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21800 kHz CNR1 jamming against SOH TWN noted start at 07.20 UT on Oct 5th, S#45;8 in Akitakata Hiroshima remote SDR.  View Printable Version 
Saturday, October 05 2019


73 wb
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Korea - some new clandestine frequencies (VOP & VOH)  View Printable Version 
Saturday, October 05 2019


KOREA REP OF Um 22.45 UT am 4. Okt. in Hiroshima beobachtet
meist aus Kyonggi-do Koyang KOR

3474.988 VoP (3464 bis 3485 jamming)
3904.966 VoP (3890 bis 3940 jamming)
3929.991 VoP (3920 bis 3940 jamming)
3980.014 VoH Hwaseong (3981 bis 3988 jamming)
4450even VoP kein Jamming ab 23.00 UT on Oct 4
4885.005 EoH Seoul kein Jamming
5990.030 EoH Hwaseong (5991 bis 6018 kHz jamming)
6249.996 EoH Seoul (6216 bis 6365 kHz durchgehend jamming)
6348.032 EoH Hwaseong (6216 bis 6365 kHz durchgehend jamming)
6519.970 VoP kein Jamming
6595.006 VoP kein Jamming
9099.996 EoH Seoul (9089 bis 9108 kHz jamming)

manche Frequenzen werden sehr unregelmäßig gejammt.
Es darf gerätselt werden warum,
- Stromsparen, unterschiedliche Sicherheitsorgane,
oder oder oder
73 wb df5sx

----- Original Message -----
From: "Uwe Volk" Sent: Friday, October 04, 2019 10:25 PM

Subject: Re: [A-DX] Südkorea: Sender ändern Frequenz, um Jamming zu entgehen

Hallo a-dxer, hallo Tom,
3980 kHz ist mit schmalem Filter hörbar.

Deine Nachricht von Freitag, 4. Oktober 2019 17:23 Uhr Weltzeit (UT)

Stimme des Volkes: 3.475 kHz (ex 3.480); 3.905 (ex 3.910); 6.595 (ex
6.600) und unverändert 3.390, 4.450 und 6.520; Echo der Hoffnung: 3.980
kHz (ex 3.985); 5,990 (ex 5,995); 6.348 (ex 6.350) und unverändert
4.885. 6.250 und 9.100 kHz.

Warum man erst jetzt auf diese glorreiche Idee mit dem Frequenzwechsel
kommt, bleibt wahrscheinlich für immer ein Geheimnis.
Viele Grüße,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Howard" Sent: Saturday, October 05, 2019 4:42 PM

Subject: Re: [WOR] Korea - some new clandestine frequencies (VOP & VOH)

Hi Tibor, It's probably is just a matter of time before N. Korea realizes
what has happened and adjusts their
jamming to the new frequencies.

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TRT's crazy play on 9730  View Printable Version 
Saturday, October 05 2019

Right now i m listening to the TRT watching their signal going crazy in the waterfall
the signal can wander between 9730.5 to 9732 on 1413+ but there were a few times dropping down by 4 kHzSignal is max -57.5  (+20 db )  to S7 and most of te program was with reports 'radio dun bugun dogaren'etc with main ID as 'Radio 1' (bir ) with adverts before 1530 then with sports

Zacharias Liangas
https://del.icio.us/gr_greek1/ZAK (all pages)
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


TRT's crazy play on 9740!! 1506  View Printable Version 
Saturday, October 05 2019

Nw on 1506 on 9740!! sports program

Right now i m listening to the TRT watching their signal going crazy in the waterfall
the signal can wander between 9730.5 to 9732 on 1413+ but there were a few times dropping down by 4 kHzSignal is max -57.5  (+20 db )  to S7 and most of te program was with reports 'radio dun bugun dogaren'etc with main ID as 'Radio 1' (bir ) with adverts before 1530 then with sports

Zacharias Liangas
https://del.icio.us/gr_greek1/ZAK (all pages)
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


LRA 36 on air now  View Printable Version 
Saturday, October 05 2019


Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

ANTARCTICA, 15476, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base
Esperanza, 1245-1326, 05-10, on air today Saturday. Only very weak
carrier here in Lugo and QRM from Radio Free Asia on 15470, but via SDR
Kiwi receiver in Pardinho, Brazil, 15475.97, fair and clear signal with
non stop rock music and songs. (Méndez)

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