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9746 UNID |
Sunday, January 26 2020
I ask for help from friends to be able to identify this radio in 9746. Before this video, it seems that it broadcast in Spanish. I didn't find it on any list. Listening was from the SDR of Gotland, Sweden
bandicam 2020 01 26 18 32 04 626 | | | | | |
| | | | | bandicam 2020 01 26 18 32 04 626 9746 26/Jan 2132 UNID em inglês, antes parecia estar transmitindo em espanhol. Escuta desde o SDR de Gotland, Su... | | | 73 Jorge Freitas My Blog:https://dxlogfreitas.blogspot.com/ Local time -3 UT Feira de Santana Bahia 12°14´S 38°58´W - BrasilTecsun PL-310ETAntenna Delta Loop 8,5 meters- _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
9746 UNID |
Sunday, January 26 2020
VIETNAM 9730 kHz fundamental towards Europe, and NoAF incl. Saudi Arabia NE, at CIRAF zones 27-30, 37-39 100 kW at 320degr according Aoki HFCC database, VoVietnam from Hanoi, bcast center Son Tay. 1600-2200 UT daily. There is one of the 5 shortwave TX units much faulty, and sent out next to the fundamental, some additional spurios every 8 kHz freqeuency distance minus / plus 8 kHz like a Garden fence. 73 wb df5sx wwdxc Alemanha VIETNAM 9730 kHz defunct transmitter from Hanoi Son Tay again on air tonight at 18.30-19.00 UT German service, from 19.00 UT English.
9730 kHz Faulty defunct VoVTN Son Tay transmission, S=9+15dB, and more 2 x 8 strings, each 8 kHz apart distance, either sideband. Produce also some whistle heterodyne tones to other regular international broadcaster in 31 mb. 7285 kHz Faulty defunct VoVTN Son Tay transmission, S=9+15dB signal in eastern Thailand remote SDR rx. At 10.30-13.30 UT, Cambodian, Lao 11-12, French, Thai, French services, Jan 10, more 2 x 8 16 in total strings visible like a garden fence, each 8 kHz apart distance, either sideband. On 7221 ... 7229 ... center fundamental 7285 kHz ... 7341 ... 7349 kHz. Produce also some whistle heterodyne tones to other regular international broadcaster in 41 mb channels. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 9 / 10) VIETNAM Voice of Vietnam 9730 kHz spurs. Don't know if it's a new thing, but Voice of Vietnam at the moment is producing qute a few spurs from nominal 9730 kHz (2130-2200 UT in English). Every 8 kHz there is almost same level signal - from 9698 to 9762 kHz. (Wojtek Zaremba, Legionowo-POL, hcdx Dec 17)
VIETNAM Re: Voice of Vietnam 9730 kHz spurs. Their 8 kHz spur fqs like 'garden fence' not observed in 23-24 UT Dec 17 time slot, when checked remote SDR rxs in Qatar, India, Brisbane Australia and Hiroshima / Tokyo Japan.
9839.771 VoVietnam Son Tay S=8 in Hiroshima remote rx. 177degr azimuth straight southwards to South East Asia target. 23.05 UT on Dec 17. Only S=7 signal in Japan. 12018.709 VoVietnam Son Tay, S=7-8 sidelobe into Tokyo Japan remote SDR rx. At 23.35 UT on Dec 17. 9634.941 VoVietnam home sce relay from Son Tay bcast center in Vietnamese language at 23.49 UT on Dec 17, S=8-9 sidelobe into remote SDR in Japan. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 17) VIETNAM 11720 kHz TERRIBLE -13x- SPURS FENCE in 25 mb tonight of VoVTN Vietnamese from Son Tay site at 23.54 UT on Dec 4, similar to recent defunct TX outlet on 9730 kHz 16-22 UT to Europe, visible and heard spurious from Son Tay transmitter each 8 kHz apart frequency distance.
Tonight Dec 4 / 5 now a lot of VoVTN spurious too in 25 mb: 11664 11672 11688 11696 11704 11712 11720(and CNH co-ch) 11728 11736 11744 11752 11768 11784 11792 kHz [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 4/5) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jorge Freitas via Hard-Core-DX" <hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com>
To: "WOR DXLD" <wor@groups.io>; "Hard-core-dx HCDX" <hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com> Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2020 11:05 PM Subject: [HCDX] 9746 UNID
I ask for help from friends to be able to identify this radio in 9746. Before this video, it seems that it broadcast in Spanish. I didn't find it on any list. Listening was from the SDR of Gotland, Swedenbandicam 2020 01 26 18 32 04 626 | | bandicam 2020 01 26 18 32 04 626 9746 26/Jan 2132 UNID em inglês, antes parecia estar transmitindo em espanhol. Escuta desde o SDR de Gotland, Su... 73 Jorge Freitas My Blog:https://dxlogfreitas.blogspot.com/ Local time -3 UT Feira de Santana Bahia 12°14´S 38°58´W - BrasilTecsun PL-310ETAntenna Delta Loop 8,5 meters- _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
#209 Reception in Piedade SP, BRAZIL - January 26, 2020 |
Sunday, January 26 2020
#209 RECEPTION IN PIEDADE SP, BRAZIL (992 m above sea level) ********************************** January 26, 2020 (Time in UTC) Receiver: Sony ICF2001D (The old and brave Sony ICF2001D!!!!!!!) Antenna: RGP3 Ferrite Loop Antenna ********************************** BRAZIL: 1340 kHz Radio Canoa Grande, Igaraçu do Tietê SP, 26/01 1015. Advs, Radio Canoa Grande'. 25542 (RG). BRAZIL: 1360 kHz Radio Luzes da Ribalta, Santa Barbara do Oeste SP, 26/01 1009. Brazilian song, Toquinho, id 'Radio Luzes'. 35443 (RG). BRAZIL: 1390 kHz Radio CBN, Campinas SP, 26/01 1003. Id.: 'Radio CBN Campinas, Jornal da CBN, hoje com Leandro Gouveia'. 35553 (RG). BRAZIL: 1420 kHz Radio Nova, São Manuel SP, 26/01 0955. Advs, Pescados Fernandes, 'Radio Nova, São Manuel...', Prefeitura de São Manuel. 35543 (RG). BRAZIL: 1440 kHz Radio Bandeirantes (via Radio Azul Celeste), Americana SP, 26/01 0950. 'Arquivo musical, pela Bandeirantes...'. 35553 (RG). BRAZIL: 1530 kHz Radio Clube, Pouso Alegre MG, 25/01 2202. Advs, 'Radio Clube de Pouso Alegre'. 34443 (RG). BRAZIL: 1530 kHz Radio Difusora, Itajaí SC, 25/01 2156. Brazilian songs, Jingle: '... você está bem, Difusora, programa Multi-Música...' . 34543 (RG). BRAZIL: 1540 kHz Radio Transmundial (via Radio Difusora Oeste), Osasco SP, 25/01 1030. Id: '... esta é a Transmundial...' (jingle). www.transmundial.com . br . Advs. 35553 (RG). According Technical Department from RTM, this station recently began to use Radio Difusora Oeste facilities, with target São Paulo Metropolitan region. In Piedade (67 km from Osasco), a good signal. BRAZIL: 1560 kHz Radio Clube, Mallet PR, 25/01 1024. Advs, 'Clube', Brazilian song. 24432 (RG). First reception! BRAZIL: 1570 kHz Radio Socorro, Socorro SP, 25/01 1018. Brazilian song, id 'Socorro, a líder, a número 1'. 24542 (RG). BRAZIL: 1570 kHz Radio Zequinha de Abreu, Santa Rita do Passa Quatro SP, 25/01 1012. Advs from Santa Rita City. 24542 (RG). First reception! BRAZIL: 1580 kHz Radio Encantado, Encantado RS, 26/01 0934. Advs, '...festa na Barra do Coqueiro, patrocínio, Radio Encantado...'. 34543 (RG). ********************************** (RG) - Rudolf Grimm PY2-81502 SWL São Bernardo SP, BRAZIL http: //dxways-br.blogspot.com YouTube: GrimmSBC **********************************
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
9746 UNID |
Sunday, January 26 2020
I ask for help from friends to be able to identify this radio in 9746. Before this video, it seems that it broadcast in Spanish. I didn't find it on any list. Listening was from the SDR of Gotland, Sweden
bandicam 2020 01 26 18 32 04 626 | | | | | |
| | | | | bandicam 2020 01 26 18 32 04 626 9746 26/Jan 2132 UNID em inglês, antes parecia estar transmitindo em espanhol. Escuta desde o SDR de Gotland, Su... | | | 73 Jorge Freitas My Blog:https://dxlogfreitas.blogspot.com/ Local time -3 UT Feira de Santana Bahia 12°14´S 38°58´W - BrasilTecsun PL-310ETAntenna Delta Loop 8,5 meters- _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Something new from WRMI? |
Sunday, January 26 2020
No, NOT from Okeechobee Florida of WRMI, -- I guessbut from end of October in winter season B-19 there is like AWR request #1731 to serve South Asian subcontinent ITU zone #41, 250 kW at (minus 15degr) slewed 35 degrees azimuth like towards IND, PAK, BGD, CLN target and others, via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility. 17730 kHz 1600-1630 UTC zone41 MDC 250kW 35deg -15deg antenna ITU type#158 1234567 271019-280320 English MDG AWR AWR request#1731 x204 vy73 wolfie df5sx wwdxc germany ----- Original Message ----- From: "Harold Frodge" <>
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2020 5:38 PM Subject: [WOR] Something new from WRMI?17730 WRMI Radio Miami Int’l; 1617-1628:53*, 1/26; Wavescan w/ Jeff White. SIO=2+53-, not in Aoki, EiBi or the WRMI web sked, later dated 20-Dec-19. (Frodge-MI) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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