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Fwd: "Encontro DX de Radio Aparecida  View Printable Version 
Wednesday, August 14 2019

*"Encontro DX Radio Aparecida"*

A partir del próximo sábado 10 de agosto de 2019, el programa *"Encontro DX
Radio Aparecida"*, y el
*SWL Brasil DX Group,* otorgará un certificado de escucha, a todos los
oyentes en general que reporten la escucha del programa.

Puede escucharlo por

* 6.135, 9630, y 11855 kilociclos a las 2200 UTC*


Los informes de recepción puede enviarlos a:

*Francisco Jacson * py1pdf.rj@gmail.com


Héctor Frías Jofré
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


Re: YHWH 7470khz  View Printable Version 
Wednesday, August 14 2019

Paul I think I lost him around 0410. BFO not even detecting a carrier on the channel now.  He was a "Fair" level on some peaks. 
On Sunday, August 11, 2019, 08:43:52 PM MST, 'Paul B. Walker, Jr.' walkerbroadcasting@gmail.com [ABDX] <ABDX@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


and thanks to Rick Barton.. I have YHWH 7470khz... pretty weak most of the time but decent on fade ups, lost of noise.
Now, lets see how long after I send this email that he signs off.
On Sat, Aug 10, 2019 at 10:30 PM Paul B. Walker, Jr. <walkerbroadcasting@gmail.com> wrote:

Heard now at 0430utc in Laramie WY.. noisy, weak, fadey signal.... high side of poor signal
__._,_.___ Posted by: "Paul B. Walker, Jr." <walkerbroadcasting@gmail.com>
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list


WMR 5840 and 15805  View Printable Version 
Wednesday, August 14 2019


I will be switching off 5840 and 15805 kHz (within a few minutes) for the
next couple of hours due to the risk of lightning at the transmitter site.

Besides - propagation on 15 MHz seems to be very poor today. The new yagi
for 15805 still beamed north, but no reception in Northern Scandinavia at
the moment.

Anyway - hopefully both 5840 and 15805 kHz will be back later this afternoon
(Saturday afternoon UTC).

Best 73s
Stig Hartvig Nielsen,
World Music Radio - www.wmr.radio

Hard-Core-DX mailing list


DX Tip: KQSC 1530 Colorado Springs  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, August 13 2019

Unless this is really really reallllllllly good propagation, Mountain
Country KQSC didn't power down from 15KW to 15W.. some real deep fades but
pretty strong.

Paul, Laramie WY
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


DX Tip: KQSC 1530 Colorado Springs  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, August 13 2019

KQSC tells me it's only been running 2500 Watts for the last week as they
work on the transmitter because it cant make the full 15,000 Watts.


On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 8:36 PM Paul B. Walker, Jr. <
walkerbroadcasting@gmail.com> wrote:

> Unless this is really really reallllllllly good propagation, Mountain
> Country KQSC didn't power down from 15KW to 15W.. some real deep fades but
> pretty strong.
> Paul, Laramie WY
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


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