Manuel Méndez Lugo, SpainLogs in Friol Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters ANTARCTICA, 15476, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, 1817-1910, 11-07, Spanish, comments, songs. Very weak, best on USB. 15311. (Méndez)
BOLIVIA 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cotapachi, 2220-2217, 13-07, Quechua, comments. Very weak. 15311. (Méndez)
5952.4, Radio Pio XII, Siglo XII, (presumend), 2307-2315, 14-07, extremely weak, carrier and some comments detected. (Méndez)
BRAZIL 4774.9, Radio Congonhas, Congonhas, 0405-0420, 13-07, Brazilian songs. Very weak. 15311. (Méndez)
4875, Radiodifusora Roraima, Boavista, 0350-0359*, 13-07, Brazilian songs, Portuguese, comments. 25322.
Also 2142-2155, 13-07, Brazilian songs. 25322. Also 2312-2319, 14-07, Portuguese, comments. 25322. (Méndez)4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 2110-2115, 13-07, Portuguese, soccer, live matches. 24322. (Méndez)
4905, Radio Relogio Federal, Rio de Janeiro, 2140-2155, 13-07, Portuguese, comments, Brazilian songs. Very weak. 15311. (Méndez)
6010, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 0415-0424, 13-07, Brazilian songs. Very weak. 15311. (Méndez)
11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goheren, 0942-1015, 13-07, Brazilian songs, Portuguese, comments. 15321. (Méndez)
CANADA, 6070, CFRX, Toronto, 0420-0515, 13-07, English, news, comments, at 0458 commercial advertisements. 25432. (Méndez)
CONGO, 6115, Radio Congo, Brazaville, 1812-1844*, 11-07, French, comments, “Les Congolaises”, songs. 14321.
Also *0540-0555, 14-07, French, comments. 14311. (Méndez)CONGO, D. R., Radio Kahuzi, Bukavu, 1745-1816*, 12-07, Vernacular comments, religious songs. Extremely weak. 15311. Also 1750-1819*, 13-07, religious songs, vernacular comments. Very weak. 15321. Also 1745-1807*, 14-07, religious songs and vernacular comments. Weak but clear signal today. 15321 but at about 1755 signal improved to 25332. (Méndez)
DENMARK 5840, World Music Radio, Randers, 2040-2055, 13-07, pop songs in English, id. “World Music Radio, WMR...”. 24322. (Méndez)
15805, World Music Radio, Randers, 1620-1635, 13-07, pop songs in English. 25322. (Méndez)
ECUADOR, 6050, HCJB, Pichincha, 0350-0500*, 13-07, German, DX program (Saturday), at 0400 Spanish, religious, anthem and close at 0500. From 0359 to 0459 Strong QRM from Algeria on the same frequency. 31421. Also 0300-0310, 14-07, Spanish, religious comments, “Esta es una producción de HCJB”. 25322.
Also 2316-2324, 14-07, Very nice Andean songs. 25322. (Méndez)ERITREA, 7180, Voice of Broad Masses, Asmara, 1701-1720, 13-07, Vernacular comments. 24322. (Méndez)
EQUATORAL GUINEA, 5005, Radio Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial, Bata, *0517-0540, 13-07, open with non stop African songs. 15321.
Also *0534-0543, 14-07, songs. Extremely weak today. 15311.GERMANY 6085, Radio Mi Amigo International, Kall Krekel, *0700-0715, 13-07, English, id. “Radio Mi Amigo International”, pop songs, comments. 25422. (Méndez)
7310, Radio Mi Amigo International, Kall Krekel, *1000-1012, 13-07, English, pop songs, comments, id. “Radio Mi Amigo”. 25432. (Méndez)
6190, Hamburger LokalRadio, Goheren, *0609-0715, 13-07, English, “Media Network Plus” and at 0639 Glenn Hauser’s program “World of Radio”, at 0710 German. 15321. (Méndez)
GUATEMALA, 4055, Radio Verdad, Chiqimula, 0508-0532, 13-07, English, religious songs and comments. 15221. (Méndez)
GUINEA, 5005, Radio Guinée, Conakry, 1545-1640, 13-07, French, comments, id. “Radio Guinée, responsabilité...”, “La Radiodiffusion de la Republique de Guinée, emettant de Conakry”. QRM from Arabia on the same frequency. 33433. (Méndez)
LIBERIA, 6050, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, 2119-2127, 13-07, English, religious comments. 24322.
Also 0630-0641, 15-07, religious comments, English. 25322. (Méndez)MADAGASCAR, 5009.9, Radio Nasionaly Malagasy, Ambohidrano, 2020-2040, 13-07, Vernacular comments. 15321. (Méndez)
MALI, 5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, *0555-0610, 11-07, African songs, at 0501 tuning music, French, id. “Vous ecoutez L’Office de Radiodifusion Television du Mali, emettant de Bamako...”, program “ORTM Matin”, African songs and comments in Vernacular. 35433. Also 1855-1930, 13-07, Saturday English program from 1855 to 1908, news about Mali and other African countries, “The Mali electricity...”, “Radio Mali”, “Thank you... Good bye”, at 1908 African songs and comments in French. 44444. (Méndez)
MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de México, 0352-0505*, 13-07, songs, at 0400 Spanish, news, Mexican and international news, program “Pulso de la Mañana”, at 0436 id., songs and close. QRM on 6180 from 0400 to 0459. 32422.
Also 0457-0501*, 14-07, Cuban songs. 24322. (Méndez)PERU, 4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2314-2320, 14-07, comments. Extremely weak, barely audible. 15311. (Méndez)
SOLOMON ISLANDS 5020, Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation, Honiara, 0700-0730, 13-07, extremely weak here, only carrier detected. QRM from Rebelde on 5025. (Méndez)
9545, Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation, Honiara, 0440-0459*, 13-07, only very weak carrier detected here in Friol.
Also 0452-0459*, 14-07, extremely weak, only carrier detected. (Méndez)SUDAN 7205, Sudan Radio, Al Aitahab, 0440-0448, 14-07, Arabic, comments. 35433. (Méndez)
9505, Voice of Africa, Al Aitahab, 1640-1710, 12-07, French, id. “LaVoix de L’Afrrique”, comments, East African songs. 32332. Strong QRM on 9500. (Méndez)
SURINAM, 4990, Radio Apintie, Paramaribo, 0445-0458, 13-07, pop songs. 15321. (Méndez)
SWAZILAND, 4775, Trans World Radio, Manzini, 0502-0515, 13-07, English, religious comments. 14321. (Méndez)
TANZANIA 6015, Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation, Dole, 0354-0420, 13-07, Swahili, comments. 25433. (Méndez)
11735, Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation, Dole, 1822-1834, 12-07, Swahili, comments. Very weak. 14321. Also 1758-1805, 14-07, Swahili, at 1800 time signals, English, id. and news. Very weak. 14321. (Méndez)
ZAMBIA, 5915, Zambia NBC, Radio 1, 2000-2010, 13-07, African songs, Vernacular, comments. 24322. Also 0500-0520, 14-07, English, id. “It’s seven hours, Radio One Zambia, your radio, your service”, news, advertisements. 25422. (Méndez)
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