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Tip: KMPC 1540 Los Angeles, CA  View Printable Version 
Monday, March 04 2019

Just a heads up, I've caught this korean language station playing english
language music.. usually 60s 70s rock and roll or 80s-90s gold leaning
adult contemporary. It can be confusing because you're expecting to hear
Korean or something else and hear this.

The Radio Korea site can be a bit tricky to navigate and the live stream
hard to find, especially if you're on a phone or tablet.

Here's a link to their stream from tunein.com If you click this and dont
have the app, it'll load in a browser window and ask you to listen in the
app, but you can click the app and play it in the phone browser


Paul Walker
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


Fw: Fw: 5989 ??  View Printable Version 
Monday, March 04 2019


ROMANIA RRI Galbeni in Arabic language,
to Maghreb, NoWeAF, WeAF, WeSahel target

11975 kHz at 16.50 UT S=7-8 sidelobe only, logged in western Europe,
odd fq 9608.021 kHz S=9+30dB side in Holland, 16.30-16.56 UT UT.

At 16.56:30 UT move to
odd fq 9807.981 kHz Romanian language sce at 17.00-17.56 UT
S=9+45dB powerhouse then.

And AM mode Galbeni 7370 kHz even, also S=9+45dB powerful Romanian sce.

And at 17.00 UT also nearby Balkan/ITA/UKR sce:
5955even Italian sce via older Saftica site, 100 kW,
S=9+30dB signal noted in GER and HOL.

And RRI French sce via Tiganesti to western Europe / NoWeAF on
7325 kHz in AM mode S=9+45dB, and 9870 kHz in DRM mode at S=9+35dB.

73 wb

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ivo Observer" <ivo.observer@gmail.com>

Cc: "_ BCLNEWS" <bclnews@yahoogroups.com>; "Hard-Core-DX"

Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: [HCDX] Fw: 5989 ??

Exiting these days in Romania during monitoring log,
as GH always says
'something wrong often on RadioCom Galbeni Romania site ...' hi

Some tx breaks when listened at 14.19:30 UT

11972.532 kHz was powerful on air S=9+35dB in western Eurpe.
and 9810 kHz even fq kHz.

When checked at 14.30 UT was back on even 11975 kHz S=9+35dB also.

see table below - change at 07.30 UT Arabic also ...
73 wb

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ivo Observer" <ivo.observer@gmail.com>

To: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <
Cc: "Hard-Core-DX" <hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com>; "_ BCLNEWS"
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Fw: Fw: 5989 ??

14-16 Romanian on odd 11972.5, instead of 11975

ÐÐ ÐÐ, 4.03.2019 Ð. Ð 13:41 Ñ. Wolfgang Bueschel >

ROMANIA RRI Galbeni 15456.821 kHz switched back
to even 15460 kHz approx. 13.04 UT .... <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

One of the two US Continental transmitters at RadioCom site
Bacau Galbeni in eastern Romania
wandered frequency downwards on March 3 and 4, til 12.56 UT March 4:

ROMANIA RRI Galbeni in English language,
requested to Western Europe target

17800 kHz at 12.00 UT S=9+5dB in Doha Qatar in AM mode,
odd fq 15456.821 kHz kHz S=8-9 backlobe in Doha Qatar,
S=9+25 dB signal strength too in Blackpool-UK site. 12.00-12.56 UT.

But RRI English also via RadioCom Tiganeshti site
on 11825 and 21490 kHz even outlets, S=9+10dB in Qatar,

but 11825 kHz channel has terrible audio mix of co-channel
with AWR / via SLBC Trincomalee outlet in Korean language at 12-13 UT.

ROMANIA ex-15456.821 kHz at 12.00-12.56 UT March 3,
Arabic sce to NE/ME/NoAF and WeAF
15460 1300 1330 37 GAL 300 245 Ara ROU RRO
back on 15460 kHz even fq on March 4th

Also Arabic via RRI Tiganeshti site on 13630 kHz S=9+30dB, and
17810 kHz S=7-8 in Doha Qatar.

And also 5th transmission on air, RRI Romanian service on
9880 kHz via old 1956year bcast center Saftica 100 kW Continental tx
13.00-13.56 UT S=9+30dB here in western Europe.

RRI Chinese via Tiganeshti at 13.30-13.56 UT March 4,
9610 kHz S=9+5dB in Qatar, S=8-9 in Hiroshima sothern Japan
11825 kHz S=9+15dB in Qatar and Japan too.

73 wb

5980 0000 0100 12NE GAL 300 280 Spa ROU RRO 5978.772 kHz
9610 0600 0630 27SE GAL 300 285 Fra ROU RRO 9608.013 kHz
9770 0630 0700 27N GAL 90 300 Eng ROU RRO 9768.777 kHz

9610 0730 0800 37 GAL 300 245 Ara ROU RRO 9608.013 kHz <<<<

15380 0900 1000 38E GAL 300 175 Ron ROU RRO 15376.777 kHz
15260 1000 1100 27SE GAL 300 285 Ron ROU RRO 15256.800 kHz
15255 1100 1200 27SE GAL 300 285 Fra ROU RRO 15251.864 kHz

15460 1200 1300 27N GAL 90 307 Eng ROU RRO 15456.821 kHz GAL !
HFCC entry 15460kHz is faulty TIG marked 90 kW.
15460 1300 1330 37 GAL 300 245 Ara ROU RRO
back on even 15460 kHz fq March 4th around 13.04 UT

11975 1400 1600 27SE GAL 300 290 Ron ROU RRO 11972.532 kHz breaks

5990 1800 2100 27SE GAL 300 285 Ron ROU RRO 5988.790 kHz
6030 2100 2130 27SE GAL 90 285 Fra ROU RRO 6028.777 kHz
6030 2130 2200 27N GAL 90 300 Eng ROU RRO 6028.777 kHz
5980 2300 2400 27N GAL 300 285 Eng ROU RRO 5978.772 kHz

90kW DRM mode transmission

Hard-Core-DX mailing list


Fw: Fw: 5989 ??  View Printable Version 
Monday, March 04 2019

14-16 Romanian on odd 11972.5, instead of 11975

ÐÐ ÐÐ, 4.03.2019 Ð. Ð 13:41 Ñ. Wolfgang Bueschel <dg1sbn@t-online.de>

> ROMANIA RRI Galbeni 15456.821 kHz switched back
> to even 15460 kHz approx. 13.04 UT .... <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> One of the two US Continental transmitters at RadioCom site
> Bacau Galbeni in eastern Romania
> wandered frequency downwards on March 3 and 4, til 12.56 UT March 4:
> ROMANIA RRI Galbeni in English language,
> requested to Western Europe target
> 17800 kHz at 12.00 UT S=9+5dB in Doha Qatar in AM mode,
> and
> odd fq 15456.821 kHz kHz S=8-9 backlobe in Doha Qatar,
> S=9+25 dB signal strength too in Blackpool-UK site. 12.00-12.56 UT.
> But RRI English also via RadioCom Tiganeshti site
> on 11825 and 21490 kHz even outlets, S=9+10dB in Qatar,
> but 11825 kHz channel has terrible audio mix of co-channel
> with AWR / via SLBC Trincomalee outlet in Korean language at 12-13 UT.
> ROMANIA ex-15456.821 kHz at 12.00-12.56 UT March 3,
> Arabic sce to NE/ME/NoAF and WeAF
> 15460 1300 1330 37 GAL 300 245 Ara ROU RRO
> back on 15460 kHz even fq on March 4th
> Also Arabic via RRI Tiganeshti site on 13630 kHz S=9+30dB, and
> 17810 kHz S=7-8 in Doha Qatar.
> And also 5th transmission on air, RRI Romanian service on
> 9880 kHz via old 1956year bcast center Saftica 100 kW Continental tx
> 13.00-13.56 UT S=9+30dB here in western Europe.
> RRI Chinese via Tiganeshti at 13.30-13.56 UT March 4,
> 9610 kHz S=9+5dB in Qatar, S=8-9 in Hiroshima sothern Japan
> and
> 11825 kHz S=9+15dB in Qatar and Japan too.
> 73 wb
> 5980 0000 0100 12NE GAL 300 280 Spa ROU RRO 5978.772 kHz
> 9610 0600 0630 27SE GAL 300 285 Fra ROU RRO 9608.013 kHz
> 9770 0630 0700 27N GAL 90 300 Eng ROU RRO 9768.777 kHz
> 9770 0700 0730 28NW TIG 300 307 Deu ROU RRO 9768.777 kHz
> 15380 0900 1000 38E GAL 300 175 Ron ROU RRO 15376.777 kHz
> 15260 1000 1100 27SE GAL 300 285 Ron ROU RRO 15256.800 kHz
> 15255 1100 1200 27SE GAL 300 285 Fra ROU RRO 15251.864 kHz
> 15460 1200 1300 27N GAL 90 307 Eng ROU RRO 15456.821 kHz GAL !
> HFCC entry 15460kHz is faulty TIG marked 90 kW.
> 15460 1300 1330 37 GAL 300 245 Ara ROU RRO
> back on even 15460 kHz fq March 4th around 13.04 UT
> 5990 1800 2100 27SE GAL 300 285 Ron ROU RRO 5988.790 kHz
> 6030 2100 2130 27SE GAL 90 285 Fra ROU RRO 6028.777 kHz
> 6030 2130 2200 27N GAL 90 300 Eng ROU RRO 6028.777 kHz
> 5980 2300 2400 27N GAL 300 285 Eng ROU RRO 5978.772 kHz
> 90kW DRM mode transmission
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Wolfgang Bueschel"
> To: "_ BCLNEWS" <bclnews@yahoogroups.com>; "DXLD" <dxld@yahoogroups.com>;
> Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 12:51 PM
> Subject: [HCDX] Fw: 5989 ??
> ROMANIA RRI Galbeni both in AM mode Romanian language,
> requested to Western Europe target,
> 11780 kHz at 11.00 UT S=9+30dB in GER, HOL, etc.
> and AM mode
> odd fq 15251.864 kHz kHz S=9+40 dB signal strength too. 11.00-11.56 UT.
> 73 wb
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Wolfgang Bueschel"
> To: "Bdxc-News" <bdxc-news@groups.io>; <hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com>;
> Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 9:39 AM
> Subject: Re: [HCDX] 5989 ??
> ROMANIA RRI Galbeni 'DRM mode' English at 06.50 UT March 4,
> on 9768.77 kHz S=9+35dB here in GER, HOL, etc.
> RRI Galbeni both in AM mode Arabic language,
> requested to NoWeAfrica, Maghreb/Sahel target,
> 9610 kHz at 07.50 UT, on 9608.013 kHz exact
> S=9+35dB here in GER, HOL, etc.
> and AM mode 11660exact kHz S=9+20 dB too. 07.30-07.56 UT.
> Latter ended at 07.56 UT with 1000 Hertz tone technical check,
> about 20seconds on air.
> 73 wb
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
> To: "Bdxc-News" <bdxc-news@groups.io>; <hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com>;
> Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 1:13 AM
> Subject: Re: [HCDX] 5989 ??
> ROMANIA RRI Galbeni 'DRM mode' English at 23.50 UT March 3,
> on 5978.77 kHz S=9+35dB here in GER, HOL, etc.
> and AM mode 7220exact kHz S=9+10 dB too. 23-23.56 UT.
> RRI Galbeni both in AM mode Spanish
> at 00.10 UT, on 5978.772 kHz exact
> S=9+35dB here in GER, HOL, etc.
> and AM mode 7325exact kHz S=9+5 dB too. 00.00-00.56 UT.
> 73 wb
> > ROMANIA RRI Galbeni DRM mode Fr at 21.00 UT, En 21.30 UT March 3,
> on 6028.8 kHz exact S=9+35dB here in GER, HOL, etc.
> and AM mode 7375exact kHz S=9+10 dB too. 21-22 UT. 73 wb
> > ROMANIA RRI Galbeni 5988.790 kHz exact S=9+40dB here in GER, HOL, etc..
> > and 7375 kHz S=9+45 dB too. 19-21 UT. 73 wb
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Dave Kenny via Groups.Io" <dave.kenny=ntlworld.com@groups.io>
> > Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2019 8:58 PM
> > Subject: Re: [bdxc-news] 5989 ??
> >
> > Yes it's RRI in Romanian, with Romanian folk music now. Tx is off-channel
> > it should be on 5990 1800-2100 parallel 7375 per WRTH
> >> 73s Dave
> >
> > On 3 Mar 2019 19:34, Will Grocott <wjcgrocott@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Maybe Radio Romania Int.?
> > _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


Fw: Fw: Fw: 5989 ??  View Printable Version 
Monday, March 04 2019


ROMANIA RRI Galbeni in Romanian language,
to Europe target, 18.00 - 20.56 UT.

7375 kHz at 18.00 UT S=9+50dB POWERHOUSE in GER/HOL,
odd fq 5988.768 kHz S=9+45dB on SDR side in Holland.

And at 18.00 UT also nearby Balkan/ITA/UKR sce:
5955even Ukrainian sce via older Saftica site via #812 revolving antenna

100 kW lowered to 75kW,
S=9+25dB signal noted in GER and HOL.

And RRI English sce via Tiganesti to western Europe target on
5935 kHz in AM mode S=9+35dB,
and 7350 kHz lowered 90kW instead of 300
in DRM mode at S=9+50dB POWERHOUSE.

73 wb

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>

To: "_ BCLNEWS" <bclnews@yahoogroups.com>; <hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com>;
"DXLD" <dxld@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 6:16 PM
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Fw: Fw: 5989 ??

ROMANIA RRI Galbeni in Arabic language,
to Maghreb, NoWeAF, WeAF, WeSahel target

11975 kHz at 16.50 UT S=7-8 sidelobe only, logged in western Europe,
odd fq 9608.021 kHz S=9+30dB side in Holland, 16.30-16.56 UT UT.

At 16.56:30 UT move to
odd fq 9807.981 kHz Romanian language sce at 17.00-17.56 UT
S=9+45dB powerhouse then.

And AM mode Galbeni 7370 kHz even, also S=9+45dB powerful Romanian sce.

And at 17.00 UT also nearby Balkan/ITA/UKR sce:
5955even Italian sce via older Saftica site, 100 kW,
S=9+30dB signal noted in GER and HOL.

And RRI French sce via Tiganesti to western Europe / NoWeAF on
7325 kHz in AM mode S=9+45dB, and 9870 kHz in DRM mode at S=9+35dB.

73 wb

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ivo Observer" <ivo.observer@gmail.com>

Cc: "_ BCLNEWS" <bclnews@yahoogroups.com>; "Hard-Core-DX"

Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: [HCDX] Fw: 5989 ??

Exiting these days in Romania during monitoring log,
as GH always says
'something wrong often on RadioCom Galbeni Romania site ...' hi

Some tx breaks when listened at 14.19:30 UT

11972.532 kHz was powerful on air S=9+35dB in western Eurpe.
and 9810 kHz even fq kHz.

When checked at 14.30 UT was back on even 11975 kHz S=9+35dB also.

see table below - change at 07.30 UT Arabic also ...
73 wb

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ivo Observer" <ivo.observer@gmail.com>

To: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <
Cc: "Hard-Core-DX" <hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com>; "_ BCLNEWS"
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Fw: Fw: 5989 ??

14-16 Romanian on odd 11972.5, instead of 11975

ÐÐ ÐÐ, 4.03.2019 Ð. Ð 13:41 Ñ. Wolfgang Bueschel >

ROMANIA RRI Galbeni 15456.821 kHz switched back
to even 15460 kHz approx. 13.04 UT .... <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

One of the two US Continental transmitters at RadioCom site
Bacau Galbeni in eastern Romania
wandered frequency downwards on March 3 and 4, til 12.56 UT March 4:

ROMANIA RRI Galbeni in English language,
requested to Western Europe target

17800 kHz at 12.00 UT S=9+5dB in Doha Qatar in AM mode,
odd fq 15456.821 kHz kHz S=8-9 backlobe in Doha Qatar,
S=9+25 dB signal strength too in Blackpool-UK site. 12.00-12.56 UT.

But RRI English also via RadioCom Tiganeshti site
on 11825 and 21490 kHz even outlets, S=9+10dB in Qatar,

but 11825 kHz channel has terrible audio mix of co-channel
with AWR / via SLBC Trincomalee outlet in Korean language at 12-13 UT.

ROMANIA ex-15456.821 kHz at 12.00-12.56 UT March 3,
Arabic sce to NE/ME/NoAF and WeAF
15460 1300 1330 37 GAL 300 245 Ara ROU RRO
back on 15460 kHz even fq on March 4th

Also Arabic via RRI Tiganeshti site on 13630 kHz S=9+30dB, and
17810 kHz S=7-8 in Doha Qatar.

And also 5th transmission on air, RRI Romanian service on
9880 kHz via old 1956year bcast center Saftica 100 kW Continental tx
13.00-13.56 UT S=9+30dB here in western Europe.

RRI Chinese via Tiganeshti at 13.30-13.56 UT March 4,
9610 kHz S=9+5dB in Qatar, S=8-9 in Hiroshima sothern Japan
11825 kHz S=9+15dB in Qatar and Japan too.

73 wb

5980 0000 0100 12NE GAL 300 280 Spa ROU RRO 5978.772 kHz
9610 0600 0630 27SE GAL 300 285 Fra ROU RRO 9608.013 kHz
9770 0630 0700 27N GAL 90 300 Eng ROU RRO 9768.777 kHz

9610 0730 0800 37 GAL 300 245 Ara ROU RRO 9608.013 kHz <<<<

15380 0900 1000 38E GAL 300 175 Ron ROU RRO 15376.777 kHz
15260 1000 1100 27SE GAL 300 285 Ron ROU RRO 15256.800 kHz
15255 1100 1200 27SE GAL 300 285 Fra ROU RRO 15251.864 kHz

15460 1200 1300 27N GAL 90 307 Eng ROU RRO 15456.821 kHz GAL !
HFCC entry 15460kHz is faulty TIG marked 90 kW.
15460 1300 1330 37 GAL 300 245 Ara ROU RRO
back on even 15460 kHz fq March 4th around 13.04 UT

11975 1400 1600 27SE GAL 300 290 Ron ROU RRO 11972.532 kHz breaks

5990 1800 2100 27SE GAL 300 285 Ron ROU RRO 5988.790 kHz
6030 2100 2130 27SE GAL 90 285 Fra ROU RRO 6028.777 kHz
6030 2130 2200 27N GAL 90 300 Eng ROU RRO 6028.777 kHz
5980 2300 2400 27N GAL 300 285 Eng ROU RRO 5978.772 kHz

90kW DRM mode transmission

Hard-Core-DX mailing list


Fw: 5989 ??  View Printable Version 
Monday, March 04 2019


ROMANIA RRI Galbeni both in AM mode Romanian language,
requested to Western Europe target,

11780 kHz at 11.00 UT S=9+30dB in GER, HOL, etc.
and AM mode
odd fq 15251.864 kHz kHz S=9+40 dB signal strength too. 11.00-11.56 UT.

73 wb

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel"
To: "Bdxc-News" <bdxc-news@groups.io>; <hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com>;
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 9:39 AM

Subject: Re: [HCDX] 5989 ??

ROMANIA RRI Galbeni 'DRM mode' English at 06.50 UT March 4,
on 9768.77 kHz S=9+35dB here in GER, HOL, etc.

RRI Galbeni both in AM mode Arabic language,
requested to NoWeAfrica, Maghreb/Sahel target,

9610 kHz at 07.50 UT, on 9608.013 kHz exact
S=9+35dB here in GER, HOL, etc.
and AM mode 11660exact kHz S=9+20 dB too. 07.30-07.56 UT.

Latter ended at 07.56 UT with 1000 Hertz tone technical check,
about 20seconds on air.

73 wb

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>

To: "Bdxc-News" <bdxc-news@groups.io>; <hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com>;
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 1:13 AM
Subject: Re: [HCDX] 5989 ??

ROMANIA RRI Galbeni 'DRM mode' English at 23.50 UT March 3,
on 5978.77 kHz S=9+35dB here in GER, HOL, etc.
and AM mode 7220exact kHz S=9+10 dB too. 23-23.56 UT.

RRI Galbeni both in AM mode Spanish
at 00.10 UT, on 5978.772 kHz exact
S=9+35dB here in GER, HOL, etc.
and AM mode 7325exact kHz S=9+5 dB too. 00.00-00.56 UT.
73 wb

ROMANIA RRI Galbeni DRM mode Fr at 21.00 UT, En 21.30 UT March 3,

on 6028.8 kHz exact S=9+35dB here in GER, HOL, etc.
and AM mode 7375exact kHz S=9+10 dB too. 21-22 UT. 73 wb

ROMANIA RRI Galbeni 5988.790 kHz exact S=9+40dB here in GER, HOL, etc.
and 7375 kHz S=9+45 dB too. 19-21 UT. 73 wb

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Kenny via Groups.Io" <dave.kenny=ntlworld.com@groups.io>

Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2019 8:58 PM
Subject: Re: [bdxc-news] 5989 ??

Yes it's RRI in Romanian, with Romanian folk music now. Tx is off-channel
it should be on 5990 1800-2100 parallel 7375 per WRTH

73s Dave

On 3 Mar 2019 19:34, Will Grocott <wjcgrocott@gmail.com> wrote:
Maybe Radio Romania Int.?
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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