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DRM News: A New Era Begins for Brazilian Radio Broadcasting  View Printable Version 
Saturday, September 26 2020


BRAZIL 6180.010 R Nacional da Amazonia,
S=9 straight in Rochester remote unit in NY state.
At 01.07 UT on Sept 26, smooth and sweet Brailian mx played.
73 wb df5sx

Archive of 11 November 2016:

BRAZIL Brazil Launches DRM Shortwave Test.

Brazilian public broadcaster EBC-Radio Nacional da Amazonia recently began
a shortwave (9750 kHz) Digital Radio Mondiale test, transmitting DRM30.

The test is being organized by the Brazilian Digital Radio Association
(ABRADIG) and EBC with support from the DRM Consortium.

A low-power transmitter (150 W) has been installed at the Rodeador site in
Brasilia with the goal of assessing the behavior of the equipment, signal
quality and system stability. Thus far, reports indicate that the signal
has been detected all around Brazil and some intermittent signals were
received in New Zealand.

The trial began on Oct. 28 and the plan is to keep the signal on air
permanently throughout the trial; there is currently no set end date.
Tests are being conducted using different antenna patterns and directions.
According to DRM, the receivers used in the trial are spread across the
country and are owned by ABRADIG. It also said that EBC stated it plans to
acquire a more powerful transmitter as soon as possible.

(Radio_World Nov 4, via Mike Terry-UK, BrDXC-UK ng, Nov 11, 2016)

Archive June 5th, 2016
BRAZIL First DRM mode test for a SW station in Brazil.
The article is in Portuguese:


In a rough translation it reads that on May 28, 2015 occurred this first

EBC <http://www.ebc.com.br/>

operated with the collaboration of a number of partners in the afternoon
of that day with 130W on DRM on 9755 kHz. The DRM signal was successfully
received in part of the country. In Limeira, a city in Sao Paulo state,
780 km far from the transmitter site, Mr. Claudio del Bianco, member of
DRM-Brasil, received the signal and could hear to the audio from Radio
Nacional da Amazonia with digital quality.

The set-up of the system used for the test, had the support of DRM-Brazil,
and a joint effort was made. The software was provided by Content Server
and the modulator was provided by Michael Feilen. Rafael Diniz, a DRM-
Brazil member and researcher at PUC-Rio, released the DRM driver and the
first amplification stage. Members of the EBC and the Ministry of
Comunicacoes have provided two stages of amplification and all the
required connection with the radiant system at Rodeador Park (High Power
Shortwave Broadcast Centre of EBC).

The antenna used has a 16db gain factor and the pattern of radiation was

On this Monday, June 1, new DRM SW tests will take place.
Info via DRM Brasil.org posted by
(Jardel Martins radioamador in F_B,
translated by Horacio Nigro-URG, June 5, 2016)

archive 10 November 2014
EBC Rodeador Park.

Laut Glenn bei dxld hat man mal wieder DRM Testsendungen mit verschiedenen
Antennen(-winkeln) in Richtung riesiges Amazonasgebiet vorzunehmen. Dazu
nutzt man einen der dortigen Continental Sender mit 4 bis 10 kW
variierend, teilweise auch mit halber/reduzierter Leistung 125 kW -

Passend laesst man dann (in unserer Nacht) den Sender auf 6000v zugange -
aber in AM Modus 'on air'. Antennenwinkel ist dann 344 Grad, nicht gerade
"unsere Vorzugsrichtung" ... - Hier alles schoen zu sehen, downzuladen und


Geliefert wurden einst mal 6 Schweizer Produkte:
6 x 250 kW Kurzwellensender, delivered by Swiss BBC-Turgi Switzerland,
model SK53F3 from 1974-1976y.


zoom mit drauf Klicken:

Caixa Postal 258
Brasilia - DF, 70.359-970
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 27, 2014)

BRAZIL RadioBras Brazilia Rodeador Park shortwave via 9 curtains
15 36 15.09 S 48 07 49.11 W

Slewed always towards Europe 28 to 35degr,
of real 55degrees antenna. Long time gone.
Had never a real European curtain antenna yet.

Two antennas 55 / 235 degrees
55 Conakry, Tripolis, Israel, Iran, Kabul, India.
and backlobe
235 Mendoza ARG, Central Chile, Santiago, NZL/AUS, Tonga, Fiji isl.

310 Cuba, Kansas-USA, Calgary-CAN.
and backlobe
130 Angola, Cape Town-AFS, Madagascar, Mauritius.

325 Cuba, Florida-USA, Illinois-USA, Winipeg-CAN.

344 French Guiana, Suriname, Barbados, NY-USA, Montreal-CAN.

and Amazonia/Brasil remote inland service to 285 - 335 degrees
azimuth, - via 310/130degr antenna.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 29, 2014)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Glenn Hauser via groups.io" <wghauser=yahoo.com@groups.io>

Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2020 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: [WOR] DRM News: A New Era Begins for Brazilian Radio

WTFK? Nowhere in the English or original Portuguese article is there
anything about the frequency! Maybe known channels 11780, 6180 or 5990.
And 2.5 kW doesn`t cut it as anyone who has tried DRM would know,
reception iffy even with much more international power. Probably will not
be solid even into Amazon target. 7 million river-dwellers and indigenous
to be served? Wait, are they all going to be given DRM radios??? The video
of test in Porto Alegre shows a DRM radio but can`t see what frequency
it`s tuned to; local lab range anyway. Pipe dream? They ought to fix the
awful modulation on high-power AM 11780; and what`s wrong with 6180 as is?

On Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 01:26:35 PM GMT+1, Chris Mackerell
<chris@owdjim.gen.nz> wrote:

What about the era of the tests they did in 2016?
Cheers, Chris

On 2020-09-24 00:20, Richard Langley wrote:
"A new era begins for Brazilian radio broadcasting with the arrival and
installation of a first shortwave digital radio DRM transmitter developed
and manufactured in the city of Porto Alegre by BT Transmitters. The
transmitter will be sited at the public broadcaster (EBC) Rodeador Park,
near the capital Brasilia, to be connected to one of the huge HF antennas
of EBC (National Amazon Radio is transmitted from there).

"The equipment (a transmitter of 2.5 kW) will be tested on an experimental
and scientific basis with the help of the University of Brasilia (UnB) and
the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation."

-- Richard Langley

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Radio Igloo on air, 6295 kHz  View Printable Version 
Friday, September 25 2020


Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Log in Reinante
Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna,, 8 meters

Radio Igloo, 6295, *1858-1905, 25-09, tuning music, English, id. "Radio
Igloo", "radioigloo@gmail.com", comments, songs. 25322.

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Radio Nacional da Amazonia on very odd frequency 6173.5v September 25  View Printable Version 
Friday, September 25 2020

*BRASIL Radio Nacional da Amazonia on very odd frequency 6173.5v September 25*
from 1400 on 6173.5vBRA 250 kW / 344 deg to BRA Portuguese and drifting down.
Very distorted audio and without carrier via SDR Brasilia in Brasil - Parallel
at same time 11780.0 BRA 250 kW / 360 deg to BRA Portuguese, good signal/audio


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire

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Power outage receptions today24/9  View Printable Version 
Friday, September 25 2020

https://sites.google.com/site/zliangas/sdr [why SDR is better ]
6070 0635with classical type music -72dbm

6145RHCuba?Talks n English mentioned  also Habana -86dbm

6100 RHC? Hearingthe same man talking in Eng

7400 noise level-130 dbm

7780  WRMI 0639 talk in English -85/130dbm

17485 CRIin Arabic 0640 with talks over music -95/145db

17510 CRI Engtalks OPM and YL -97dsbm

17520 CRI Italianwith nice CC song -82dbm

17580 CNR0643 talks news -102db,

17615 CRI0644 CCs song -107dbm

17650 CNR0644 talks in CC -85dbm

17680 ?? in Spanish-80dbm


5946U Turkishman 0633 with messages -91db/130
ON 0645power returned back raising the nose by 15 db..

B-loged :


Zacharias LiangasRSP1a  with Console & Uno &2x16 m antena
Icom  R75 /PL380 /  De1103  radios
https://del.icio.us/gr_greek1/ZAK (all pages)
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Brazil Pirate on 6305 kHz?  View Printable Version 
Friday, September 25 2020

I sent this message to HCDX last night but it never appeared on the reflector; maybe lost in the reported email snafu:

Hearing a pirate station on 6305 kHz, from 2320 this evening [i.e., Thursday evening]. On the SAL antenna, it's clearly coming from the southeast, while all the usual Europirates are coming from the northeast. So it doesn't seem to be in Europe. Based on what I can hear of the language, I'm guessing Brazil. Does anyone have info on this? Thanks. (Art Delibert, North Bethesda, MD, 9/24/20)

Drake R-4C with Sherwood/Delibert mods
SAL-12 antenna

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