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Radio Verdad on air, heard in Reinante  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, June 18 2019


Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Log in Reinante
Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters

GUATEMALA, 4055, RADIO VERDAD, Chiquimula, on air, 0430, 18-06, heard
now with religious comments in Spanish. Very weak, best on LSB. 15311.

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WEWN 12050, still major problems  View Printable Version 
Monday, June 17 2019


at 22.38 UT WEWN 12050 kHz is on air with clean audio,
program in Cape Canaveral similar strong like REE Madrid from Noblejas on
12030 kHz,

similar signals also noted in remote SDRs in Edmonton, Detroit, Rochester
and NJ US east.

B U T terrible CODAR signal covers totally 12098 to 12294 kHz frequency
range in North America.

73 wolfie

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ivo Ivanov" <ivo.observer@gmail.com>

Sent: Monday, June 17, 2019 9:56 PM
Subject: Re: [WOR] WEWN 12050, still major problems

Yes Kai, 12050 and 5970 are from different txs
WEWN-1 Global Catholic Radio, Vandiver
0000-0900 on 11610 EWN 250 kW / 085 deg to WeAf English
0900-1300 on 9470 EWN 250 kW / 355 deg to SEAs English
1900-2400 on 15610 EWN 250 kW / 085 deg to WeAf English

WEWN-2 Radio Catolica Mundial, Vandiver
1400-2400 on 12050 EWN 100 kW / 155 deg to CeAm Spanish

WEWN-3 Radio Catolica Mundial, Vandiver
0000-1400 on 5970 EWN 100 kW / 160 deg to CeAm Spanish

На пн, 17.06.2019 г. в 19:39 ч. Kai Ludwig <KaiLudwig@t-online.de> написа:

When WEWN 12050 is experiencing the problem, all of the RF energy is
concentrated in the upper sideband, centered between 20 and 30 KHz above
the carrier, and more FM than anything else.

The evening broadcast on 5970 kHz is fine, as is the late afternoon
broadcast on 15610 kHz

- I'd say the error pattern points at the modulator as culprit
- Tonight at 1920 no apparent issue with the transmitter, but another
problem: At Bonaire 12050 is an almost 1:1 mixture of Vandiver with
Woofferton, carrying Radio Ndarason programming
- 5970 and 12050 could well be different transmitters, connected to
different antennas
- 15610 was, also at 1920, just barely audible here in Central Europe.
I doubt that it will produce a usable signal level in West Africa
- Would EWTN provide a budget for more extensive repairs by the
transmitter manufacturer and/or other contractors, at this point, with
the operation meanwhile appearing to be in phase-out status? I doubt it
Kai Ludwig

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�indows-1252?q23148 / Reception in São Bernardo SP �indows-1252?q2C BRAZIL - June 17, 2019  View Printable Version 
Monday, June 17 2019

June 17, 2019 (Times in UTC)
Rx: KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL, São Bernardo) + PA0RDT Mini Whip
BRAZIL: 9665 kHz Radio Voz Missionaria, Camboriu SC, PP, 17/06 1307. Male
communication, id (jingle) ‘Radio Voz Missionaria, a radio missionária do
Brasil...’. 35553 (RG).
CHINA: 11885 kHz PBS Xinjiang, Uyghur, 17/06 1745. Typical songs by male
voice, 1759: male communication (id???), 1800: time pips, sign-off. 25332
(RG). Tx w/230° Az to Asia.
CHINA: 12025 kHz China Radio International, via Urumqi, Ch, 17/06 1410. Male
and female announcers. Phone-in (male voice). 35553 (RG). Tx w/270° Az in
Chinese language to Europe.
GUINEA: 9650 kHz Radio Guinea (Radio Télévision Guinéenne - RTG), FF, 17/06
1320. Instrumental mx - guitar, female communication 'Guinea, Abidjan,...',
nx bulletin, a typical style song by male voice. 35553 (RG).
KUWAIT: 11630 kHz Radio Kuwait, Sulaibiyah, AA, 17/06 1332. Male
communication, international songs (various international styles). 35543
(RG). Tx w/230 ° Az to Africa.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: 11930 kHz Radio Marti, Greenville, SS, 17/06 1415..
Mention of the 'people of Cuba, shortage of food in Cuba, but meat exports
to Uruguay ... 1 kg of meat for 22 dollars in Cuba'. 35543 (RG). Tx in SS
w/183° to Cuba and northern South America.
(RG) - Rudolf Grimm PY2-81502 SWL
São Bernardo SP, BRAZIL
YouTube Channel: GrimmSBC

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WEWN 12050, still major problems  View Printable Version 
Monday, June 17 2019



in 'nearby' Bonaire KiwiSDR remotedly
at 22.45 UT some S=9+10dB or -62dBm signal in peaks.

73 wb df5sx

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel"

"World of Radio" <WOR@groups.io>
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2019 12:36 AM
Subject: Re: [HCDX] [WOR] WEWN 12050, still major problems

at 22.38 UT WEWN 12050 kHz is on air with clean audio,
program in Cape Canaveral similar strong like REE Madrid from Noblejas on
12030 kHz,

similar signals also noted in remote SDRs in Edmonton, Detroit, Rochester
and NJ US east.

B U T terrible CODAR signal covers totally 12098 to 12294 kHz frequency
range in North America.

73 wolfie

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ivo Ivanov" <ivo.observer@gmail.com>

Sent: Monday, June 17, 2019 9:56 PM
Subject: Re: [WOR] WEWN 12050, still major problems

Yes Kai, 12050 and 5970 are from different txs
WEWN-1 Global Catholic Radio, Vandiver
0000-0900 on 11610 EWN 250 kW / 085 deg to WeAf English
0900-1300 on 9470 EWN 250 kW / 355 deg to SEAs English
1900-2400 on 15610 EWN 250 kW / 085 deg to WeAf English

WEWN-2 Radio Catolica Mundial, Vandiver
1400-2400 on 12050 EWN 100 kW / 155 deg to CeAm Spanish

WEWN-3 Radio Catolica Mundial, Vandiver
0000-1400 on 5970 EWN 100 kW / 160 deg to CeAm Spanish

На пн, 17.06.2019 г. в 19:39 ч. Kai Ludwig <KaiLudwig@t-online.de> написа:

When WEWN 12050 is experiencing the problem, all of the RF energy is
concentrated in the upper sideband, centered between 20 and 30 KHz above
the carrier, and more FM than anything else.

The evening broadcast on 5970 kHz is fine, as is the late afternoon
broadcast on 15610 kHz

- I'd say the error pattern points at the modulator as culprit
- Tonight at 1920 no apparent issue with the transmitter, but another
problem: At Bonaire 12050 is an almost 1:1 mixture of Vandiver with
Woofferton, carrying Radio Ndarason programming
- 5970 and 12050 could well be different transmitters, connected to
different antennas
- 15610 was, also at 1920, just barely audible here in Central Europe.
I doubt that it will produce a usable signal level in West Africa
- Would EWTN provide a budget for more extensive repairs by the
transmitter manufacturer and/or other contractors, at this point, with
the operation meanwhile appearing to be in phase-out status? I doubt it
Kai Ludwig

_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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SWLDXBulgaria News June 17  View Printable Version 
Monday, June 17 2019

SWLDXBulgaria News June 17 (publications №20301-№20321)
EGYPT Mystery Egyptian Music Station on 9400 kHz, June 17:
0815-0818 on 9400 unknown tx / unknown to ????, good

FRANCE(non) Reception of Denge Welat via TDF Issoudun on June 17
1600-2100 on 11530 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish, very good
With a frequent interruption of the audio, same as in the morning:
0230-0500 on 9525 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish
0500-0600 on 11530 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs

FRANCE(non) Reception of Alameda Bible Fellowship via TDF Issoudn on June 17:
1700-1730 on 13660 ISS 500 kW / 135 deg to EaAf English Mon/Wed/Fri,
good signalhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/06/reception-of-alameda-bible-fellowship_17.html

FRANCE vs.SAUDI ARABIA Alameda Bible Fellowship vs Rep.of Yemen Radio, June 17
1930-2000 on 11860 ISS 500 kW / 180 deg to WeAf English Mon/Wed/Fri Alameda BF &
same time on 11860 JED or RIY / unknown to N/ME Arabic Daily Rep.of Yemen Radio:
Emergency frequency change 10-20 kHz down, free channels are 11840,
11835, 11830https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/06/alameda-bible-fellowship-vs-repof-yemen_17.html

GERMANY(non) Reception of Voice of Eritrean Lowlands via MBR Issoudun, June 17
1700-1730 on 15390 ISS 100 kW / 123 deg to EaAf Arabic Mon/Sat, very
good signalhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/06/reception-of-voice-of-eritrean-lowlands_17.html

GERMANY(non) Dandal Kura Radio International via MBR Issoudun, June 17
1800-1900 on 11830 ISS 100 kW / 167 deg to CeAf Kanuri, fair/good

GERMANY(non) Sawtu Linjiila Voice of Gospel via MBR Issoudun, June 17
1830-1900 on 15315 ISS 500 kW / 180 deg to WCAf Fulfulde Mon-Thu,

GERMANY(non) Reception of Koode Radio International via MBR Issoudun, June 17
1900-1930 on 9810 ISS 100 kW / 175 deg to WCAf Nigerian Fulfulde,
fair to goodhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/06/reception-of-koode-radio-international_17.html

MADAGASCAR(non) Adventist World Radio via Talata Volonondry, June 17
0600-0630 on 17790 MDC 250 kW / 310 deg to WeAf French, good

MADAGASCAR(non) Deutsche Welle via Talata Volonondry, June 17
0630-0700 on 17800 MDC 250 kW / 310 deg to WeAf Hausa, good

MOLDOVA(non) Reception of Denge Welat via Grigoriopol on June 17
0600-1600 on 11530 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish, very

NUMBERS STATION Good signal of E11 Oblique in 41mb, June 17
0450-0453 on 7469 unknown secret tx site to Eu English

NUMBERS STATION Good signal of E11 Oblique in 25mb, June 17
0600-0603 on 11559 unknown secret tx site to Eu English

NUMBERS STATION Good signal of E11 Oblique in 41mb, June 17
0745-0748 on 9610 unknown secret tx site to Eu English

NUMBERS STATION Fair signal of G06 German Lady in 41mb, June 12:
0801-0805 on 7323 unknown secret tx site to Eu German USB+AM

NUMBERS STATION Fair signal of S06s Russian Lady in 31mb, June 17
0840-0846 on 9353 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian USB+AM

NUMBERS STATION Good signal of S06s Russian Lady in 25mb, June 17
1211-1217 on 12165 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian USB+AM

UNIDentified Russian Utility broadcast, June 17
from 0600 on 6053 USB mode Russian,

USA Good signal of OCB Radio Marti in 41mb on June 17
from 0500 on 7335 GB 250 kW / 225 deg to Cuba

USA Test transmissions of "Super Power Station" WBCQ-6, June 17.
Power, azimuths and target areas are tentative, according to HFCC.
0300-0700 on 9330 BCQ 500 kW / 280 deg to WNAm English, weak/fair
0700-0800 on 9330 BCQ 500 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English, very

UTILITY Reception of LZW Varna Radio in 80mb on June 17:
0709&0714 on 3740 USB mode Bulgarian/English, fair


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire

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