26/6https://zliangaslogs.blogspot.com/2020/06/monioring-26-6-with-my-sdr-and-kiwis.html 5930& 5940 Algerie with imam chanting 3.860vs 4.9 kHz x 2 for audio with and -63//-55dbm /-115 dbm
5995 that possible is Mali on 2147 but with talk in local language with-78dbm 6000 CNR in //4800 with nice c-pop 2148 possibly the highest and softest ‘western’pop in the world with -76 dbm Laos Xizang Chinese service has a 2 hours musicalprogram thartign from 2000 every day (with the signon )except Tuesday that starts90 minutes later today CNR can be sound in very numerous frequencies that fillnearly the whole SW bands And ocne again 6230 and 6280 with CNR jamming SoH with signals up to-75dbm! 6676 Bangkok Volmet -95/115dbm with meteo talks in English at 2040 9420 ERA at 2157 with old Greek slow rock song Sigal is -65 over -115 dbm but the local noiseis quite hard to really kill reception as with encore on 2030 on 3955 tghat was075 over -100dbm that really killed reception>its is a classical music stationform UK . Fortunately Encore could bealso heard in better on 6070 same time 9830 Voturkey in Spanish 2153 with talks and music clip -67/-115dbm max 12050 CNR17 in Kazakh 0950 with mice local music and short talks -88dbmmax with 25 db fades 15290 NHK with talks inJJ withIDs and music from sôran atana traditional theme offishermen 15310 RFE Uzbek 1427 Uzbekistan a.. zalar , mentioning Qabul -89/120dbm 15450 TRT program 1242 in English with over view of Turkish press -66dbmS9+13 with 36 db S/N levels 15770 WRMI with TOM pogram 2155 with the usual priest voice teaching and sermoning -65/-125 dbm 15805 WMR 1430 with pop music sigal is sometimes lost in the local noiseof -115dbm Also on 20+ with signal around-105/120dbm 17490 CRI is heard today since 0900 and sporadically also on 12xx . itwas supposed that in kasha kahsgra to have a transmitter service? Signalis-100/-115dbm 17720 RFA 1222 in Tibetan There is some clipping audio during YL’s voiceaspirations. THis clipping is also herd on Uno New program session on 1230 Signal -65dbm. SNR is 30 as noticed in the Slevel scale 17845 ERGO in Somali with thalks 1216 with -95/130dbm S/N There is someQRM splatter form 17830 Farda -70dbm 21670 R Saudi Intl 0930 with signal -90/135 dbm max and quranic psalmswity sounds of birds with 2x4.5 kHZaudio Around 15db fadings MW Now 810 on Jn 26+ 27 Skopje NM /FYROMis not heard insrtad a very poo signal from Spanishis heard 801 a Greek pirate on 2218 792 is free from the Greek pirate but in // 1233 Dechovka 1044 duffy with Greek songs with-74/155dbm 1008 ERA with delay over 729 of 6 secs 1575 at 2238 IRIB with only carrier at-55/105 dbm In kiwi in Bandung ins now withmla30a and a few from Philippines SDR : 9380 AIR /Vid Bharati 1307 with old boly songs S9/7 9420 CNR 6 instead on CNR13 in the west ! slow talks in CC over tradmusic 9810 CNR OMwith fast talks over a known western song of 80s QRmed andQRIing 9820 with also 20 kHz wide channel S20 9820 Biejing 9 am In english Zhiongguo GUangshuy guangbo , then withsongs S20 -54 dbm 9830 CNR1 with talks -50dbm max 9835 RTMsarawak is ‘poor’ as S9 +10 max in between megasignals in thepart of the band much better inPhilippines with S20 -55 dbm with memburu rindu from Hatan 9840 VoV with Talks in Indonesian 1406 with -50 dbm 11665 wai Fm with local semi trad songs on 1320 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/