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Glenn Hauser log roundup May 4-10, 2023  View Printable Version 
Thursday, May 11 2023


Please note and spread the word - for those not on a list where my almost-daily all-band but mainly SW log reports appear -- or for those who are but find this a more convenient archive, weekly merged roundups of all these reports in their original form are posted early every UT Thursday via:


The latest one direct:

73, Glenn Hauser
_______________________________________________ Hauser mailing list Hauser@montreal.kotalampi.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hauser


Glenn Hauser logs May 9-10, 2023  View Printable Version 
Thursday, May 11 2023

** CHINA. 17880, May 10 at 2226, S0/3 Spanish mentions ``versículo``
so a gospel huxter? Hardly, then alternates Chinese, so it`s CRI with
a language lesson; as sked 22-23 via Beijing 572 site. Best if not
only signal on band from FE, off the back? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 4765, May 10 at 0125, R. Progreso is back on air after long
absence. At tune-in, multi-locations of FM and AM frequencies
including 850 which fits, but no ID heard, nor mention of OC tho may
have been. S9+10/20 and only -1.6 Hz into Missouri SDR with high storm
noise level. After some music, full traditional ID at 0130 as ``Radio
Progreso, La Onda de la Alegría``. Rebelde is also on now, 5025 about
same signal at S9+10/25.

Richard Langley, NB had reported to WOR iog: ``Last night (UT 7 May)
around 0140, 5025 and 4765 kHz both were on with good signals here in
NB but 4765 was QRMed by a strong utility signal (CODAR?). Nothing
heard on 5040 kHz. -- Richard Langley``. 4765 nominal sked presuably
still only 0030-0400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NEW ZEALAND. 28472 USB, May 10 at 2217, OSOB, no beacons either, is
ham with DU accent making quick US contacts. Listened for 5 minutes
before he quickly mentioned his own call, maybe ZL1AW? No fonetix;
then he does spell own name ROSS. ZL1AW is not Ross, but
dxcluster/heat hits one ZL contact on same frequency earlier at 2125,
ZL1WN, who per QRZ.com is a Ross, and he`s also a 10-10er which was
mentioned. I`m not too enthusiastic about this roundabout way of IDing
when hams ought to give their own call frequently and fonetikaly.
Anyhow: ZL1WN New Zealand flag New Zealand,
ROSS BIGGAR, 210 Oroua Rd, R D 5, Palmerston North 4475, New Zealand
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. Further comments about eliminating OETA, on the WOR iog:

Re: [WOR] Oklahoma governor trying to eliminate public TV

Stephen Michael Kellat, Ashtabula, Ohio: ``I really get worried by
people wanting to rely solely on Wireless Emergency Alerts (“WEA”).
The whole alerting system is designed to use multiple methods of
reaching people. The seeming redundancy is necessary to ensure people
hear the message. WEA still has overshoot problems in terms of not
reaching the correct targeted areas. People can still totally opt out
of receiving such messages on their wireless devices, too.

I don’t think FCC has another test of WEA effectiveness teed up in the
near term. The last report publicly released was not a happy read.
Politicians need to stop pandering to the crazy base with half-cocked
plans like this.``

Benn Kobb, of Experimental Radio: ``"These alerts will continue
regardless of whether the OETA towers are there or not, and certainly
regardless of the governor’s veto," Siegfried said.

Well, not necessarily.

Wireless Emergency Alerts do not go directly from OK public safety
officials to the cellular phone carriers. That is not how the system
is set up. The alerts go first to FEMA for a rapid, automated
authentication step. FEMA then delivers them over the Internet to the
cellular base stations in the geographic area designated for warning.
The base stations transmit them to the public.

If the Internet is not functioning at any point in the delivery chain,
the backup system is through PBS - but without the OK public TV
stations, that backup won't be available in that state. This system is
known as PBS Warn.
Benn Kobb`` (via Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SPAIN. 17855, Wed May 10 at 2200, token English from SNR is VG
S9/+20 direct and also audible on the other three, 15520, 17715,
11670. 2205 feature is another esoteric interview about a travelling
literary festival to towns of less than 10K only, `Mi Pueblo Lee`
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 11785, May 10 at 2158, VOT IS, VP direct so a bust for
listening to imminent English; but at least confirming it`s not off
the air today, at least initially (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2189 monitoring: ``From: Richard Lemke, St.
Albert, Alberta, Canada, the desk of Richard’s listening Post, Radio:
JRC NRD-535 HF, Antenna: random long wires in the trees, Dear Glenn:
Confirming World of Radio #2189, WRMI:
5850, very noisy, S7, S9 signal, 0130, 0142, 0155 (45433), 0159, May 6
UTC 2023 [Sat]
9395, static, QRN, 0031, 0045, 0059 (45343), May 9 UTC 2023 [Tue]
(Lemke, Richard -AB)``

Confirmed Tue May 9 at 2330 on WRMI 9395, S9/+15 into Missouri SDR.

Also confirmed Wednesday May 9 at 2100 on WBCQ 7490 webcast, while JBA
into Virginia SDR, S6/S8 into Maryland. Next:

0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Like our website, a noncommercial service for which financial
support is appreciated; thanks this week to Jack Amelar, Lowell MI,
for a contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com - ``To keep
WOR on the air and logs. Overdue donation. TNX for what you do``.

One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. Progress report from George McClintock, WTWW, as captions to
multi-MB closeups: ``WTWW: everything went wrong --- Everything
yesterday went wrong. The breaker inside the Harris SW100 hot box is
tripping. I have not had time to look at this problem. The driver tube
will not work any more. The 24 volt supply in transmitter # 1 went
belly up. I put a new 24V supply in and it did not work. I should have
stayed in bed and listened to the rain. George McClintock 5-9-2023``
(via Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. Re the OSOB ham on 28420 USB, then searching
dxheat/dxcluster, FWIW, the closest hit is 25 minutes later at 2238
May 9, VK5KI with 6Y5SJ = South Australia with Jamaica (Glenn Hauser,


Frontline #4202: Clarence and Ginni Thomas: Politics, Power and the
Supreme Court

The power and influence of Clarence and Ginni Thomas on the Supreme
Court and American politics. An investigation of the controversial
rise of one of Washington's most powerful couples, and their role in
reshaping the country's politics and law. Broadcast In: English Stream
now: 1h54m


This report dispatched at 0000 UT May 11


Glenn Hauser logs+ May 9, 2023  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, May 09 2023

** ALGERIA [and non]. 13790, May 9 at 0636, Chinese with fast SAH and
CCI, the latter a new ``station`` in Algeria as reported here last few
days in WOR iog, ``Ifrikya FM``. In a surprise development, this is to
be a pan-African service in a few languages, original stories
mentioning SW but WTFK? Since then has been found on SW frequencies
until now scheduled for TDA, i.e. mostly carrying Qur`an service.

At this hour big collisions. Per Aoki: 23-09 Ouargla site, but 13790 a
very bad choice with plenty of other usage including, 06-07 CNR1
jamming vs RFA Chinese via Saipan; also CNR1 jamming vs Sound of Hope,
2130-1420. // 15110 Béchar now only a JBA carrier. Recheck much later
at 2219 May 9, only weak ME? music on 13790. EiBi shows Algeria
starting at 2000, and nothing else at this hour.

OUARGLA appears to be correct spelling, not Ourgla or Ouragla! Google
translates from French to Arabic as waraqla or ورقلة

More about this at Tony Rogers` Africa on Shortwave:

Here`s one recent report in the WOR iog:
``ALGERIA: I have been following the new African station Ifrikya FM
from Algeria, and recorded 13590 and 13790 kHz overnight from 2300 to
0300 UT (6 May into 7 May). There was overall good reception on 13790
(via Ourgla), with audible but weaker reception on 13590 (via Bechar).
Programming was predominantly African music, however there was a
female host from 2325 and later a male host, with various guests with
short speech segments. From around 0255 there was a promo loop with a
montage of voices mentioning Burkina Faso and Sudan, perhaps others)
which could have been journalists covering those areas. Seems to me
that the station is in "preview" mode and has yet to settle down to
regular programming. Worth keeping a watch on. They have a webpage at
and a Facebook page at
from where I see this email address: ifrikyafm@gmail.com
-- Alan Roe, Teddington, UK``

Website is just ``coming soon`` -- La voix Africaine`` (Glenn Hauser,

** COLOMBIA. 5910-, May 9 at 0645, Alcaraván Radio with music, S9/+10
on signature offset about minus 50 Hz, back after missing 48 hours
ago. Now there is again a much weaker JBA carrier on 6010- with almost
same offset pitch on BFO, maybe LV de tu Conciencia if not Brasil
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

By Janelle Stecklein, CNHI Oklahoma, Enid News & Eagle May 9, 2023


OKLAHOMA CITY — Uncertainty is growing about who would control and use
a vital network of rural broadcast communication towers following a
gubernatorial push to sever ties with the Oklahoma public

Gov. Kevin Stitt’s decision to veto a routine measure reauthorizing
the existence of Oklahoma Educational Television Authority has created
some thorny and complicated logistical and operational questions,
including who ultimately owns the seven broadcast towers that quietly
play a vital role in rural public safety. Those have been maintained
over the years with a mix of private OETA donations and state

A spokesman for Stitt’s office on Monday insisted the answer is clear
— the state owns the towers if OETA is disbanded.

OETA leaders, though, plan to ask the attorney general’s office for a
formal opinion on ownership, said Bob Spinks, a Friends of OETA board

“This whole thing has obviously raised some issues that we’ve never
had to really think about before because we’ve had this great
relationship with the state of Oklahoma,” Spinks said. “We’re really
the only entity in the state that can actually broadcast to all 77
counties, and so we feel like that partnership is extremely important
with the law enforcement and public safety folks.” In his veto message
of House Bill 2820, Stitt wrote that while OETA may have played a
“principal role in the provision of educational television services at
one time, today the OETA’s long-term, strategic value is at best
unclear, if not outright imagined.” Stitt later accused the
broadcaster of using tax dollars to “indoctrinate kids” and showing
programming that “overly sexualizes our kids.”

Spinks, who grew up in McAlester watching OETA, said Stitt’s comments
ignore the role that parents play in selecting their children’s

“It’s still a parent’s responsibility to decide whether what their
children are watching is appropriate or not,” said Spinks, whose own
children also watched OETA programming.

But beyond the programming debate, Spinks said OETA and public safety
entities have long had a symbiotic relationship. The public
broadcaster allows police and fire dispatchers to mount dispatch
repeaters on its seven broadcasting towers free of charge. OETA also
broadcasts emergency communications to all 77 counties and holds the
state’s FCC broadcasting license.

Spinks said it’s possible OETA could continue to operate a public
television station with only private funding, but that would require
“complete reworking of the licensure, which is not a simple thing.”

“We’re hoping that that veto is overridden because it’s just the
simplest way, the most logical way to keep us able to do what we’ve
been doing for so long,” Spinks said.

OETA viewership continually ranks among the top nationally with about
650,000 Oklahomans tuning in each week and over 100,000 others
streaming the station’s programming.

Spinks, now a retiree, said the funding the state provides — $ 2.9
million this budget year — makes up about a third of what it takes to
operate OETA. The remainder comes from private donors and grants.

Ray McNair, executive director of Oklahoma Sheriff’s Association, said
law enforcement agencies and fire departments have dispatch repeaters
mounted to nearly every available OETA tower that funding allows.

He said every tower is vital for public safety communications. Unless
they’re demolished, he’s certain public safety providers would be able
to continue using them, he said.

“If OETA loses their license, I’m sure there’d be some mechanism in
place that law enforcement, firefighters could go to utilize those
towers because to drop our repeaters and move them to another tower is
a pretty expensive venture,” McNair said.

Meyer Siegfried, a spokesman for Stitt, said if OETA is disbanded, the
state will retain ownership of OETA’s towers pursuant to state law. If
the Legislature does not override Stitt’s veto, OETA has one year to
wrap up operations.

“It’s not OETA, the state agency, that’s critical to rural public
safety, its state assets, i.e. the towers, that play a role in the
safety of rural Oklahoma,” Siegfried said in an email.

He said National Weather Service, Oklahoma Highway Patrol and Oklahoma
Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security can use
independent systems to send wireless emergency alerts to geo-targeted
areas of the state through wireless carriers to anyone that has a
cellphone. “These alerts will continue regardless of whether the OETA
towers are there or not, and certainly regardless of the governor’s
veto,” Siegfried said.

He also said OHP does not have any of its communication assets on OETA

He did not say who would be tasked with maintaining the towers if OETA
shut down or from where that funding would come.

Senate President ProTem Greg Treat, R-Oklahoma City, said he voted
against extending OETA’s authorization around 2012. He said Senate
leadership privately pulled him aside and explained how “critically
important” the towers were to law enforcement and that the FCC license
held by OETA was nontransferable.

“They asked me not to be flippant in my vote,” Treat said. “So ever
since then, I’ve supported its continuation based on (that)
knowledge.” State Sen. Roger Thompson, R-Okemah, said he’s “very
concerned” by the veto. He said OETA meets both a public safety and
educational need.

Thompson said he doesn’t know who owns the towers, but said that
they’re “very, very needed in public safety” and said are a lot of
unanswered questions. He said Oklahoma also needs the FCC license.

“I’m not at the point yet of deciding what to do with the towers if
they go out of business,” Thompson said. “I’m still hopeful they’ll
still be in business.” (via gh, Enid, WOR)

** SPAIN. 17855, 15520, 17715, 11670, May 9 at 2217, REE check finds
all four active, unlike yesterday, on a non-English Tuesday, in usual
order from VG to G to F to VP when tuned direct (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** TURKEY. 11785, May 9 9 at *2157, TRT IS comes on but only S4/S6
direct so no listening to the English hour following (Glenn Hauser,

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2189 monitoring: confirmed UT
Tuesday May 9 at 0030 on WRMI 9395, S9/+10 direct. Next:

2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Like our website, a noncommercial service for which financial
support is appreciated; thanks this week to Jack Amelar, Lowell MI,
for a contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com - ``To keep
WOR on the air and logs. Overdue donation. TNX for what you do``.

One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** VANUATU. 11835, May 9 at 0659, R. Vanuatu third harmonic has just
popped on with QSY from JBA 7260, to 3945; amazing S9/+10 signal
direct, first with music, then Bislama talk in an echoey venue,
something about building materials, presumably getting into news. Also
JBA carriers on 7890 = 2 x 3945; and equally JBA on 15780 = 4 x 3945.
Ron Howard was listening at same time with a much more detailed report
to the WOR iog. He had heard 15780 recently but not this time. Next?
19725 = 5 x 3945 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 28420 USB, May 9 circa 2213, OSOB is a weak ham in
English with accent, probably Latin American. Never any ID which ought
to be uttered at beginning and end of each interchange, with inaudible
contact. Yes, no other phoners heard on 10m, nor any CW beacons (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report despatched at 2312 UT May 9


Glenn Hauser logs May 7-8, 2023  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, May 09 2023

** SPAIN. 17855, Monday May 8 at 2200, token English from SNR is VG
into Maryland SDR; sufficient on 17715 for SAm; and even on 11670 for
Africa but with squeal - but NO signal on fourth frequency 15520 for
ME, nor at UTwente. Something`s not right at Noblejas. But not much
else on SW from Europe a sesquihour after an M-class flare as Gary
Pence points out. Of course from Europe`s SW corner, Spain enjoys best
advantage of the lowest-latitude and closest path to NAm; since
Portugal gave up SW years ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 11785, May 8 at 2158, no signal yet from VOT English even
unto UTwente SDR. Cuts on at *2201 but off again in a few seconds
before I can even note the offset a few Hz on the plus side; and never
returns next 30+ minutes. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2189 monitoring: confirmed Sunday May 7
at 2000 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz, still not 909 or 207 kHz,
S9+10/15 into nearby Noale SDR; with storm crashes from northern Italy
and Serbo-Croatia. Also slight CCI from understation.

Also confirmed UT Monday May 8 at 0030 on WRMI 7780, S8/9+10 but noisy
into Louisiana SDR, starting with usual 14-second external noise

Also confirmed UT Monday May 8 at 0300 on WBCQ Area 51, 6160 -67 Hz =
6159.933, S9/+15 into Maryland SDR. Next:

0030 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Like our website, a noncommercial service for which financial
support is appreciated; thanks this week to Jack Amelar, Lowell MI,
for a contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com - ``To keep
WOR on the air and logs. Overdue donation. TNX for what you do``.

One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9330, May 8 at 2314, menacing music from WLCR on WBCQ-6 and
into Brasuguese talk, VG S9+20/30 as if on wrong beam thisaway;
normally is perceptibly weakened when in Portuguese correctly
southward at 175 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9975, UT Monday May 8 at 0010, AWR Wavescan, later Jeff
White interviewing John[o] Wright of ARDXC during recent visit to NSW;
S8/9+5 but noisy into Louisiana SDR. At 0145 recheck it`s S9+20/30
direct, more like it. KVOH had been AWOL for some time but back this
weekend as reported earlier to WOR iog:

``I can hear something on 9975 kHz at the moment, just ID'd as "Voice
of Hope" at 0406 UTC May 6. Ricky Leong, Calgary, Alberta, Canada``

``Super strong into Masset, BC at 0421. Left the air at 0500. For the
last 15 or 20 minutes, reception became fluttery; auroras are back!
73, Walt`` Salmaniw

And a Dan, somewhere, forwards UT May 8: ``Hi Ray, I missed last
night; was hoping to hear the Jazz program. Thanks, Dan``

On 5/5/2023 at 6:42 PM, "Ray Robinson" <ray.robinson@voiceofhope.com>
``Hi, Dan. Transmitter repairs at KVOH are complete, and we will be on
the air again tonight, May 5th. You should be able to hear 9975 on
Thu-Sun evenings from now on. Regards, Ray Robinson, Strategic
Communications Group, Voice of Hope World Radio Network,
www.voiceofhope.com`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. Further update from George McClintock, WTWW, captions with
multi-MB close-up photos:

``Subject: WTWW: all 48 power modules repaired --- This is the bad
part on this control card, a voltage requlator.

All 48 of 48 power modules have been repaired and returned to the
stacks. They are the power modules that $ 100,000 dollars was
squandered by the GOOD OLD BOYS and NO repair took place. Since I have
repaired what the good old boys did not repair, I want the 100,000
dollars they got for no work, at all, on transmitter # 1. Just

These are the only 2 burned control cards that I have. They are in the
process of being repaired. I am still waiting on Continental for any
control cards that may be lying around. I am short 5 and are sure that
the good old boys know where they are but are keeping quiet. George
McClintock 5-7-2023`` (via Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. Still a big tropo blob around here on APRS map, May 8 at
0412, BAD signals on RF: 8, 10, 11, 15, 21, 22, 26, 30, 31, 34, 36. 15
degraded to bad means DX QRM to KTBO OKC. Only DX decoding are: RF 20
KQCW-HD 19-1 Tulsa; RF 28, ION 44-1, i.e. KTPX-TV Okmulgee = Tulsa

At 0431 May 8: RF 36, TBN HD 17-1, i.e. KDOR Bartlesville = Tulsa
market; RF 26 KOTV 6-1 Tulsa; RF 20 KQCW Muskogee = Tulsa mkt, 19-1
still with VG signal; and these BADs: 8, 10, 11, 12, probably also

Circa 1545 UT May 8, again a tropo blob over eastern OK with Enid on
the edge; but only DX signal is BAD RF 28, no doubt ION 44-1 again
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 2358 UT May 8


Glenn Hauser logs May 6-7, 2023  View Printable Version 
Sunday, May 07 2023

** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98 RC USB, Saturday May 6 at 2255, LRA36 with
S6/S8 good signal into Argentine remote, studio discussion, saluting
birthdays of certain military personnel; 2318 music, weaker with 15480
ACI; next check 2327, is off. Nominal sked is now 20-23 UT Saturdays
only. Manuel Méndez, Spain had reported earlier: ``LRA 36 on air ---
Speakers today, male Juan Benavente "Uniendo Voces" and female Noemí
Cisneros "Ecos de la Antártida", transmission cut off abruptly at 2023
and returns at 2027`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CHINA. 15800, May 7 at 1457, YL song, S9/+10 with flutter, // 15760
and much weaker 15340 & 15110, 1459 Chinese announcement. All check as
CNR1 jammers in Aoki. Not much else on 19m band except Cuba, making
15800 the SSOB! (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CHINA. 13550, May 7 at 1505, JBA carrier, CNR1 jammer against Sound
of Hope (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** COLOMBIA. 5910- & 6010-, May 7 0638, both Puerto Lleras stations
are off. Until now 5910 Alcaraván Radio had been reliable; and last
night I thought 6010 LV de tu Conciencia may have resumed (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA [and non]. 15140, Sunday May 7 at 0644, JBA carrier = just
barely audible: suspect RHC which is supposed to be here in daytime
only, but this has happened before. After searching all lower bands
with no RHCs found. This remainder may stay on past 0700 when weekly
Esperanto is supposed to air on 6100 only - and 12200 of course.
Nothing else sked on 15140 now. Something`s always wrong at RHC. Also,
15140 is the SSOB = strongest signal on band, but not the OSOB = only
signal on band, as 15770 WRMI is also detectable, even weaker JJBBA
carrier, in degraded propagation. WRMI must think it`s going somewhere
by running 15770 all-night; as the more appropriate 7730 remains
silent for lack of antenna. Skedgrid shows 7730 as both transmitters 1
and 2, 24 hours of blank on 160 and 44 degree azimuths (Glenn Hauser,

** CUBA. 15230, May 7 at 1501, RHC weaker than // 15140 opening
Sunday-only Esperanto, and still on at 1506 tho supposed to be off. //
11760 is VG much stronger. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** KURDISTAN [non]. 17480 & slightly stronger 17470, May 7 at 1502,
only JBA carriers below 17500, presumably Dengê Welat and Recep the
Turkish jammer (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. That tropo blob is *still* there over mid-America when I
next check for TVDX, UT Sun May 7 at 0231: BAD signals on RF 9, 10,
11, 17, 18, 26: notably, 17 and 18 are bad because of DX against Enid
and OKC stations. 26 briefly decodes as KOTV 6-1 Tulsa, along with
KQCW on 6-2, and NewsOn6 on 6-3 - at this time also on KQCW, couldn`t
tell if identical and synched (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. Some OK FM logs are mixed in with non-OK FMDX in this
report under USA, q.v. for 104.5 KZZW; 106.9 KHTT; 104.9 KKWD; 104.9
KEUC; 105.3 KINB (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

** TURKEY. 11785, May 6 at 2200, VOT is not off the air today,
timesignal and English VG via UTwente SDR (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2189 monitoring: confirmed Saturday
May 6 at 2230 on WRMIs: 15770, S9/+5 into Missouri SDR despite off the
side; 5850 S7/S9 with nearby storm crashes.

Also confirmed UT Sunday May 7 at 0030 on WRMI 7780, S8/S9 including
heavy storm crashes into Missouri SDR; less noisy S9+5/12 into
Louisiana SDR. And *still* with external noise blast during first 14
seconds, then another mini-blast; and three more quick ones after
0037: I think this always happens by that spoiler ute.

Also confirmed starting late at 0357 UT Sunday May 7, the nominal 0315
in WA0RCR, 1860 AM, S9+10/20 including very heavy storm noise level =
HSNL. Next:

2000 UT Sunday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW
0300vUT Monday WBCQ Area 51 6160v to WSW
0030 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Like our website, a noncommercial service for which financial
support is appreciated; thanks this week to Jack Amelar, Lowell MI,
for a contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com - ``To keep
WOR on the air and logs. Overdue donation. TNX for what you do``.

One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. After two days of tropo TVDX within huge blob extending from
Monterrey to Des Moines, I switch to FM DXing via my best option,
stock Nissan caradio in the cool garage on our first 90-degree day
this year; with fender-mounted vertical antenna only.

This is my first serious car FM DX session this year, and maybe since
last summer, so there may have been some changes to the ``local`` dial
too. Info from the great WTFDA FM Database. Numbers before the geo
coordinates are kW ERP and antenna height above average terrain in
meters - H&V all the same in today`s logs so deleted the duplications.
Distances in km/stmi are approx., city-to-city of license, computed by

100.3, May 6 at 1653 UT, adstring including Staples, ``KJKK-FM
Dallas-Fort Worth`` ID. This stays in for quite a while, yet several
other open Metroplex channels are unoccupied - or maybe too occupied
resulting in hash. By 1747 this is gone but a few words from somewhere
burst in via a meteor.
KJKK 100.3 DALLAS TX HD ADULT HITS 100.3 JACK FM 97.0 574.2 32-35-02
96-57-48 28D2 JACK~ FM - Song/Title Song/Artist Adult Hits - 414
km/257 stmi

96.7, May 6 at 1655 UT, mentions something sponsored by WBAP & WFAA -
as if they were still related; 972 AC for Best Buy windows. 1711, ad
for Triple-C Roofing in DFW. I don`t perceive it as ``all-sports`` but
therefore must be:
TICKET 90.0 621.0 33-26-13 97-29-05 426A All sports all the time
KTCK The Ticket - All Sports all the time - KTCK The Ticket - Sports
//KTCK 1310 - 381/236

104.5, May 6 at 1702 UT, ``Weekend Top 20 Countdown`` but of Christian
songs only, no ID; ad for Metashare? 844-74-BIBLE; vacation rentals in
Florida; finally multi-station IDs including KJIL and KHYM. I figured
this would be the newish station near Woodward, but last I heard, it
had not been acquired by the SW KS-based gospel huxter network:
99-26-45 54A4 KZZW - 119/74

106.9, May 6 at 1705 UT, rap in unknown language, not English or
Spanish; but 1707 quick English non-ID as ``K-Hits``, So:
388.0 35-53-00 95-46-14 247D K-HIT 106.9 K-Hits Tulsa's #1 Hit Music
Station Top 40 - 237/147

104.9, May 6 at 1714 UT, Midwest City OK ad from KKWD alternately
fading with South Asian YL mixing language in with accented English;
even a bit of play-by-play cricket! 1735 mentions Punjabi and Urdu, ad
with (972) AC; 1736 S Asian song. I try searching WTFDA DB first on
languages, but there is a drop-down menu of only certain ones, no
Urdu. Punjabi, Indian and Pakistani do not get any 104.9 hits
anywhere. I know it has to be DFW TX market, so geographically I soon
find this entry not citing any specific languages:
KZMP-FM 104.9 PILOT POINT TX HD ETHNIC FUNASIA 35.0 535.0 33-33-37
96-57-34 534B KZMP-FM 104.9 Pilot Point, Dallas, Fort Worth

I never heard Funasia mentioned: this one in Dallas proper could be
problematic if it really exist:
0.0 32-35-25 96-58-24

And details of the OKC station it`s duking it out with back & forth:
KKWD 104.9 BETHANY OK VARIETY HITS ALICE 104.9 6.0 100.0 35-29-53
97-37-10 2CA7 Artist/Title HD is Off - 101/63

BTW, I still haven`t heard the alleged EWTN station in Ringwood just
west of Enid, KEUC, 100 watts, 21 meters on 104.9. I should be getting
it easily like the 99 watts from Kingfisher below on 105.3. 33 km/20

107.5, May 6 at 1719 UT, ad in Spanish. No Okies, but three in TX:
discounting San Angelo and Rio Grande City, that leaves in the PTA:
16.5 574.2 32-35-02 96-57-48 31DC - 408/254

105.3, May 6 at 1737 UT, YL sports talk, ``CBS Sports Radio`` ID, huge
adstring, none local, including Rangers.com, Navy Federal Credit
Union. It`s merely a near-local from a town where they assault HSFB
players leading to a mega$ lawsuit; and I don`t think it was CBSSR the
last time I noticed:
35-43-38 97-52-30 2673 KINB CBS KINB CBS SPORTS RADIO 105.3 KINBFM.COM
405-600-9096 - 52 km/32 stmi tho pinned west of Kingfisher not the
town itself -- ?? (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, WOR)

** U S A. More TVDX chex tnx to persistent tropo blob over
mid-America, May 7 at 1517 UT: BAD signals on RF 28, 11, 9 and 6. Yes,
6, despite my antenna for highband 7+ and UHF only and aimed SSE.
Prime suspect is always closest full power on 6, KBSD, Ensign/Dodge
City KS with 31 kW ERP, 244 km/152 stmi. Beyond that: KWNB-TV Hayes
Center NE, 11.9 kW, CP for 45, 538 km/334 stmi. There are zero OKies
on 6 of any power. Lots in TX but all low-power or translators. All
per FCC TV Query. Next check at 1636: only 20, 11 and 10 (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 1956 UT May 7


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