radio ham news,songs in English. 35433. // 6070 with SINPO 25322. (MÃndez)

6150, Radio Marabu, Datteln, 0750, 0810, 29-12, pop songs in English, German,commens, id. âRadio Marabuâ. 25322. (MÃndez)

6190, Hamburger LokalRadio, Gohren, *0700-0800, 29-12, English, id., program âMedia Network Plusâ, at 0730 Glenn Hauserâs âWorld of Radioâ program. 25322. (MÃndez)

7265, Hamburger Lokal Radio, Gohren, 110-1200, 30-12, English, program âMedia Network Clubâ, at 1130 Glenn Hauserâs program âWorld of Radioâ. 15311. (MÃndez)

3975 kHz, FRS Holland, vÃa Shortwave Radio de. Germany, 1700-1745 UTC , 30-12, pop songs in English, identification: "FRS Holland", "Our three last hours also on 3975 kHz...", Radio news with Peter Verburggen, , 1733 UTC: "Happy new Year", âFree Radio Service Holland", at 1734 UTC musical program, songs. 25322. (MÃndez)

7700, FRS Holland, *0852-0917, 30-12, now on air, open with pop song in English and tuning music, English, id. Broadcasting from Holland.... FRS Holland...Independent Free Radio...". 0900: "We broadcast on 7700 and 5800 kHz...", pop songs. 25422. // 5800 with SIPO 25322 on 5800. (MÃndez)

SUDAN, 9505, Sudan Radio, Al Aitahab, 1720-1735, 26-12, East African songs, English, comments. 24322. (MÃndez)
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�so-8859-1?q?Reception in São Bernardo SP - BRAZIL / �so-8859-1?q?January 1st, 2019  View Printable Version 
Wednesday, January 02 2019

January 1st, 2019 (Time in UTC)
Rx: KiwiSDR (São Bernardo) + Mini Whip Antenna (PA0RDT Standard)

3930 kHz SOUTH KOREA: Voice of the People, Kyonggi-do, Kor, 31/12/18 2209.
OM/YL talk in Korean language. 34443 (RG). Sound of Jamming?
3985 kHz SOUTH KOREA: Echo of Hope (Voice of Hope), Hwaesong, Kor, 31/12/18
2202. YL: seems as a nx bulletin. 34443 (RG). Tx to North Korea.

531 kHz ALGERIA: Jil FM, F'Kirina, AA, 01/01 0301. OM: talk, typical song in
AA. 25332 (RG). A 'good' fading from 530 kHz Somos Radio, Buenos Aires.
830 kHz BRAZIL: Radio Tropical, Nova Iguaçu RJ, 01/01 2143. Brazilian song,
OM: mention to cities near by Nova Iguaçu Region. Id: 'Tropical'. 35553 (RG.

864 kHz EGYPT: ERTU Al-Quran al-Karim, Santah, AA, 01/01 0312. Traditional
chants in the style of the Koran. 24322 (RG).

3925 kHz JAPAN: Radio Nikkei 1, Nemuro, JJ, 31/12/18 2155. OM: talk in JJ,
bells sound. 25422 (RG). Tx to Japan.

Happy New Year!!!!!!!

(RG) - Rudolf Grimm
São Bernardo SP, BRAZIL
YouTube Channel: GrimmSBC

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Live: 4900 kHz Voice Of Strait - China  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, January 01 2019

Live: 4900 kHz Voice Of Strait - China 10:20 UTC Talks YL Musics Day 01
January 2019


RX: Yaesu FRG 8800 Antena: DS SWL DL Dipolo AssimÃtrica 42 Metros + 15
Metros Coaxial
Daniel Wyllyans SÃtio Estrela do Araguaia Nova Xavantina MT Brazil
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Vatican Radio, Santa Maria di Galeria CVA, Santa Messa 08.50 - 10.40 UT on Jan 1st  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, January 01 2019


15585 French, from time to time CW QRM 15586 kHz
15595 Arabic
15695 English
17590 Portuguese
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 1)

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