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Glenn Hauser logs February 1-2-3, 2019 |
Sunday, February 03 2019
** CUBA. Feb 2 from 1452 I survey the galaxy of JBA wobblespurs out of RHC 15140: quickly these are estimates based on approx. zero-beating, rather than precise measurements: 15397.45, 15368.85, 15311.62, 15283.1, 15025.4, 14968.35, 14939.75, 14911.1, 14882.57=stronger, 14853.91, 14825.34, 14796.75, 14768.1.
Now the separations between them, skipping a few spots: 28.60, 57.23, 28.52, 257.7, 57.05, 28.60, 28.65, 28.53, 28.66, 28.57, 28.59, 28.65. The lowest one heard, 14768.1, is 13 x 28.6077! Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 15370-AM, Feb 2 at 2056, RHC has resumed FM transmissions out of this AM transmitter at multiple points across the 19m band. The closests are quite strong S9 and broad about 10 kHz wide with almost full quieting, so hard to pinpoint center carriers. 15505 noted first, then 15435, 15304, 15235, 15167, 15102, 15037, 14968, 14898. The intervals are somewhere between 65 and 70 kHz. All accompanied by signature F# tone above Cmiddle, and the only giveaway for the very weakest at the outer limits. Service is in French and // 15140, which unlike in the morning with multiple JBA spurs, is not the source of this bunch. At 2102 I search for higher ones: approx. 15569, 15637, and measure the top two: 15703.41 and 15772.34. The last one is +402.34 kHz from 15370, and = 6 x 67.05, while the next one is 5 x 66.68 away. Then at 2103 I notice that the strongest spurs are equally clear when tuned in AM mode as in FM --- how do they do that? Notably 15435, 15505, 15305, 15235. At 2131, language has switched to Portuguese and 15140 has gone off. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 5990, Feb 3 at 0116, S9+10/20; obviously the sloppyrators at RadioCuba have failed to turn off the CRI relay transmitter before 0100. Too bad that RHC English next door on 6000 is notably weaker, only S9+10 but suptorted; while // 6165 is sufficient. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FINLAND [non]. 5980, Feb 2 at 1740, it`s the first Saturday and tnx to a reminder from Manuel MÃndez, Spain, since I have UTwente running about Nigeria/Spain clashing 9690, I also check for the monthly Scandinavian Weekend Radio 100-watt broadcast when it is supposed to be on 5980 and 11720: nothing heard on 11720, and 5980 fully occupied by Turkey with a crazy-wild silly ballgame in Turkish (same one as on Spain?). 6170 trace of a signal but that could be VOK; nothing heard on 11690 either. SWR has previously been reported slightly off- frequency which might be helpful in differentiating it from the competition. But why in the world go head to head with 500 kW from Turkey?? Schedule is subject to variation. Supposed to be 11720 & 5980 at 17-19, then switching to the other pair (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA. 7255- and 9690-, Feb 2 at 0705, no signals from VON (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA [and non]. 9689.97, Sat Feb 2 from 1607: Wild & crazy silly ballgame on `Tablero Deportivo` from REE 9690.00 has QRM from low het to low side, just like Nigeria provides normally after 1900 weekdays. By 1641, I`m listening via UTwente with enough audio in the huge collision to tell it is in English. Maybe CRI? But no IS or ID break noted at ToH 1700. At 1714: just heard a Voice of Nigeria ID in passing, ending program credits. By 1725, VON is gaining, and/or REE is fading a bit; outro for program `Women and Development` with Lagos address; still going past 1730. WRTH shows no VON at all between 09 and 18 UT, and 9690 only as alternate to 7255. Nor EiBi between 08 and 18. Aoki shows VON Swahili/Yoruba/Igbo at 1600-1730. So VON has a new English block, rather than African languages, at least on Saturday (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR iog via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SPAIN. 9690, Fri Feb 1 at 2300, REE English service is playing ``Kisses, Sweeter than Wine``, by The Weavers. Again, what has such music to do with Spain? This time I keep listening and when it ends Justin Coe introduces a report about a visit to a tourist trade fair and a bodega - winery (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 3299-USB, UT Sun Feb 3 at 0120, AF MARS net with AFD4TN ``for net control``, contact with AFD4FL, while net designator is 4TX1, all fonetikaly. Completed rollcall at 0121, counting 40 checkins. I suspect suffices -TN and -FL stand for Tennessee and Florida (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1967 monitoring: confirmed Saturday February 2 at 1230 on WRMI 9955, VP S1 but readable. Before 2030 it should have been on 5045-LSB, Unique Radio, NSW, as on alternate weeks. Sat Feb 2 after 1531 on HLR 9485-CUSB, inaudible here and at UTwente SDR; but Alan Gale, England, reports: ``Hi Glenn, Still no sign of World of Radio via HLR here at 1530 UT again, but a tune around various webSDRs brought up a very good signal via the one in Italy at: http://kiwisdr.briata.org:8073/ You might like to check this out; at least we now know that the signal is propagating to the south at any rate. Alan`` Also confirmed Sat Feb 2 at 2200 on WRMI, 9955, S9+/S6 and no jamming yet. Next: 0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415], ND 0830 UT Sunday WRMI 5850 to NW, 5950 to WNW, 7730 to WNW 1130 UT Sunday HLR 7265-CUSB Germany to WSW 2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to NE 0230 UT Monday WRMI 5950 to WNW, 9395 to NNW 0400vUT Monday WBCQ *5130v Area 51 to WSW 0430 UT Monday WRMI *9955 to SSE 0930 UT Monday Unique 5045-LSB NSW ND 2330 UT Monday WRMI *9955 to SSE [or #1968] * also webcast; direct linx to these and many others at: Complete WOR sked, all affiliates, satellite, webcast, AM&FM, podcast: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 7520, UT Sun Feb 3 at 0350, S9+10/20 of drama in Russian. It`s WHRI`s weekly one hour on this frequency, aimed at Russia, but language disinformation, listed on own FBC sked as in English, and as if on 7385, which is off now but presumably on air the other six nights. Only other active WHRI frequency now is 5920 in English. Hansjoerg Biener confirms QSLing WHRI a year ago, during Your Story Hour really in Russian; and last week, John Dusek wondered where the Russian on 7520 was coming from, Jan 27 at 0320, ``a radio sitcom or play of some sort.`` Only HFCC admits this is in Russian/English, at 03-04 on Day 7 only = Saturday, but this is about Day 1 = Sunday: usual confusion over local vs UT days. WRTH 2019 pp 505-506 shows no 7520 nor any language but English for WHRI! EiBi showed 7520 on air from WHRI only Saturdays 03 -04 and in English! More confusion about UT day. Aoki misses 7520 WHRI completely. I know WHRI briefly in Russian Saturday nights has been reported before but even FBC`s own current sked does not produce it. Frequency search includes 7.520 on dropdown as a possible one, but gets no hits. Nor does searching all frequencies in language: Russian. Then I inspected the program schedules for Angels 1, 2, 5 and 6. Nothing on 1, 5 or 6, but 2 is the one supposedly targeting Russia, and it includes this entry at the time John was listening: ``0315-0300 10:15 PM-10:00 PM Su Messianic Word Pictures Tracy Still 7.385 Mhz`` [sic!] I guess they meant 0315-0330, 10:15-10:30 PM unless they get time to flow in reverse. Google searches on keywords get no significant results except back to the WHR sked. And: ``0330-0400 10:30 PM-11:00 PM Su Your Story Hour 7.385 Mhz`` And 0300-0315 occupied by IRN News presumably in English, then 10 minutes of LeSEA music (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 6880, Feb 2 at 0238, S9-S6 carrier, seems JB modulated with music; again at 0309 check. This happens to be 2 x 3440, a sometimes active pirate channel, such as Wolverine Radio, but at best there is a JBA carrier there. No reports at this time in HFUnderground about either, but several have appeared on 6880 last year or two (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This report dispatched at 0418 UT February 3 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs February 1-2-3, 2019 |
Sunday, February 03 2019
A couple slight correxions:
Add that it was dead air: ** CUBA. 5990, Feb 3 at 0116, S9+10/20 of dead air; obviously the sloppyrators at RadioCuba have failed to turn off the CRI relay transmitter before 0100. Too bad that RHC English next door on 6000 is notably weaker, only S9+10 but suptorted; while // 6165 is sufficient. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) before 1230, not 2030: ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1967 monitoring: confirmed Saturday February 2 at 1230 on WRMI 9955, VP S1 but readable. Before 1230 it should have been on 5045-LSB, Unique Radio, NSW, as on alternate weeks. _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs February 1-2-3, 2019 |
Sunday, February 03 2019
** CUBA. Feb 2 from 1452 I survey the galaxy of JBA wobblespurs out of RHC 15140: quickly these are estimates based on approx. zero-beating, rather than precise measurements: 15397.45, 15368.85, 15311.62, 15283.1, 15025.4, 14968.35, 14939.75, 14911.1, 14882.57=stronger, 14853.91, 14825.34, 14796.75, 14768.1.
Now the separations between them, skipping a few spots: 28.60, 57.23, 28.52, 257.7, 57.05, 28.60, 28.65, 28.53, 28.66, 28.57, 28.59, 28.65. The lowest one heard, 14768.1, is 13 x 28.6077! Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 15370-AM, Feb 2 at 2056, RHC has resumed FM transmissions out of this AM transmitter at multiple points across the 19m band. The closests are quite strong S9 and broad about 10 kHz wide with almost full quieting, so hard to pinpoint center carriers. 15505 noted first, then 15435, 15304, 15235, 15167, 15102, 15037, 14968, 14898. The intervals are somewhere between 65 and 70 kHz. All accompanied by signature F# tone above Cmiddle, and the only giveaway for the very weakest at the outer limits. Service is in French and // 15140, which unlike in the morning with multiple JBA spurs, is not the source of this bunch. At 2102 I search for higher ones: approx. 15569, 15637, and measure the top two: 15703.41 and 15772.34. The last one is +402.34 kHz from 15370, and = 6 x 67.05, while the next one is 5 x 66.68 away. Then at 2103 I notice that the strongest spurs are equally clear when tuned in AM mode as in FM --- how do they do that? Notably 15435, 15505, 15305, 15235. At 2131, language has switched to Portuguese and 15140 has gone off. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 5990, Feb 3 at 0116, S9+10/20; obviously the sloppyrators at RadioCuba have failed to turn off the CRI relay transmitter before 0100. Too bad that RHC English next door on 6000 is notably weaker, only S9+10 but suptorted; while // 6165 is sufficient. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FINLAND [non]. 5980, Feb 2 at 1740, it`s the first Saturday and tnx to a reminder from Manuel MÃndez, Spain, since I have UTwente running about Nigeria/Spain clashing 9690, I also check for the monthly Scandinavian Weekend Radio 100-watt broadcast when it is supposed to be on 5980 and 11720: nothing heard on 11720, and 5980 fully occupied by Turkey with a crazy-wild silly ballgame in Turkish (same one as on Spain?). 6170 trace of a signal but that could be VOK; nothing heard on 11690 either. SWR has previously been reported slightly off- frequency which might be helpful in differentiating it from the competition. But why in the world go head to head with 500 kW from Turkey?? Schedule is subject to variation. Supposed to be 11720 & 5980 at 17-19, then switching to the other pair (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA. 7255- and 9690-, Feb 2 at 0705, no signals from VON (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA [and non]. 9689.97, Sat Feb 2 from 1607: Wild & crazy silly ballgame on `Tablero Deportivo` from REE 9690.00 has QRM from low het to low side, just like Nigeria provides normally after 1900 weekdays. By 1641, I`m listening via UTwente with enough audio in the huge collision to tell it is in English. Maybe CRI? But no IS or ID break noted at ToH 1700. At 1714: just heard a Voice of Nigeria ID in passing, ending program credits. By 1725, VON is gaining, and/or REE is fading a bit; outro for program `Women and Development` with Lagos address; still going past 1730. WRTH shows no VON at all between 09 and 18 UT, and 9690 only as alternate to 7255. Nor EiBi between 08 and 18. Aoki shows VON Swahili/Yoruba/Igbo at 1600-1730. So VON has a new English block, rather than African languages, at least on Saturday (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR iog via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SPAIN. 9690, Fri Feb 1 at 2300, REE English service is playing ``Kisses, Sweeter than Wine``, by The Weavers. Again, what has such music to do with Spain? This time I keep listening and when it ends Justin Coe introduces a report about a visit to a tourist trade fair and a bodega - winery (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 3299-USB, UT Sun Feb 3 at 0120, AF MARS net with AFD4TN ``for net control``, contact with AFD4FL, while net designator is 4TX1, all fonetikaly. Completed rollcall at 0121, counting 40 checkins. I suspect suffices -TN and -FL stand for Tennessee and Florida (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1967 monitoring: confirmed Saturday February 2 at 1230 on WRMI 9955, VP S1 but readable. Before 2030 it should have been on 5045-LSB, Unique Radio, NSW, as on alternate weeks. Sat Feb 2 after 1531 on HLR 9485-CUSB, inaudible here and at UTwente SDR; but Alan Gale, England, reports: ``Hi Glenn, Still no sign of World of Radio via HLR here at 1530 UT again, but a tune around various webSDRs brought up a very good signal via the one in Italy at: http://kiwisdr.briata.org:8073/ You might like to check this out; at least we now know that the signal is propagating to the south at any rate. Alan`` Also confirmed Sat Feb 2 at 2200 on WRMI, 9955, S9+/S6 and no jamming yet. Next: 0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415], ND 0830 UT Sunday WRMI 5850 to NW, 5950 to WNW, 7730 to WNW 1130 UT Sunday HLR 7265-CUSB Germany to WSW 2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to NE 0230 UT Monday WRMI 5950 to WNW, 9395 to NNW 0400vUT Monday WBCQ *5130v Area 51 to WSW 0430 UT Monday WRMI *9955 to SSE 0930 UT Monday Unique 5045-LSB NSW ND 2330 UT Monday WRMI *9955 to SSE [or #1968] * also webcast; direct linx to these and many others at: Complete WOR sked, all affiliates, satellite, webcast, AM&FM, podcast: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 7520, UT Sun Feb 3 at 0350, S9+10/20 of drama in Russian. It`s WHRI`s weekly one hour on this frequency, aimed at Russia, but language disinformation, listed on own FBC sked as in English, and as if on 7385, which is off now but presumably on air the other six nights. Only other active WHRI frequency now is 5920 in English. Hansjoerg Biener confirms QSLing WHRI a year ago, during Your Story Hour really in Russian; and last week, John Dusek wondered where the Russian on 7520 was coming from, Jan 27 at 0320, ``a radio sitcom or play of some sort.`` Only HFCC admits this is in Russian/English, at 03-04 on Day 7 only = Saturday, but this is about Day 1 = Sunday: usual confusion over local vs UT days. WRTH 2019 pp 505-506 shows no 7520 nor any language but English for WHRI! EiBi showed 7520 on air from WHRI only Saturdays 03 -04 and in English! More confusion about UT day. Aoki misses 7520 WHRI completely. I know WHRI briefly in Russian Saturday nights has been reported before but even FBC`s own current sked does not produce it. Frequency search includes 7.520 on dropdown as a possible one, but gets no hits. Nor does searching all frequencies in language: Russian. Then I inspected the program schedules for Angels 1, 2, 5 and 6. Nothing on 1, 5 or 6, but 2 is the one supposedly targeting Russia, and it includes this entry at the time John was listening: ``0315-0300 10:15 PM-10:00 PM Su Messianic Word Pictures Tracy Still 7.385 Mhz`` [sic!] I guess they meant 0315-0330, 10:15-10:30 PM unless they get time to flow in reverse. Google searches on keywords get no significant results except back to the WHR sked. And: ``0330-0400 10:30 PM-11:00 PM Su Your Story Hour 7.385 Mhz`` And 0300-0315 occupied by IRN News presumably in English, then 10 minutes of LeSEA music (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 6880, Feb 2 at 0238, S9-S6 carrier, seems JB modulated with music; again at 0309 check. This happens to be 2 x 3440, a sometimes active pirate channel, such as Wolverine Radio, but at best there is a JBA carrier there. No reports at this time in HFUnderground about either, but several have appeared on 6880 last year or two (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This report dispatched at 0418 UT February 3 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs January 31, 2019 |
Friday, February 01 2019
** CUBA. 13671.718 & 13728.283, Jan 31 at 1457, JBA spurs from RHC 13700 detectable today at 28.282 or 28.283 kHz offsets, perfectly matched within margin of error. How about further out? One more found at 13756.567, while 2 x 28.2825 would be +56.565, close enough!
So this transmitter has the same kind of defect as 15140, but a different offset vs 28.6 kHz. Next one up should be about 13785, but too much splash from fundamental 13780 not off yet. It is off at 1534, when I find a JBA carrier on 13784.859, which is 28.292 above the previous one. Of course I did not bother to check whether fundamental was on exactly 13700.000. Something`s always wrong at RHC. Wondering whether the 15140 and 13700 transmitters have been swapped, then at 1534 I see if any spurs remain from 15140? It`s rather weaker today by propagation, but one about 14882.56. The last time I found one in this area, Jan 25 at 1324: ``14882.472, that is minus 257.528 kHz, but that means separations would be 25.7528 kHz, less than about 28.6 otherwise indicated; so maybe 14882+ is really unrelated to these``. However, I was dividing by 10; if I had divided by 9, I would have found it did match: 28.614 kHz! Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 15230, Jan 31 at 1542, RHC Spanish is S9+10 but suptorted; wiggle that patchcord! // 15140 is distorted but not suppressed. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GREECE. 9420, Jan 31 at 2150, great Greek music from VOG is good at S9/+10 as I tune over from SBC on 11820+ after it stops Qur`aning. No ToH timesignal, but ID before 2201 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1170, Jan 31 at 2010 UT on caradio, KFAQ Tulsa IBOC noise seems off; can`t hear any on 1160 or 1180, but nothing else to be heard either. At night it really messes up KSL (which I suppose is also still IBOC too, serving them right). Certainly no conclusions yet about KFAQ IBOC (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1450, Jan 31 at 1959 UT on caradio, one station in CCI also vs spur het from 1390 KCRC, partial ID as 100.9 FM, into network news. NRC AM Log shows of the three Okies on 1450, the one with 100.9, K265FE, is KGFF Shawnee (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKEY. 12035.0+, Jan 31 at 1423, VOT sign-off English by YL announcer for a change; only a few Hz off frequency today, not 700, poor S5-S7. I keep listening to ascertain when it cut off. IS plays for a while, by 1426 interspersed with IDs in Turkic if not Turkish language. Keeps going past 1430 with timesignal about a sesquisecond late, and opening presumed Kazakh, which is the only VOT SW language scheduled to start at 1430, and supposed to be on 9785. Wish I could remember that, to swiftly check whether 9785, 9785, 9785, be absent and cut on late, the next time this surely happen; for 12035+ is not chopped off by the sloppyrator until 1430:39*. Meanwhile TRT Turkish is also almost-on-frequency today, a few Hz above 11815.0 rather than +700, neither measured; tomorrow is another day (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. I`m overdue for a complete bandscan of the local FM scene, so undertake it on caradio from a parking lot on the west edge of Enid, Jan 31 from 2013 UT, noting some significant items: 88.3, K202BY, Enid, FÃmily Radio translator is still on with dead air after many months, altho I have not kept mentioning it. They later got an STA to be off the air, not realizing the difference! Nothing in WTFDA FM Database about it being off, or programming silence, or STA. 92.1, KAMG-LP Enid remains off the air for many months. It`s still in the WTFDA FM Database with no notation that it`s silent. I am hearing something else weakly, one of the three others Okies on frequency. 93.1, K226BR Enid remains off the air for *years*; it was last translating 93.9 KIMY until it broke. Still in WTFDADB as if it exist. 95.1, strong dead air at 2012, still at 2028 UT, trace of Wichita or Shawnee underneath. Apparently somecar`s unfed feeder elsewhere in the Walmart parking lot, as it quickly fades when I drive away. Far too far from the Pheasant Run Xmas sound & lite show, a mile or two, to be that 95.1 Part 15 transmitter not turned off. 100.9, no sign yet of K265FL, translator of talker KGWA 960 Enid, tho in WTFDA DB as if on the air. Anyhow, that supplants the CP for a community LPFM. 101.5, new local-quality signal! Strong enough to ACI KS on 101.7. 2017 UT Jan 31 tune-in to tropical music; dumps off the air for a few seconds and back on several times. Song is `Alza tus Ojos`, lyrix about ``mi querida Venezuela``, mentioning most other Latin American countries, apparently promoting political support for the opposition. Alzar means raise or lift up. Automated timecheck at 2020 for ``Las 14 horas, 20 minutos``, so in UT-6 zone. Promo for program `Tiempo de Alabanza` elsewhen. I am wondering if this be a local pirate? Especially when I hear it ID as ``Radio SalvaciÃn, 93.9 FM``; then promo FB something like radiosalvacionokc; But at 2032 UT it`s ``SalvaciÃn Radio NÃtwork, ciento uno punto cinco, transmitiendo vÃa tus sentidos``, a rather strange claim. I hear the same canned ID a few more times before 2100 UT. 2042 UT song again ``Alza tus Ojos``, but this time it`s a praise hymn with non- Venezuelan lyrix. Finally at 2100 UT at home I hear a too-fast legal ID for something with a W on 93.9 and KOCD 101.5 Okeene OK; into Torah lesson --- I guess they are Messianic, certainly not Jewish Orthodox. WTFDA DB info draws no connexion between these (93.9 not heard here): KOCD 101.5 Okeene OK runs 14 kW horizontal only from 88 meters HAAT, at 36-07-11 N, 98-15-45 W Spanish ``LIBERTAD EN CRISTO MINISTRIES`` KWDW-LP 93.9 OKLAHOMA CITY, 100 watts H only, 28 meters, 35-21-40 N, 97-34-55 W ``SPANISH RELIGIOUS`` Okeene is about 30 miles SW of Enid, best known for its annual Rattlesnake Roundup. Search for it on FB finds https://www.facebook.com/pages/Radio-Salvacion-Okc/402409696478831 Home church is an Assembly of God at SW 42 & Agnew, but most of the FB stuff is from 2012-2015. So the original LP pipsqueak gets a relay by a moderate-power non-LP. Yet the LP reaches a far larger market. 104.9, Jan 31 at 2022, lofi RCatholic advice talkshow, phone 833-388- EWTN. So the new station in Ringwood OK, a few miles west of Enid, with one grocery store and a cemetery, is now on air. WTFDA DB shows: KEUC 104.9 RINGWOOD, 100 watts H&V, 21 meters H&V [sic] at 36-23-12 N, 98-14-47 W, ``RELIGIOUS TEACHING EWTN OKLAHOMA CATHOLIC BROADCASTING`` Further into central Enid I am already losing the signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SAUDI ARABIA. 11820.042, Jan 31 at 2119, SRI/SBA is propagating again, after a long winter break, so spring must be nigh! Lovely Qur`an chanting with just the right amount of reverb, even if artificially applied rather than from the mosque`s echoey halls; perfect lullaby for my afternoon nap, S9+10 with fades to S9; always slightly plus frequency, and // always weaker 11914.988, slightly minus, S9-S6. But at 2138 stops cantoring and starts merely talking, presumably sermon until 2150 tune/out. Recheck at 2201, back to Qur`aning, but both greatly faded to S8-S6 and JBA carrier respectively (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 9330.1, Jan 31 at 2115, WBCQ is DA except for fragments of BS cutting in and out, tsk2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 5950 // much stronger 9395, Jan 31 at 2116, these WRMIs are Oldies this hour; not // 7780 other music, and German? announcement, RAE relay (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 5830, Jan 31 at 1546, WTWW-1 night frequency still running with PPPP, not 9475; 5085, Jan 31 at 1546, WTWW-2 is S9+30 over 1- megameter total daypath with rock. 5085 rock still/again heard at 2133, S9+20, and by now 9475 is on. I remarked about how white-identity PPPP might not approve of amoral multi-ethnic rock music on his #2 legacy transmitter, but is it really? Someone much more familiar with the genre and listening to 5085 a lot more than I ever will, would have to evaluate whether anything from non-white artists is allowed on air by Ted? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1470, Jan 31 at 1359 UT, Spanish fades in slightly above the CCI, can`t catch ID if any, but YL DJ is giving 800 number(s); 1402 song ``El DÃa del Marmota``, which means groundhog as well as marmot altho my Langenscheidt dixionary does not know that; getting a jump on him. L dix also says the word is feminine, but what about male marmots? I think the song sang del rather than de la. Again presumed KWSL Sioux City IA, for which NNE DF fits, and there are no SS Texans in the opposite SSW direxion. BTW, when I was monitoring the webstream the other day, the legal IDer pronounced KWSL in English, then attempted to pronounce the X in Sioux not realizing that it is plenty silent (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 1520, Jan 31 at 2012 UT again I have that JBA ~1 kHz het vs KOKC on caradio in western Enid; 1521 Saudi or something. Much closer hi-end skywave certainly in play (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This report despatched at 0122 UT February 1 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs February 1, 2019 |
Friday, February 01 2019
** CUBA. 6100, Feb 1 at 0658, no signal from RHC English, while 6000, 6060 and 6165 are still on --- but by 0659 all of them have cut modulation, open carriers only. Unknown if 6100 merely closed a minute earlier or not at all since 0500. Fifth of The Cuban Five, 5040 at 0701 goes from dead air to opening Spanish! As I recheck the three 6 MHz channels, still dead air. Presumably 5040 will also cut off shortly. Meanwhile, 5025 Rebelde is distorted. Something`s always wrong at RHC and RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EAST TURKISTAN. 9710, Feb 1 at 0251, pop/romantic music, language uncertain, S9-S5 and fluttery, no announcements until abruptly off at 0300* amid music. Only scheduled per HFCC is CRI Spanish via Kashgar, 0100-0300, 500 kW at 294 degrees. But defaulted into fill music? Signal stands out since hardly anything else is propagating on band from overseas (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** HAWAII [and non]. 5000, Feb 1 at 0703, WWVH poorly audible under WWV with hear-us-by-telephone announcement; at 0704 WWV runs its 1-kHz tone. Not heard by me, but WOR iog contributors report: ``As monitored here in NB on 15 MHz today (31 January), WWV ended the National Weather Service Atlantic and Pacific marine high-seas and storm warnings after 1900 UTC. Before that time, announcements about the ending of the warnings were transmitted during minutes 4 and 7 after the hour with the Atlantic information in minutes 8 and 9 and the Pacific information in minute 10. So, the last storm warnings were during the 1800 UTC hour. After 1900, the announcements in minutes 4 and 7 were discontinued and the storm warnings in minutes 8, 9, and 10 were replaced with an announcement about the ending of the warnings. Presumably, there was a similar transition on WWVH -- Richard Langley`` And from Bob Biermann of Your Weekend Show: ``Like it or not, as time moves forward, (Western) government agencies will pull further away from any type of HF communications service, with the exception of HF for military backup. Personally, in the grand scheme of things, it may prove to be a bit short sighted. I understand the benefits of today's IP and satellite based systems, but I also see the robustness of an HF backup`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA [non]. 7255-, Feb 1 at 0653, VON is off again and not heard on 9690- either --- but that could be on and not propagating. Reception on 31m is strange right now, with 9395 WRMI a JBA carrier, while 9330.165 WBCQ TOMBS is S9-S8 and managing to modulate without breakup. Usually at this time of night, it`s the reverse with WRMI`s southern advantage (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1157 & 1183 peaks, Feb 1 at 0347 UT, IBOC noise from 1170 KFAQ Tulsa is certainly on now, tho not heard earlier in the daytime. Forget about clearhearing KSL 1160 unless USB-tuned and KFAQ be nulled as much as possible. I seldom listen deliberately to KFAQ but per NRC AM Log it has no FM! How can a mere 50/50 kW MW station get by without at least a 250-watt translator now? like rival talker KRMG is now a bigger FM station with an AM 740 legacy appendage (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1650, Feb 1 at 0311 UT, making a concerted effort to hear KFSW Sallisaw: now there is some gospel music and ID mentioning ``98- 7``, which fits for ``Life 98.7``, K254AM, which I suspect is really across the frontier in Fort Smith AR. 1650 sig is poor, not comparable to other X-banders, and heavy SAH of 152/minute = 2.53 Hz, probably with KCNZ IA, but plenty of CCI also from CO & TX. This is on the E-W longwire which favors KFSW, and no problem at night from local adjacent 1640. Since I don`t hear KFSW at all in daytime or twilight, strongly suspect they are running only 1 kW day and night rather than 10 kW day --- and this AM station still exists only to feed the much more important mere FM translator in the city of license (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 5950 // much stronger 9395, Feb 1 at 0303, Radio Prague in English via WRMI. Current skedgrid shows these two matching at 01-04, including 0200 Argentina, 0230 Tirana, 0300 Prague, 0330 Slovakia, all in English, but not all daily (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 880-USB + carrier, Feb 1 at 0333 UT I am trying to hear KHAC Tse Bonito NM; having realized I have not been running across it lately as it was easy during a long span of 10 kW ND day power at night rather than 430 watts ND. On the R75 with E-W longwire, 880 is still dominated by DSB KRVN from the north, altho it has an ad mentioning MST --- but about a third of Nebraska is on MST, one boundary on I-80 being about halfway between North Platte and Ogallala, certainly in KRVN`s coverage area from Lexington further east. I try again at 0635 UT Feb 1, this time on the DX-398 which is what it takes to null KRVN as much possible and hear another station on USB but no LSB, which must be KHAC, praise music in English, not Navajo. It`s VP with a 7 Hz SAH. KLRG AR I think has been reactivated and could also be in mix with religion, but it`s DSB. At 0650 amid praise music, ID sounds like ``right here on KJCC and KWIN 104.9``. But I know they must really be saying KHAC and KWIM! Because there is a KWIM 104.9 in adjacent Window Rock AZ --- not KWIN, but meaning Western Indian Ministries, i.e. attempting to deprive Dineh of original religion and turn them into Protestants, a kind of cultural genocide; as per WTFDA FM Database: KWIM 104.9 WINDOW ROCK AZ USA 30.0 kW ERP H&V, 91.0 m HAAT H&V, at 35 -39-19 N, 109-01-59 W, CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN, MUSIC WITH A MESSAGE. But the DB makes no connexion with KHAC 880, despite a blank field for // source of programming! Likewise, the NRC AM Log entry for 880 KHAC makes no mention of any FM (nor the very significant fact that 880 suppresses LSB). Is the FM really in AZ or NM? Strange as it may seem, the AZ/NM straight N-S borderline is not exactly at the 109-00-00 W meridian, but a mile or two west of there per Rand McNally atlas. Was this the result of a surveying error back in the day when the territory was being divided in twain? Likewise Utah/Colorado above the Four Corners. To hear KHAC while legally on 10 kW ND daypower, note that February official SR/SS times are 1400/0100 UT; best chances for getting out just after 1400 or before 0100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This report dispatched at 1941 UT February 1 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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