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Radio Malta MW 999 kHz, the problems are this time due to some problems arose after the storm of bad weather last weekend....  View Printable Version 
Saturday, March 02 2019


MALTA Radio Malta 999 kHz at reduced power, possible interruptions of the
transmissions in the next days.

Some shutdowns affected the 999 khz of Radio Malta in the last hours, the
problems are this time due to some problems arose after the storm of bad
weather last weekend.

The transmitter is currently operating with 3 kW of power instead of the
5 kW used usually. David Mizzi told us that because of the work that will
be ongoing for a few days, more will be possible shutdowns, especially on
Monday 4 March. (tnx Giovanni Lorenzi)

Radio Malta article 999 kHz at reduced power, possible interruptions of the
transmissions in the next days.

Radio Malta 999 kHz a potenza ridotta, possibili interruzioni delle
trasmissioni nei prossimi giorni.

Alcuni spegnimenti hanno interessato i 999 khz di Radio Malta nelle ultime
ore, i problemi sono questa volta dovuti ad alcuni problemi sorti dopo
l'ondata di maltempo dello scorso fine settimana.

Il trasmettitore e al momento operativo con 3 kW di potenza al posto dei
5 kW utilizzati di solito. David Mizzi ci ha comunicato che a causa dei
lavori che saranno in corso ancora per qualche giorno, saranno possibili
ulteriori spegnimenti, specialmente nella giornata di lunedi 4 marzo.
(tnx Giovanni Lorenzi)


proviene da Bclnews <https:www.bclnews.it>
(via Roger Thauer-D, A-DX newsgroup March 2)

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�tf-8?q?Radio Piraña Internacional, 6930.10 on �tf-8?q? air, heard via SDR Kiwi remote rece  View Printable Version 
Saturday, March 02 2019


Manuel MÃndez
Lugo, Spain

SOUTH AMERICA, 6930.10, Radio PiraÃa Internacional, heard now, at
0625-0639 UTC via SDR Kiwi remote receiver in Pardinho, near Sao Paulo,
Brazil, songs in Spanish, id. in English at 0626, male: "Radio Pinana
International", "Gloria Estefan, No te OlvidarÃ", Spanish "flamenco"
song, at 0637 Juanes song "A Dios le Pido", male, Spanish: "Juanes, aquÃ
en Radio PiraÃa Internacional", song and ore identifications in English.
"Radio Pirana International, free radio". SINPO 25322

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Scandinavian Weekend Radio today on air  View Printable Version 
Saturday, March 02 2019


Manuel MÃndez
Lugo, Spain

FINLAND, Scandinavian Weekend Radio today on air, 2200 UTC Friday to
2200 UTC Saturday. Frequencies: 11720, 11690, 6170 and 5980 kHz.

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On air 6930kHz  View Printable Version 
Saturday, March 02 2019

We are now on air on 6930kHz from South America with a 100 watts (carrier)
AM transmitter. We will be on air until 09UTC tomorrow. This sched will be
repeated until at least Monday morning. There are probability that the
sched will be extended. Some of the broadcast will be live as some will be
boxed. We will also air some programs of other friend stations. If we
receive reports of much QRM we could go higher in frecuency.

Reports to : rpi@radiopirana.com

73 Jorge R. GarcÃa

Radio PiraÃa Int.



Saludos nuevamente desde Sudamerica! Estamos emitiendo en estos momentos en
la frecuencia de 6930 kHz AM. Lo haremos hasta almenos las 09 UTC del dÃa
de maÃana. Este mismo esquema haremos hasta el lunes prÃximo, es decir
desde maso menos las 22 horas UTC hasta las 09UTC. QuizÃs seguiremos con
mÃs emisiones la prÃxima semana, eso todavÃa no està decidido. La
programacion serà en parte directa, como tambiÃn programas pregrabadas.
TambiÃn pondremos al aire algunos programas de emisoras colegas.
Si hay informes de mucho qrm en la frecuencia, podrÃamos cambiar a una
frecuencia mÃs alta..

Informes a: rpi@radiopirana.com

73 Jorge R. GarcÃa

Radio PiraÃa Int.

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Useful DX Tip: KQMS 1670 Redding, CA  View Printable Version 
Friday, March 01 2019

They run a half hour of a syndicated news show at 5am pacific time before
starting a 90 minute local news/info show at 530am pacific.

Apparently at 530am mountain before the local show starts, they play the
national anthem.

Thought that might be useful to someone who may hear that while DXing.

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