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Radio Brasil Central reactivated its 60mb frequency 4985 kHz on September 14 |
Monday, September 14 2020
Suspended transmissions of Voice Vietnam |
Monday, September 14 2020
New Colombian 4940 |
Monday, September 14 2020
According to our obs in the WOR iog and mentioned in my logs, it`s the other way around. Peru lower about 4939.971 and Colombia 4939.996. 73, Glenn Hauser On Sunday, September 13, 2020, 12:19:18 PM GMT+1, Karel Honzík <karel-honzik@volny.cz> wrote: Manuel, thanks for your info. Last night I heard two stations on 4940kHz between 2330-0045UTC (Sep12/13). Both with very weak signals here in the middle of Europe. One of them had an endless religious talk by a man in Spanish, I supposed it was Radio San Antonio from Peru (but not closing at 2400 as listed). The second station was mostly playing music, no ann heard. A frequency difference between the stations was about 20Hz, the talking station was the higher one. I gave it up at 0045, signals were getting weaker and weaker as it usually happens in this area after some peak conditions between ...2300-2400... (to South America).
Karel -----Původní zpráva----- From: Manuel Méndez Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2020 8:37 AM To: bdxc-news@groups.io Subject: [HCDX] New Colombian 4940
Manuel Méndez Lugo, Spain Log in Reinante ,Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters and via SDR Kiwi remote receiver in Bonaire. COLOMBIA (presumed), 4940, new station, 0450-0635, 13-09, Spanish, religious comments, Colombian song, more religious comments. The same formant and same announcers as La Voz de tu Conciencia or Alcaravan Radio, it seems that relaying its programs, 1 hour 25 minutes non stop Martin Stendal sermon, film advertisement "Ahora, la película La Montaña disponible totalmente gratis, lamontañacolombia.com", "El Caballo y su Muchacho". Curiously, at 0504 UTC they announced the time "La 1 y 4 minutos", when in Colombia it was 0 hours 4 minutes. No identification heard. Very weak here in Reinante, 15321, fair to good via SDR Kiwi remote receiver in Bonaire. _ _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
so-8859-1?q23256 Reception in Ibiúna SP, BRAZIL so-8859-1?q?- September 13, 2020 |
Sunday, September 13 2020
#256 RECEPTION IN IBIÚNA SP, BRAZIL - September 13, 2020 (RG) - Rudolf Grimm PY2-81502 SWL São Bernardo SP (GG66rg) & Ibiuna SP (GG66hh) Rx: 'My old and efficient' rx, Sony ICF2001D Ant: RGP3 Ferrite Loop Antenna (MW), DXCB Magnetic SW Antenna (SW) Acc.: DXCB RF Amplifier (MW) @ Brazilian stations: all in Portuguese. @ All times in UTC. ************************************************************ BRAZIL - B, 650 kHz: Radio Banda B Norte, Cambará PR, 13/09 0101. International song, id' Radio Banda B'. 34543 (RG). 730 kHz: Radio Sagres, Goiania GO, 13/09 0052. Advs from Goiania, id 'Radio Sagres AM'. 24552 (RG). 770 kHz: Radio Cultura, Lavras MG, 13/09 0039. Brazilian song, id 'Radio Cultura'. 23532 (RG). Strong QRM 770 Radio Oriental, Uruguay. 780 kHz: Radio América, São Paulo SP, 12/09 1138. Female communication, id 'ZYK691 Radio América, São Paulo, 780 kHz, uma canção nova em sua vida'. 35553 (RG). Radio América has developed a partnership with Radio Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista, in their transmission. RCN uses most of the time from RA. 850 kHz: Radio Atalaia, Campo Erê SC, 13/09 0016. Brazilian song, time checking, id 'ZYJ807 Radio Atalaia, Campo Erê, Santa Catarina, uma emissora afiliada da Rede Peperi de Rádio'. Px 'A Voz do Brasil para Cristo'. 35543 (RG). 870 kHz: Radio Central, Campinas SP, 13/09 0026. International and Brazilian oldies, jingle 'na Central, música para você relembrar, de volta ao passado'. 35543 (RG). 980 kHz: Radio Nacional, Brasilia DF, 12/09 2225. Retransmitting 1130 kHz Radio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, football (soccer) match 'Santos FC x São Paulo FC'. 35553 (RG). 1130 kHz: Radio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro RJ, 12/09 2215. Footbal (soccer) match 'Santos FC x São Paulo FC'. 45554 (RG). 1590 kHz: Radio Clube, Joinville SC, 13/09 0032. Brazilian song, advs from Joinville, mention to Padre Marcelo Rossi, id 'Radio Clube, Joinville, Santa Catarina'. 34543 (RG). 5940 kHz: Radio Voz Missionária, Camboriu SC, 13/09 1130. Brazilian Christian songs, id 'Radio Voz Missionária'. 35543 (RG). 6010 kHz: Radio Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG, 13/09 1115. Brazilian songs, id 'Radio Inconfidencia..., Brasileirissima'. 35553 (RG). 6160 kHz: Super Rede Boa Vontade de Radio, Porto Alegre RS, 13/09 1120. Talk by female voice, 'Boa Vontade, programa "A melhor Idade" '. 35443 (RG). // 9550 kHz 35553. 6180 kHz: Radio Nacional da Amazônia, Brasilia DF, 13/09 1128. Brazilian songs, id 'Nacional, Amazônia'. 35553. No signal on 11780 kHz on this time.
PARAGUAY - PRG, 860 kHz: Radio La Voz de la Cordillera, Caaguazu, Spanish, 13/09 0021. Romantic songs, id '860, Cordillera'. 35443 (RG). URUGUAY - URG, 770 kHz: Radio Oriental, Montevideo, Spanish, 13/09 0046. Football (soccer) match transmission, 'por Oriental, la radio futbol...'. 35553(RG). ZAMBIA - ZMB, 4965 kHz: Voice of Hope Africa, via Lusaka, English, 12/09 2050. Christian songs, male communication. 35432 (RG). 6065 kHz: Voice of Hope Africa, via Lusaka, English, 12/09 2055. The same program transmitted by 6065 kHz. 35543 (RG). ************************************************************ _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
WNJC 1360 DX Test Tonight & Tomorrow Night |
Sunday, September 13 2020
Hello Les Nothing here I am afraid. WDRC and WMOB on their usual offsets. Two unid offsets 1359.9944 and 1359.9968. Last reported offset was back in 2014 at 1360.0088. I could not see anything that high : - (
73 and stay safe Barry :-) Carlisle UK. ------ Original Message ------ From: "Les Rayburn" <les@highnoonfilm.com> To: "ABDX List" <abdx@abdx.org>; "CapeDX" <capedx@yahoogroups.com>; "Dave Marthouse" <dmarthouse@gmail.com>; "Hard-Core-DX" <Hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com>; "IRCA List" <IRCA@groups.io>; "Les Rayburn" <les@highnoonfilm.com>; "via NRC-AM" <nrc-am@googlegroups.com>; "Paul Walker" <paul@myhits106.com>; "Phil Bytheway" <DXM.EiC@gmail.com>; "badx@groups.io" <badx@groups.io>; "odxa@groups.io" <odxa@groups.io>; mwcircle@groups.io
Sent: Friday, 11 Sep, 20 At 21:49 Subject: [mwcircle] [ D X TEST TONIGHT ] WNJC 1360 DX Test Tonight & Tomorrow Night
DX TEST TONIGHT The WNJC 1360 test will be 0400-1000 UTC (Midnight EDT to 0600 EDT) Saturday and Sunday Mornings (Late night Friday and late night Saturday).
Please cross-post reminders that the test is tonight on all DXing related forums, loggers, etc.
73, Les Rayburn, N1LF 121 Mayfair Park Maylene, AL 35114 EM63nf
NRC & IRCA Courtesy Program Committee Chairman Member WTFDA, MWC
Perseus SDR, Elad FDM-S2 SDR, AirSpy + Discovery, SDRPlay RSP-2 Pro, Sony XDR-F1HD [XDR Guy Modified], Dennon TU-1500RD, Sangean HDT-1X, Ray Dees RDS Decoders, Korner 9.2 Antenna, FM-6 Antenna, Kitz Technologies KT-501 Pre-amps, Quantum Phaser, Wellbrook ALA1530 Loop, Wellbrook Flag, Clifton Labs Active Whip.
“Nothing but blues and Elvis, and somebody else’s favorite song…”
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