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5989 ??  View Printable Version 
Monday, March 04 2019


ROMANIA RRI Galbeni 'DRM mode' English at 06.50 UT March 4,
on 9768.77 kHz S=9+35dB here in GER, HOL, etc.

RRI Galbeni both in AM mode Arabic language,
requested to NoWeAfrica, Maghreb/Sahel target,

9610 kHz at 07.50 UT, on 9608.013 kHz exact
S=9+35dB here in GER, HOL, etc.
and AM mode 11660exact kHz S=9+20 dB too. 07.30-07.56 UT.

Latter ended at 07.56 UT with 1000 Hertz tone technical check,
about 20seconds on air.

73 wb

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "Bdxc-News" <bdxc-news@groups.io>; <hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com>;
"DXLD" <dxld@yahoogroups.com>

Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 1:13 AM
Subject: Re: [HCDX] 5989 ??

ROMANIA RRI Galbeni 'DRM mode' English at 23.50 UT March 3,
on 5978.77 kHz S=9+35dB here in GER, HOL, etc.
and AM mode 7220exact kHz S=9+10 dB too. 23-23.56 UT.

RRI Galbeni both in AM mode Spanish
at 00.10 UT, on 5978.772 kHz exact
S=9+35dB here in GER, HOL, etc.
and AM mode 7325exact kHz S=9+5 dB too. 00.00-00.56 UT.
73 wb

ROMANIA RRI Galbeni DRM mode Fr at 21.00 UT, En 21.30 UT March 3,

on 6028.8 kHz exact S=9+35dB here in GER, HOL, etc.
and AM mode 7375exact kHz S=9+10 dB too. 21-22 UT. 73 wb

ROMANIA RRI Galbeni 5988.790 kHz exact S=9+40dB here in GER, HOL, etc.
and 7375 kHz S=9+45 dB too. 19-21 UT. 73 wb

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Kenny via Groups.Io" <dave.kenny=ntlworld.com@groups.io>

Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2019 8:58 PM
Subject: Re: [bdxc-news] 5989 ??

Yes it's RRI in Romanian, with Romanian folk music now. Tx is off-channel
it should be on 5990 1800-2100 parallel 7375 per WRTH


On 3 Mar 2019 19:34, Will Grocott <wjcgrocott@gmail.com> wrote:
Maybe Radio Romania Int.?
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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1060khz off frequency?  View Printable Version 
Monday, March 04 2019

Iâm in laramie Wyoming and I think someone on 1060khz is off frequency. I
have this god awful distorted mushy rumbling noise on it at night but it
isnât there by day.

I donât think itâs KRCN Longmont, CO I canât hear them at night. John
Johnson in Arizona says heâs getting interference on the lower side and of
KNX, it goes away in upper side and. He says it isnât KDUS.... we think it
may be KDYL Salt Lake City.

I didnât have this noise a few weeks ago and it happens on whatever radio I

Hard-Core-DX mailing list


Mystery Egyptian Music Station  View Printable Version 
Monday, March 04 2019

EGYPT "Mystery Egyptian Music Station" second tx on March 2 on 9600 kHz
from 0926 carrier tone to 0940. Heard via Bucharest Kiwi SDR, SIO 222.

>From: Ivo Observer <ivo.observer@gmail.com>
>EGYPT Mystery Egyptian Music Station on 9550 kHz, March 2
>0815-0820 on 9550 unknown tx / unknown to ????,
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


CRI via Bamako is on air again  View Printable Version 
Monday, March 04 2019

Nothing from CRI Bamako after 2130 French 11975, 13630 and 2230 Chinese
11975, 15505 and probably 2300 Chinese 7295

On Sat, 2 Mar 2019, 20:25 'Wolfgang Bueschel' dg1sbn@t-online.de [dxld], <
dxld@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "'bclnews.it' Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2019 5:56 PM
> Subject: [bclnews.it] CRI via Bamako is on air again
> > Very good signal in Arabic at 1645 on 15125 probably via Bamako 085 deg
> > From 1700 on same 15125 will be in Swahili with different azimuth 111 deg
> > -- 73! Ivo Ivanov
> and CRI Bamako in A-19
> 7295 0800 0900 46E BKO 100 0 925 310319 271019 Hau MLI CRI RTC
> 7295 2300 2400 46 BKO 100 0 925 310319 271019 Chn MLI CRI RTC
> 11640 1800 1830 46E BKO 100 85 206 310319 271019 Hau MLI CRI RTC
> 11640 1830 1930 47E,48NW BKO 100 85 206 310319 271019 Ara MLI CRI RTC
> 11640 1930 2000 53NW BKO 100 111 216 310319 271019 Por MLI CRI RTC
> 11640 2000 2100 53 BKO 100 111 216 310319 271019 Eng MLI CRI RTC
> 11640 2100 2130 53 BKO 100 111 216 310319 271019 Eng MLI CRI RTC
> 11975 2130 2230 37 BKO 100 20 216 310319 271019 Fra MLI CRI RTC
> 11975 2230 2300 37 BKO 100 20 216 310319 271019 Chn MLI CRI RTC
> 11975 2300 2400 37 BKO 100 20 216 310319 271019 Chn MLI CRI RTC
> 13630 1930 2000 53NW BKO 100 111 206 310319 271019 Por MLI CRI RTC
> 13630 2000 2100 53 BKO 100 111 206 310319 271019 Eng MLI CRI RTC
> 13630 2100 2130 53 BKO 100 111 206 310319 271019 Eng MLI CRI RTC
> 13630 2130 2230 53 BKO 100 111 216 310319 271019 Fra MLI CRI RTC
> 13645 1700 1800 48SW,53NWBKO 100 111 206 310319 271019 Swa MLI CRI RTC
> 13645 1800 1830 46E BKO 100 111 206 310319 271019 Hau MLI CRI RTC
> 13685 1300 1400 53 BKO 100 111 206 310319 271019 Fra MLI CRI RTC
> 13685 1400 1500 53 BKO 100 111 206 310319 271019 Eng MLI CRI RTC
> 13685 1500 1600 53 BKO 100 111 206 310319 271019 Eng MLI CRI RTC
> 13685 1830 1930 37 BKO 100 20 216 310319 271019 Ara MLI CRI RTC
> 15125 1600 1700 47E,48NW BKO 100 85 206 310319 271019 Ara MLI CRI RTC
> 15125 1700 1800 48SW,53NWBKO 100 111 216 310319 271019 Swa MLI CRI RTC
> 15505 2230 2300 47E,48 BKO 100 85 206 310319 271019 Chn MLI CRI RTC
> 17630 1400 1500 47E,48 BKO 100 85 206 310319 271019 Eng MLI CRI RTC
> 17630 1500 1600 47E,48 BKO 100 85 206 310319 271019 Eng MLI CRI RTC
> 17880 1300 1400 53 BKO 100 111 216 310319 271019 Fra MLI CRI RTC
> 17880 1600 1700 37 BKO 100 20 216 310319 271019 Ara MLI CRI RTC
> in this Sahara / Sahel area also new built up
> Bechar Algeria 131degr antennas look like ready,
> see G.E. image of November 2018
> 6100 0400 0500 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG TDA
> 6100 0500 0600 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG TDA
> 6145 0300 0400 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG TDA
> 7285 2200 2300 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG TDA
> 7285 2300 2400 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG TDA
> 7335 0200 0300 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG TDA
> 9850 2000 2100 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG TDA
> 9850 2100 2200 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG TDA
> 11760 0600 0700 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 11900 0600 0700 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 11900 0700 0800 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 13585 1800 1900 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 13585 1900 2000 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 15185 1000 1100 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 15185 1100 1200 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 15185 1200 1300 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 15730 1600 1700 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 15730 1700 1800 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 17485 1300 1400 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 17485 1400 1500 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 17485 1500 1600 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 17635 0800 0900 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 17635 0900 1000 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> Dipol Antennas / 3 Masts stand, on 49 - 16 meterband.
> 31Â34'25.59"N 02Â20'54.70"W SW Antennas_131degr_RTA Bechar_Algeria_
> built up 27 April 2017 to February 2018
> https://goo.gl/maps/i55qLY7wWdn
> In Ouargla ALG you can not see this construction progress yet.
> The mast parts are still in the north-western part of the terrain, see
> ALG Quargla shortwave Ampegon 300kW 210degr 3 masts
> close to 31Â55'27.83"N 05Â04'28.66"E
> __._,_.___
> ------------------------------
> Posted by: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <dg1sbn@t-online.de>
> ------------------------------
> Reply via web post
> <https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/dxld/conversations/messages/103018;_ylc=X3oDMTJzMWFjbzk1BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEyMzk3NzI3BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwODM5NjM3OQRtc2dJZAMxMDMwMTgEc2VjA2Z0cgRzbGsDcnBseQRzdGltZQMxNTUxNTU4MzA2?act=reply&messageNum=103018>
> â Reply to sender
> <dg1sbn@t-online.de?subject=Re%3A%20%5Bbclnews%2Eit%5D%20CRI%20via%20Bamako%20is%20on%20air%20again>
> â Reply to group
> <dxld@yahoogroups.com?subject=Re%3A%20%5Bbclnews%2Eit%5D%20CRI%20via%20Bamako%20is%20on%20air%20again>
> â Start a New Topic
> <https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/dxld/conversations/newtopic;_ylc=X3oDMTJmdXF2djU5BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEyMzk3NzI3BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwODM5NjM3OQRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNudHBjBHN0aW1lAzE1NTE1NTgzMDY->
> â Messages in this topic
> <https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/dxld/conversations/topics/103018;_ylc=X3oDMTM5aTNmbnFjBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEyMzk3NzI3BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwODM5NjM3OQRtc2dJZAMxMDMwMTgEc2VjA2Z0cgRzbGsDdnRwYwRzdGltZQMxNTUxNTU4MzA2BHRwY0lkAzEwMzAxOA-->
> (1)
> ------------------------------
> Have you tried the highest rated email app? <https://yho.com/1wwmgg>
> With 4.5 stars in iTunes, the Yahoo Mail app is the highest rated email
> app on the market. What are you waiting for? Now you can access all your
> inboxes (Gmail, Outlook, AOL and more) in one place. Never delete an email
> again with 1000GB of free cloud storage.
> ------------------------------
> Visit Your Group
> <https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/dxld/info;_ylc=X3oDMTJmY3BvOXJtBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEyMzk3NzI3BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwODM5NjM3OQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzE1NTE1NTgzMDY->
> [image: Yahoo! Groups]
> <https://groups.yahoo.com/neo;_ylc=X3oDMTJlcTYycnBuBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEyMzk3NzI3BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwODM5NjM3OQRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNnZnAEc3RpbWUDMTU1MTU1ODMwNg-->
> â Privacy <https://info.yahoo.com/privacy/us/yahoo/groups/details.html> â
> Unsubscribe <dxld-unsubscribe@yahoogroups..com?subject=Unsubscribe> â Terms
> of Use <https://info.yahoo.com/legal/us/yahoo/utos/terms/>
> .
> __,_._,___

On Sat, 2 Mar 2019, 20:25 'Wolfgang Bueschel' dg1sbn@t-online.de [dxld], <
dxld@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "'bclnews.it' Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2019 5:56 PM
> Subject: [bclnews.it] CRI via Bamako is on air again
> > Very good signal in Arabic at 1645 on 15125 probably via Bamako 085 deg
> > From 1700 on same 15125 will be in Swahili with different azimuth 111 deg
> > -- 73! Ivo Ivanov
> and CRI Bamako in A-19
> 7295 0800 0900 46E BKO 100 0 925 310319 271019 Hau MLI CRI RTC
> 7295 2300 2400 46 BKO 100 0 925 310319 271019 Chn MLI CRI RTC
> 11640 1800 1830 46E BKO 100 85 206 310319 271019 Hau MLI CRI RTC
> 11640 1830 1930 47E,48NW BKO 100 85 206 310319 271019 Ara MLI CRI RTC
> 11640 1930 2000 53NW BKO 100 111 216 310319 271019 Por MLI CRI RTC
> 11640 2000 2100 53 BKO 100 111 216 310319 271019 Eng MLI CRI RTC
> 11640 2100 2130 53 BKO 100 111 216 310319 271019 Eng MLI CRI RTC
> 11975 2130 2230 37 BKO 100 20 216 310319 271019 Fra MLI CRI RTC
> 11975 2230 2300 37 BKO 100 20 216 310319 271019 Chn MLI CRI RTC
> 11975 2300 2400 37 BKO 100 20 216 310319 271019 Chn MLI CRI RTC
> 13630 1930 2000 53NW BKO 100 111 206 310319 271019 Por MLI CRI RTC
> 13630 2000 2100 53 BKO 100 111 206 310319 271019 Eng MLI CRI RTC
> 13630 2100 2130 53 BKO 100 111 206 310319 271019 Eng MLI CRI RTC
> 13630 2130 2230 53 BKO 100 111 216 310319 271019 Fra MLI CRI RTC
> 13645 1700 1800 48SW,53NWBKO 100 111 206 310319 271019 Swa MLI CRI RTC
> 13645 1800 1830 46E BKO 100 111 206 310319 271019 Hau MLI CRI RTC
> 13685 1300 1400 53 BKO 100 111 206 310319 271019 Fra MLI CRI RTC
> 13685 1400 1500 53 BKO 100 111 206 310319 271019 Eng MLI CRI RTC
> 13685 1500 1600 53 BKO 100 111 206 310319 271019 Eng MLI CRI RTC
> 13685 1830 1930 37 BKO 100 20 216 310319 271019 Ara MLI CRI RTC
> 15125 1600 1700 47E,48NW BKO 100 85 206 310319 271019 Ara MLI CRI RTC
> 15125 1700 1800 48SW,53NWBKO 100 111 216 310319 271019 Swa MLI CRI RTC
> 15505 2230 2300 47E,48 BKO 100 85 206 310319 271019 Chn MLI CRI RTC
> 17630 1400 1500 47E,48 BKO 100 85 206 310319 271019 Eng MLI CRI RTC
> 17630 1500 1600 47E,48 BKO 100 85 206 310319 271019 Eng MLI CRI RTC
> 17880 1300 1400 53 BKO 100 111 216 310319 271019 Fra MLI CRI RTC
> 17880 1600 1700 37 BKO 100 20 216 310319 271019 Ara MLI CRI RTC
> in this Sahara / Sahel area also new built up
> Bechar Algeria 131degr antennas look like ready,
> see G.E. image of November 2018
> 6100 0400 0500 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG TDA
> 6100 0500 0600 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG TDA
> 6145 0300 0400 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG TDA
> 7285 2200 2300 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG TDA
> 7285 2300 2400 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG TDA
> 7335 0200 0300 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG TDA
> 9850 2000 2100 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG TDA
> 9850 2100 2200 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG TDA
> 11760 0600 0700 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 11900 0600 0700 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 11900 0700 0800 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 13585 1800 1900 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 13585 1900 2000 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 15185 1000 1100 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 15185 1100 1200 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 15185 1200 1300 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 15730 1600 1700 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 15730 1700 1800 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 17485 1300 1400 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 17485 1400 1500 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 17485 1500 1600 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 17635 0800 0900 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> 17635 0900 1000 37SE,38SW,46E,47NW BEC 300 131 146 310319 261019 Arb ALG
> Dipol Antennas / 3 Masts stand, on 49 - 16 meterband.
> 31Â34'25.59"N 02Â20'54.70"W SW Antennas_131degr_RTA Bechar_Algeria_
> built up 27 April 2017 to February 2018
> https://goo.gl/maps/i55qLY7wWdn
> In Ouargla ALG you can not see this construction progress yet.
> The mast parts are still in the north-western part of the terrain, see
> ALG Quargla shortwave Ampegon 300kW 210degr 3 masts
> close to 31Â55'27.83"N 05Â04'28.66"E
> __._,_.___
> ------------------------------
> Posted by: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <dg1sbn@t-online.de>
> ------------------------------
> Reply via web post
> <https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/dxld/conversations/messages/103018;_ylc=X3oDMTJzMWFjbzk1BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEyMzk3NzI3BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwODM5NjM3OQRtc2dJZAMxMDMwMTgEc2VjA2Z0cgRzbGsDcnBseQRzdGltZQMxNTUxNTU4MzA2?act=reply&messageNum=103018>
> â Reply to sender
> <dg1sbn@t-online.de?subject=Re%3A%20%5Bbclnews%2Eit%5D%20CRI%20via%20Bamako%20is%20on%20air%20again>
> â Reply to group
> <dxld@yahoogroups.com?subject=Re%3A%20%5Bbclnews%2Eit%5D%20CRI%20via%20Bamako%20is%20on%20air%20again>
> â Start a New Topic
> <https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/dxld/conversations/newtopic;_ylc=X3oDMTJmdXF2djU5BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEyMzk3NzI3BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwODM5NjM3OQRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNudHBjBHN0aW1lAzE1NTE1NTgzMDY->
> â Messages in this topic
> <https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/dxld/conversations/topics/103018;_ylc=X3oDMTM5aTNmbnFjBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEyMzk3NzI3BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwODM5NjM3OQRtc2dJZAMxMDMwMTgEc2VjA2Z0cgRzbGsDdnRwYwRzdGltZQMxNTUxNTU4MzA2BHRwY0lkAzEwMzAxOA-->
> (1)
> ------------------------------
> Have you tried the highest rated email app? <https://yho.com/1wwmgg>
> With 4.5 stars in iTunes, the Yahoo Mail app is the highest rated email
> app on the market. What are you waiting for? Now you can access all your
> inboxes (Gmail, Outlook, AOL and more) in one place. Never delete an email
> again with 1000GB of free cloud storage.
> ------------------------------
> Visit Your Group
> <https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/dxld/info;_ylc=X3oDMTJmY3BvOXJtBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEyMzk3NzI3BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwODM5NjM3OQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzE1NTE1NTgzMDY->
> [image: Yahoo! Groups]
> <https://groups.yahoo.com/neo;_ylc=X3oDMTJlcTYycnBuBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEyMzk3NzI3BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwODM5NjM3OQRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNnZnAEc3RpbWUDMTU1MTU1ODMwNg-->
> â Privacy <https://info.yahoo.com/privacy/us/yahoo/groups/details.html> â
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> .
> __,_._,___
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�tf-8?q?JRX Logs: 1-3 de Março de 2019  View Printable Version 
Monday, March 04 2019

JRX Logs: 1-3 de MarÃo de 2019Â
Receptor (es): Sony ICF-SW100 & Tecsun S-2000

** 6155. 1/3/2019, 0335-0345, Channel Africa, Meyerton-AFS, em InglÃs. Locutora apresenta as notÃcias e tem a participaÃÃo de um periodista com o qual tem uma longa conversaÃÃo. RecepÃÃo pobre, 25422.
** 17710. 2/3/2019, 1038-1045, Deutsche Welle, Meyerton-AFS, em SuaÃli. LocuÃÃo masculina e as notÃcias, presumivelmente, durante a escuta. RecepÃÃo pobre, 25422.Escuta paralela por 15275, Talata-Volonondry-MDG, 25422.

** 9820. 2/3/2019, 1030-1037, Radio Nove de Julho, SÃo Paulo-SP. LocuÃÃes masculina e feminina no programa âA Igreja à NotÃciaâ: notÃcias do Brasil e da igreja catÃlica. RecepÃÃo satisfatÃria, 35433.

** 9600. 3/3/2019, 2002-2015, China Radio International, Kashgar-CHN, em InglÃs. Locutor apresenta o noticiÃrio; 2005 ID; Aula de chinÃs. Ãtima recepÃÃo, 45554.Â
** 11760. 2/3/2019, 0954-1000, CNR1, Shijiazhuang-CHN, em ChinÃs. LocuÃÃes masculina e feminina sob fundo musical; ID; 1000 Time pips e encerra-se a ediÃÃo. Boa recepÃÃo, 45544.
** 11835. 2/3/2019, 0939-0945, CNR2-China Business, Xian-Xianiang-CHN, em ChinÃs. LocuÃÃes masculina e feminina e inserÃÃo de Ãudios acessÃrios, semelhantes a anÃncios comerciais. RecepÃÃo com sinal e modulaÃÃo bons, 45544.
** 12055. 1/3/2019, 0320-0335, CNR17, Lingshi-CHN, em Cazaque. Locutora apresenta uma provÃvel aula de inglÃs, com algumas palavras que as repete, duas a trÃs vezes, pausadamente, e a qual finda com uma canÃÃo (Achei muito interessante este espaÃo na CNR17!); 0326 LocuÃÃo masculina, em cazaque, ID e website; 0328 CanÃÃes. Ãtima recepÃÃo, 45554.
** 12055. 2/3/2019, 0946-0953, CNR17, Lingshi-CHN, em Cazaque. LocuÃÃes masculina e feminina durante o perÃodo da escuta. RecepÃÃo pobre, 25422.

** 9690. 1/3/2019, 0258-0305, Radio Exterior de EspaÃa, Noblejas-E, em Espanhol. Locutor falnado sobre alguns musicais famosos da Broadway, intercalados com pequenos trechos musicais deles, como por exemplo: Singing in the Rain; 0300 Time pips, ID e frequÃncias e IS, com desligamento Ãs 0305UT. REE com Ãtima recepÃÃo, 45554.

** 9680. 3/3/2019, 1938-2000, Radio Taiwan International, Issoudun-F, em FrancÃs. Locutora fala sobre coisas de Taiwan; 1950 Uma breve canÃÃo seguida, de locuÃÃo masculina; 1952 NotÃcias. RecepÃÃo boa via Issoudun, 45544.

** 11995. 2/3/2019, 1012-1020, TWR Guam-KTWR, Agana-Merizo-GUM, em InglÃs. Pastor faz sua pregaÃÃo e fala na BÃblia e Jesus, algumas vezes; 1015 ID, website e endereÃos postal e e-mail, sob fundo musical; 1018 LocuÃÃo feminina. Ãtima recepÃÃo desta ediÃÃo do sÃbado, 45554.

** 9650. 2/3/2019, 1000-1010, Radio GuinÃe, Conakri-GUI, em FrancÃs. LocuÃÃo masculina e as informaÃÃes: NotÃcias nacionais, incluÃdas as governamentais; 1004 MÃsica local, ID e mais mÃsicas. Ãtima recepÃÃo, 45554.

** 6180. 1/3/2019, 0305-0320, MWV-La Voz Alegre, Mahajanga-MDG, em Espanhol. Uma mÃsica; Locutor Bruno apresenta o espaÃo âReflexiÃn de Hoy-Vale la pena Vivirâ, dentro da programaÃÃo da Radiodifusora Mundial Cristiana; 0309 Uma canÃÃo; 0314 Programa âConversando con JesÃsâ. Excelente recepÃÃo, 55555.
** 9515. 3/3/2019, 2015-2025, Radio Mondiale Adventiste, Talata-Volonondry-MDG, em FrancÃs. PregaÃÃo religiosa sobre a BÃblia, com fundo musical; 2020 Uma canÃÃo; ID. Ãtima recepÃÃo, 45554.

** 17630. 2/3/2019, 1046-1056, Radio Thailand, Udon Thani-THA, em TailandÃs (ou Tai). LocuÃÃo feminina, seguida de uma canÃÃo; 1052 Mais mÃsica. RecepÃÃo com esvaecimentos, variando entre pobre a quase inaudÃvel, 25422 to 25421.

** 9410. 1/3/2019, 0233-0255, La Voz de TurquÃa, Emirler-TUR, em Espanhol. LocuÃÃes masculina e feminina com ID em vÃrios idiomas; 0236 Uma canÃÃo; 0241 ID, website e segue-se com canÃÃes turcas; 0251 Titulares del DÃa, ID, web, sked em espanhol, etc. Excelente recepÃÃo, 55555.Escuta paralela por 9650, Emirler, 25422.

JRX_Josà Ronaldo XavierÂ
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
Cabedelo-PB, Brasil (UTC-3

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