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teste  View Printable Version 
Sunday, December 15 2019


Jorge Freitas My Blog:https://dxlogfreitas.blogspot.com/
Local time -3 UT Feira de Santana Bahia  12°14´S 38°58´W - BrasilTecsun PL-310ETAntenna Delta Loop 8,5 meters-
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RNZI on 6170 kHz  View Printable Version 
Saturday, December 14 2019

Looks like today RNZI switched from 9700 kHz to 6170 kHz instead of 6115
kHz starting at 1259 UTC.

Error or new/old frequency?

Best Regards,

Wojtek Zaremba, Legionowo, Poland

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World of Radio 2012 audible, downloadable  View Printable Version 
Friday, December 13 2019

WOR 2012 is available as of 2240 UT Friday December 13
(mp3 stream) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor2012.m3u
(mp3 download) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor2012.mp3

Or via http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html
Also linx to podcast services.

WORLD OF RADIO 2012 contents: Albania, Algeria,
Antarctica, Bougainville, Canada, China, Colombia,
Cuba, East Turkistan, Germany, India, Japan/Korea
North non, Madagascar, México, North America, Perú,
Poland, Pridnestrovye, Scotland non, Spain, Tajikistan,
Turkey, USA, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and non; publications;
and the propagation outlook
[sorry it`s later than usual; and for some upcuts within
as I was in too big a hurry on-the-fly editing]

The shortwave broadcasts should be:

2300 UT Friday WRMI 9955
[usually starts with heavy jamming but steadily abates]
0130 UT Saturday WRMI 7780, 5850, 5010
1300 UT Saturday WRMI 15770
2030vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415]
2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780
0130 UT Monday WRMI 7780
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 9395
0400vUT Monday WBCQ 5130v Area 51 6160v?
0430 UT Monday WRMI 9955
1900vUT Monday IRRS 7290 Romania?
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

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Atlantic 2000 on the air this Saturday  View Printable Version 
Friday, December 13 2019


Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

De: "Atlantic 2000 International" <atlantic2000international@gmail.com>
Para: "Atlantic 2000" <atlantic2000international@gmail.com>
Enviado: 13/12/2019 17:43:22
Asunto: Atlantic 2000 on the air this Saturday

Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Saturday 14th of December with 2
hours of programme:

- 09:00 to 10:00 UTC on 6070 and 7440 kHz via Channel 292, and online
- 10:00 to 11:00 UTC online only

Stream addresses are available here:

Only detailed reception reports will be confirmed by eQSL.
Reports to: atlantic2000international@gmail.com

Good listening!

Visit our website: http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr
Listen to our Podcasts and follow us:

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Stations heard in Friol  View Printable Version 
Friday, December 13 2019


Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Logs in Friol
Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters

ANGOLA, 4949.7, Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, 2136-2145, 11-12,
Portuguese, comments, songs. Very weak. 15211.
Also 0505-0520, 13-12, songs, Portuguese, comments, id. “Radio
Nacional”. 15321. (Méndez)

4774.9, Radio Congohnas, Congonhas, 2147-2158, 11-12, Portuguese,
comments. Very weak. 15311.

Also 2106-2110, 12-12, Portuguese, religious comments. 15321. (Méndez)

4875, Radiodifusora Roraima, Boavista, 2125-2145, 11-12, Portuguese,
comments, advertisements Brazilian songs. 25422.
Also 2108-2133, 12-12, Portuguese, comments, advertisements. 15321.

4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 2133-2142, 11-12, Portuguese,
comments. 25422. (Méndez)

4905, Radio Relogio Federal, Rio de Janeiro, 0733-0747, 12-12,
Portuguese, religious comments. 15321. (Méndez)

4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 2138-2145, 11-12, Brazilian songs.
15421. (Méndez)

9515, Radio Marumby, Curitiba, 2034-2058, 11-12, Religious songs,
religious comments, Portuguese. 25322. (Méndez)

9550, Radio Boa Vontade, Porto Alegre, 2055-2105, 11-12, religious songs
and comments, Portuguese. Strong QRM on 9555. 21421. // 11895.1.

10000, Time Signal Station Observatorio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro,
2002-2006, 11-12, time signals, female voice announcements:
“Observatorio Nacional, 17 horas, 2 minutos, 0 segundos”. 23322.

11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 1959-2104, 11-12,
Portuguese, “Nacional Informa, 5 horas en Brasilia”, news, songs, at
2100 id. “Radio Nacional da Amazonia, 11780 kHz..., Reporter Nacional, 6
horas en Brasilia”, news. 34433. (Méndez)

11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0924-1005, 12-12, Brazilian songs,
program “Brasil Sertanejo”, “6y 27, Brasil Sertanejo, Radio Brasil
Central”, at 0945 program “RBC Agro”, at 1001, identification song and
program “O Mundo em sua Casa”, news. 24322. (Méndez)

11895.1, Radio Boa Vontade, Porto Alegre, 2057-2108, 11-12, Portuguese,
religious songs and comments. 24322. (Méndez)

CANADA, 6070, CFRX, Toronto, 0515-0550, 12-12, English, news, comments,
advertisements. 14321. (Méndez)

CONGO, D. R., 6210.2, Radio Kahuzi, Bukavu, 1715-1804*, 10-12,
Vernacular comments, songs. Very weak. 15321. Very irregular lately,
last days out of air.
Also 1740-1805, 12-12, Vernacular comments, songs. Extremely weak, best
on LSB. 15311. (Méndez)

CUBA, 4765, Radio Progreso, La Habana, 0454-0500*, 12-12, songs, news,
“Reportero RP”, close. 35433. (Méndez)

GERMANY, 6070, From the Isle of Music, Rohrbach, 1900-1920, 10-12,
English, id., comments, Cuban songs. 23432. (Méndez)

GUATEMALA, 4055, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0445-0510, 12-12, religious
songs and comments. Very weak, audible on LSB. 15311. (Méndez)

ECUADOR, 6050, HCJB, Pichincha, *0924-0940, 13-12, tuning music, anthem,
Quechua, comments, Ecuadorian songs. 15321. (Méndez)

EQUATORIAL GUINEA, 5005, Radio Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial, Bata,
*0511-0615, 12-12, open with carrier, but cut off abruptlyat 0515, at
0522 on air again with program “Panorama Nacional” with correspondents,
“Buenos días compañeros de la Radio Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial”, “Hoy
es la celebración de la Virgen de Guadalupe”, “Los agricultores están
sufriendo robos de la piña de cacao, uno de nuestros productos
nacionales”, reading greetings from listeners: “Buenos días Amigos de
Panorama Nacional...”, 0555: “Nos despedimos de Panorama Nacional, a las
siete el informativo”, songs, at 0601 “Boletín Informativo”, news. 15321
and improving to 25322.
Also 1640-1651*, 12-12, Spanish songs, song “Ven a mis casa por
Navidad”, cutt off abruptly in the meddle of a song. Very weak. 15311.
Also *0521-0615, 13-12, open with program “Consejos para la Familia”,
0525: “Anuncio del Partido Democrático de Guinea Ecuatorial”, 0526
program “Panorama Nacional”, “Por una Guinea mejor, el Alcalde
Presidente..”, at 0600: “El equipo informativo de Radio Nacional de
Guinea Ecuatorial, Radio Malabo les desea feliz Navidad”, “Boletín
informativo”. 25432. (Méndez)

7140, Voice of Broad Masses, Asmara, 1655-1705, 12-12, Vernacular
comments. Ham QRM. 23422. (Méndez)

7180, Voice of Broad Masses, Asmara 1653-1708, 12-12, Vernacular
comments. 24422. (Méndez)

5950, Voice of Tigray Revolution, Addis Ababa, 0505-0610, 12-12,
Vernacular comments, East African songs. 24322. (Méndez)

6090, Voice of Amhara State, Addis Ababa, 0503-0518, 12-12, Vernacular
comments, East African songs. 24322. (Méndez)

6055, Radio Nikkei 1, Chiba-Nagara, 0746-0757, 12-12, Japanese,
comments. 15311.

Also 0801-0815, 13-12, Japanese, comments, male. 15321. (Méndez)

6115, Radio Nikkei 2, Chiba-Nagara, 0737-0810, 12-12, Japanese pop songs
an comments. 15321.
Also 0800-0814, 13-12, Japanese, comments, female, songs. 15321.

LIBERIA, 6050, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, 0640-0655, 12-12, English,
religious comments, program “Back to the Bible”. 25422. (Méndez)

MADAGASCAR, 5009.9, Radio Nasionaly Malagasy, Ambohidrano, 1900-1910,
12-12, Vernacular comments. 15321. (Méndez)

9835, Sarawak FM, Kajan, 0935-1012, 12-12, Malaysian, comments, male,
female, pop songs in Malaysian and English, Whitney Houston song
“Somebody”, id. “Sawarah FM”. 24322. (Méndez)

11890, Radio Nyawa Sarawak, 1114-1125, 11-12, Malaysian, comments,
mentioned “Sarawak”. 24322.
Also *1000-1020, 13-12, open with music, male, id. “Radio Nyawa
Sarawak”, Malaysian, comments,

MALI, 5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, 0659-0705, 12-12, French, id. “Vous
écoutez Radio Mali”, “Le Journal, la prèmiere édition”, news. 44444.

MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de México, 0445-0525, 12-12,
classic music, Mexican and other Latin American songs. 15321.

Also 0507-0540, 13-12, music. 15321. (Méndez)

MONGOLIA, 7260, Mongolian Radio 2, Ulaan Baatar, 0807-0823, 13-12, male,
Mongolian, comments. Very weak and slight QRM from China on the same
frequency. 13411. (Méndez)

NIGERIA, 7244.9, Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, 0805-0812, 12-12, English,
news, comments. 25322. (Méndez)

SOLOMON ISLANDS, 9545, SIBC, Honiara, 0453-0459*, 12-12, strong carrier
and extremely weak audio, some comments detected. Closed at exactly
0459.52. (Méndez)

7205, Sudan Radio, Al Aitahab, 0501-0512, 12-12, Arabic, comments.
25432. (Méndez)

9505, Voice of Africa, Al Aitahab, 1716-1723, 12-12, English, id. “The
Voice of Africa”, “The Voice of Africa comes to you from Sudan”, news,
comments. 24322. (Méndez)

TANZANIA, 6015, Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation, Dole, 0450-0505,
13-12, Swahili, comments. Strong QRM on 6020. 31431. (Méndez)

ZAMBIA, 5915, Zambia NBC, Radio 1, Lusaka, 1730-1748, 12-12, Vernacular
comments. 24322. (Méndez)

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