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WEWN 12050, still major problems  View Printable Version 
Monday, June 17 2019


when checked at Cape Canaveral and Edmonton SDR's,
at 16.20 ... 16.24 UT,

some sudden crash start tries noted
from Zero on 12050 kHz by WEWN,

up to S=9+ signal in Florida.

73 wb

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <dg1sbn@t-online.de>
To: "DXLD" <dxld@yahoogroups.com>; <hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com>;

Sent: Monday, June 17, 2019 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: [WOR] WEWN 12050, still major problems

12050 I heard only Iran in Hindi language today.

12050 WEWN not on air 14.00 - 14.40 UT today

only amongst others in this 25mb section
11969.988 TWN SOH
12050even IRN VoIRIB Sirjan, Hindi S=8 in Edmonton <<<<<<<<<<<<
12080even PHL Tinang Korean, powerhouse, 11 kHz wide
12140even MRA Saipan Cambodian
12160even UZB TWR India Taskent - CODAAAAAAR brooooaaadband

73 wolfie df5sx

** U S A. 12065-12120 approx., June 16 at 1348, WEWN Spanish with huge
loud spurblob audible over this range, best readable in FM mode (much
like the old RHC 13/15 MHz spurs which thankfully have not been heard
in months). Center is very approx. 12082-12083. There is also a very
weak S7-S9 AM signal on source 12050. Can`t even detect VOA Korean on
12080 until 1421 when a carrier is there under this mess.
Recheck at 1652: still readable only in Fm mode altho distorted, now
seems centered closer to 12078; 1755 recheck, same but weaker.

I notified Glen Tapley about this for the third time. This is very
like a previous report to the WOR io group by Jim Barrett:

``USA WEWN 12082 v 12085 11 Jun 2019 1400 UTC to 20:50 UTC --- Since
the 1400 scheduled sign-on of WEWN Spanish service on 12050, the
This report dispatched at 1947 UT June 16 ........
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Barrett" <jbarrett@stny.rr.com>

Sent: Monday, June 17, 2019 5:23 PM
Subject: Re: [WOR] WEWN 12050, still major problems

At the moment, I see only the unmodulated carrier on 12050 at 1453 UTC


9330.122 kHz odd fq OLD TX Unit at 14.10 UT June 17, S=6 in Detroit MI

** U S A. 9330.00, June 16 at 1654, WBCQ-6 is on again, new
transmitter testing, with oldtime hymn, soon into Brother Scare
roarer; S9+10 with fading; much stronger than JBA 9265 WINB, 9395
WRMI, but even WBCQ cannot overcome the noise level. Recheck at 1754,
off again, neither 9330v transmitter detectable.

Manfred Korn in Stuttgart was also hearing AAAWWW June 16 between 04
and 05 on 9330, which must have been another #6 test (Glenn Hauser,

Groups.io Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.

View/Reply Online (#108836): https://groups.io/g/WOR/message/108836
Mute This Topic: https://groups.io/mt/32086325/514843
Group Owner: WOR+owner@groups.io
Unsubscribe: https://groups.io/g/WOR/leave/3934424/1900397415/xyzzy


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WEWN 12050, still major problems  View Printable Version 
Monday, June 17 2019


At 16.40 UT still some TX down breaks - but signal WEWN 12050 kHz is clean,
about 10.8 kHz audio wideband, covers also adjacent NHK Radio Japan Yamata
bcast on 12045 kHz channel.
Nearby is WWCR service on 12160 kHz also.

B U T terrible CODAR signal covers totally 12098 to 12294 kHz frequency
range in North America.

73 wolfie df5sx

----- Original Message -----
From: "'Wolfgang Bueschel'

Sent: Monday, June 17, 2019 6:26 PM
Subject: [dxld] Re: [WOR] WEWN 12050, still major problems

when checked at Cape Canaveral and Edmonton SDR's,
at 16.20 ... 16.24 UT,

some sudden crash start tries noted
from Zero on 12050 kHz by WEWN,

up to S=9+ signal in Florida.

73 wb

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel"> Sent: Monday, June 17, 2019 5:55 PM

Subject: Re: [WOR] WEWN 12050, still major problems

12050 I heard only Iran in Hindi language today.

12050 WEWN not on air 14.00 - 14.40 UT today

only amongst others in this 25mb section
11969.988 TWN SOH
12050even IRN VoIRIB Sirjan, Hindi S=8 in Edmonton <<<<<<<<<<<<
12080even PHL Tinang Korean, powerhouse, 11 kHz wide
12140even MRA Saipan Cambodian
12160even UZB TWR India Taskent - CODAAAAAAR brooooaaadband

73 wolfie df5sx

** U S A. 12065-12120 approx., June 16 at 1348, WEWN Spanish with huge
loud spurblob audible over this range, best readable in FM mode (much
like the old RHC 13/15 MHz spurs which thankfully have not been heard
in months). Center is very approx. 12082-12083. There is also a very
weak S7-S9 AM signal on source 12050. Can`t even detect VOA Korean on
12080 until 1421 when a carrier is there under this mess.
Recheck at 1652: still readable only in Fm mode altho distorted, now
seems centered closer to 12078; 1755 recheck, same but weaker.

I notified Glen Tapley about this for the third time. This is very
like a previous report to the WOR io group by Jim Barrett:

``USA WEWN 12082 v 12085 11 Jun 2019 1400 UTC to 20:50 UTC --- Since
the 1400 scheduled sign-on of WEWN Spanish service on 12050, the
This report dispatched at 1947 UT June 16 ........
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Barrett" <jbarrett@stny.rr.com>

Sent: Monday, June 17, 2019 5:23 PM
Subject: Re: [WOR] WEWN 12050, still major problems

At the moment, I see only the unmodulated carrier on 12050 at 1453 UTC
June 17.

Hard-Core-DX mailing list


WEWN 12050, still major problems  View Printable Version 
Monday, June 17 2019


12050 I heard only Iran in Hindi language today.

12050 WEWN not on air 14.00 - 14.40 UT today

only amongst others in this 25mb section
11969.988 TWN SOH
12050even IRN VoIRIB Sirjan, Hindi S=8 in Edmonton <<<<<<<<<<<<
12080even PHL Tinang Korean, powerhouse, 11 kHz wide
12140even MRA Saipan Cambodian
12160even UZB TWR India Taskent - CODAAAAAAR brooooaaadband

73 wolfie df5sx

** U S A. 12065-12120 approx., June 16 at 1348, WEWN Spanish with huge
loud spurblob audible over this range, best readable in FM mode (much
like the old RHC 13/15 MHz spurs which thankfully have not been heard
in months). Center is very approx. 12082-12083. There is also a very
weak S7-S9 AM signal on source 12050. Can`t even detect VOA Korean on
12080 until 1421 when a carrier is there under this mess.
Recheck at 1652: still readable only in Fm mode altho distorted, now
seems centered closer to 12078; 1755 recheck, same but weaker.

I notified Glen Tapley about this for the third time. This is very
like a previous report to the WOR io group by Jim Barrett:

``USA WEWN 12082 v 12085 11 Jun 2019 1400 UTC to 20:50 UTC --- Since
the 1400 scheduled sign-on of WEWN Spanish service on 12050, the
This report dispatched at 1947 UT June 16 ........
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Barrett" <jbarrett@stny.rr.com>

Sent: Monday, June 17, 2019 5:23 PM
Subject: Re: [WOR] WEWN 12050, still major problems

At the moment, I see only the unmodulated carrier on 12050 at 1453 UTC June

9330.122 kHz odd fq OLD TX Unit at 14.10 UT June 17, S=6 in Detroit MI

** U S A. 9330.00, June 16 at 1654, WBCQ-6 is on again, new
transmitter testing, with oldtime hymn, soon into Brother Scare
roarer; S9+10 with fading; much stronger than JBA 9265 WINB, 9395
WRMI, but even WBCQ cannot overcome the noise level. Recheck at 1754,
off again, neither 9330v transmitter detectable.

Manfred Korn in Stuttgart was also hearing AAAWWW June 16 between 04
and 05 on 9330, which must have been another #6 test (Glenn Hauser,

Hard-Core-DX mailing list


WBSD 89.1 Burlington WI.  View Printable Version 
Monday, June 17 2019

Maybe they don`t keep a minute-by-minute playlist and don`t want to admit it.

Some people want to avoid negativity, hard as that may be for us to believe ---

Glenn Hauser

On Mon, 6/17/19, <steve.kamp@comcast.net> wrote:

Subject: Re: [HCDX] WBSD 89.1 Burlington WI.
To: walkerbroadcasting@gmail.com, ABDX@yahoogroups.com, Hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com
Date: Monday, June 17, 2019, 12:16 AM

He is probably an Internet first person that
does not understand or care radio propagation

Sent from Xfinity Connect Application

-----Original Message-----

From: walkerbroadcasting@gmail.com
To: ABDX@yahoogroups.com,
Sent: 2019-06-16 3:51:27 PM
Subject: Re: [HCDX] WBSD 89.1
Burlington WI.

I give up after A FOURTH EMAIL... i
explained what a DX'er is, where I am,
what exactly I want to know and why..
and the GM still doesnt answer me. He
once again tells me how I can listen
online, thanks me for listening from
Laramie and suggests I tune into their
sunday morning big band show.

Either he can't answer and doesnt wanna
tell me can't or he's dumb as a box
of rocks and can't figure out what im
asking and why despite me making it
clear and explaining it.

On Sun, Jun 16, 2019 at 2:12 PM Paul B.
Walker, Jr. <

> Does ANYONE know ANYONE that might
be connected to the staff or engineers
> at school district owned WBSD 89.1
In Burlington Wisconsin?
> For the life of me, I can’t get
the station manager at WBSD to understand
> why I’m asking about a
particular song and if it aired at a certain time.
> So therefore, he hasn’t told me
if t did or didn’t, and I can’t add this
> station to my log book.
> In the 3 emails he’s replied to
mine with, he makes general references of
> how to listen and some of the
songs they play on Saturday night.
> Any help??
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions
set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions
set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

Hard-Core-DX mailing list


WBSD 89.1 Burlington WI.  View Printable Version 
Monday, June 17 2019

He is probably an Internet first person that does not understand or care radio propagation

Sent from Xfinity Connect Application

-----Original Message-----

From: walkerbroadcasting@gmail.com
To: ABDX@yahoogroups.com, Hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com
Sent: 2019-06-16 3:51:27 PM
Subject: Re: [HCDX] WBSD 89.1 Burlington WI.

I give up after A FOURTH EMAIL... i explained what a DX'er is, where I am,
what exactly I want to know and why.. and the GM still doesnt answer me. He
once again tells me how I can listen online, thanks me for listening from
Laramie and suggests I tune into their sunday morning big band show.

Either he can't answer and doesnt wanna tell me can't or he's dumb as a box
of rocks and can't figure out what im asking and why despite me making it
clear and explaining it.

On Sun, Jun 16, 2019 at 2:12 PM Paul B. Walker, Jr. <
walkerbroadcasting@gmail.com> wrote:

> Does ANYONE know ANYONE that might be connected to the staff or engineers
> at school district owned WBSD 89.1 In Burlington Wisconsin?
> For the life of me, I can’t get the station manager at WBSD to understand
> why I’m asking about a particular song and if it aired at a certain time.
> So therefore, he hasn’t told me if t did or didn’t, and I can’t add this
> station to my log book.
> In the 3 emails he’s replied to mine with, he makes general references of
> how to listen and some of the songs they play on Saturday night.
> Any help??
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


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