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JRX Logs Tuesday, June 11, 2019 |
Wednesday, June 12 2019
JRX Logs_Tuesday, June 11, 2019 Receiver (s): Degen DE1103 & Tecsun S-2000 Antenna (s): Longwire & Sony AN-71 Compact
BRAZIL ** 610. Jun 11, 2019. 0212-0223, Radio Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte-MG. Man announcer presents a sports program "Apito Final": many news and comments about football, mainly; ID. Fair to poor reception this night, noise and fading, 35433 to 35422. ** 830. Jun 11, 2019. 0437-0445, Radio Princesa da Serra, Itabaiana-SE. Programming of Radio Tupi of Rio de Janeiro affiliated: News, spots and other variety themes this time. Fair reception, 35433. ** 870. Jun 11, 2019. 0456-0503, Radio Cidade, Juazeiro-BA. Man announcer talks about the psychopathic personality in this recorded program. Station affiliated to Rede Boas Novas de Radio, with a fair reception and slight interference by Radio Nacional, Buenos Aires-AR, 34433. ** 890. Jun 11, 2019. 0504-0510, Radio Tamandare, Olinda-PE. Man pastor makes a christian sermon. A gospel song. Fair reception to evangelical station, 35433. ** 930. Jun 11, 2019. 0515-0525, Radio Liberdade, Aracaju-SE. Sports program with news and comments. Station affiliated to Radio Bandeirantes de Sao Paulo-SP. Fair reception, 35433. ** 940. Jun 11, 2019. 0526-0532, Super Radio Brasil, Rio de Janeiro-RJ. Station belongs to Rede Boa Vontade de Radio. Man pastor Paiva Neto make a christian sermon; Woman announcer talks about The Gospel of St. John. Very good reception, 45544. ** 950. Jun 11, 2019. 0554-0602, Radio Atalaia, Belo Horizonte-MG. Woman and man announcers present a newsletter "Boletim Informativo Aleluia"; 0600 Program "Madrugada com Deus" (Dawn with God): Man pastor makes a preaching. Fair reception with a slight interference by UNID in spanish language, 34433. ** 960. Jun 11, 2019. 0604-0610, Radio Difusora de Alagoas, Maceio-AL. Man announcer presents a musical program "Som da Madrugada": variety songs. Good reception, 45444. ** 980. Jun 11, 2019. 0225-0240, Radio Nacional de Brasilia, Brasilia-DF. Mr. Mauricio Rabello presents a program "Eu de cá, você de lá !" (I`m over here, you`re over there!); Conversation with linteners, by phone; Musics; Local time and ID. Good reception of this MW transmission, 45444. ** 1040. Jun 11, 2019. 0243-0305, Radio Capital, Sao Paulo-SP. A catholic program "Vamos falar com Deus" by father Pereira; ID; Stations´ announcements, including a program by father Marcelo Rossi next june 17; Songs with Roberto Carlos; 0300 Start a program "Esperanca e Fe" (Hope and Faith) by father Jaime Pelegrini. Good reception, 45444. ** 1200. Jun 11, 2019. 0345-0402, Ceara Radio Clube, Fortaleza-CE. Mr. Alexandre Ferreira apresenta o programa "Passarela do Amor" (Catwalk to Love): Dedicated to the listener who wishes to marry! A romantic song (Lady in Red) dedicate to candidate Maria Regina. Fair reception to this station programming of the Radio Tupi of Rio de Janeiro affiliated, 35433. ** 1210. Jun 11, 2019. 0334-0344, Radio Jornal, Garanhuns-PE. Program "Madrugada Comando Geral": Radionews; ID by Radio Jornal, "The Voice of Pernambuco": Music, news and more... This station belongs to Radio Jornal do Commercio (writing with 2 m letters) Network, 35433. ** 1260. Jun 11, 2019. 0320-0334, Radio Morada do Sol, Sao Paulo-SP. Station belongs to IPDA (Pentecostal Church God is Love); Man "evangelical" pastor makes a sermon with very exciting moments and says: Go out Devil !! 0328 A brief song and announcements by news IPDA programming. Fair reception, 35433. ** 1270. Jun 11, 2019. 0305-0320, Radio Brazil Central, Goiania-GO. Man announcer presents a musical program, with a variety national and international songs, including Abba song. ID and right before each song. Fair reception this dawn, 35433. ** 11780. Jun 11, 2019. 1935-1945, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia-DF. On-air with woman announcer and brazilian songs. Barely audible reception and a severe interference by CRI spur on 11775kHz, 14311. CUBA ** 15140. Jun 11, 2019. 1900-1917, Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta-CUB, in English. IS and ID; Man and woman present a newsletter in slow english with accent; 1915 ID and website. Fair reception this afternoon, here, 35433.Note: After 1924UT, modulation with frequent interrupts till 1932UT ! GUINEA ** 9650. Jun 11, 2019. 1735-1750, Radio Guinee, Conakri-GUI, in French. Man announcer presents a musical program, with very good local songs; ID sometimes. Very good reception, 45544. JRX_Jose Ronaldo Xavier SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL Cabedelo, Brazil (UTC-3) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs June 9-10-11-12, 2019 |
Wednesday, June 12 2019
** CHINA. 13530, June 11 at 1344 CNR1 jammer is JBA, but enough to match // 11785. Also at 1351 stronger 13870 at S5-S7; 14900 at S7-S9; and at 1352, 15970 at S3-S5. Aoki confirms all are SOH frequencies, but 14900 SOH relaying RFA. No other WOOBs found 12-16 MHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 9640, June 10 at 2205, RHC is distorted and crackling. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KUWAIT. 17550, June 11 at 2028, R. Kuwait with woman in Arabic, music, S0-S3 on C&W Nam service at seasonal audibility peak (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA. 7255-, June 11 at 0612, VON is again/still OFF (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1985 monitoring: confirmed Sunday June 9 at 2130 on WRMI 7780, very poor thru summer daytime absorption off side of the beam Also confirmed UT Monday June 10 at 0130 on WRMI 9395, fair & fadey Also confirmed UT Monday June 10 at 0230 on WRMI 7780, fair & fadey Also confirmed UT Monday June 10 from 0259 on Area 51 webcast; and at 0326 on WBCQ 5130.37, S9+10 but noisy Also confirmed UT Monday June 10 at 0330 on WRMI 9955, S9 but noisy and not upcut Richard Langley reports: ``Good reception on Monday, 10 June, on 7290 kHz using the U. Twente SDR receiver. Some lightning QRN. Transmitter s/on at about 1811:30 UT. Dead air for a few minutes and then random audio for a minute or so and then the Aïda Triumphal March theme. WoR 1985 began at about 1816:30 with no "upcut." Ran the full show with IRRS ID at the end and then into the news report -- Richard Langley`` Also confirmed UT Tuesday June 11 at 0100 on WRMI 7780, fair S9-S8. Next: 2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v [and/or 2130] 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 [it appears we will now be running on a Friday-to-Thursday cycle, so freshest new airings are on weekends] Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 7505v, June 11 at 0612, WRNO is still OFF. Have not heard a sign of it for over a week; not that II miss it. Is there anything about this at http://www.wrnoworldwide.com/ ? Of course not! But webcast is running June 12 at 0440 in English, and headed by this astounding claim: ``Today, one out of every six people in the world owns a shortwave radio and another 40% have Internet access``. Sez who? Ask six random people if they have SW and one will say yes? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 15610, June 11 at 2026 is S9-S7 in English, definitely on as usual, tho Ivo said June 10 that it`s ``very rarely on the air``, scheduled at 19-24 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 15825, June 11 at 2027, WWCR is S9+15/25, obvious sporadic E boost above normal JBA signal; I keep an eye on the DXmaps MUF, but remains way below 88 MHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 9330.120V, June 12 at 0145, WBCQ with dead air instead of Brother HyStairical, still so at 0217. Slighty varying, measured at 0154. First noticed on caradio scan. Offset frequency means NOT the superstation, which it now seems won`t be on before July, maybe testing late June. We can hardly wait for the flat-earthers to start programming as the Super-stition. 5130.437, June 12 at 0157, WBCQ also on here, also dead air and still at 0217 recheck; maybe modulated earlier for UT Wed ham show? No signal on 7490v, normally off by now anyway; not a trace of 3265v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This report dispatched at 0512 UT June 12 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
JRX Logs Sunday, June 9, 2019 |
Monday, June 10 2019
JRX Logs_Sunday, June 9, 2019 Receiver (s): Tecsun S-2000 Antenna (s): Longwire
CHINA ** 9880. Jun 9, 2019. 2232-2250, China Radio International, Kashgar-CHN, in Esperanto. Woman announcer talks; 2235 A song "Maria" in esperanto; ID. 2245 Chinese Lesson. Very good reception, 45544. CLANDESTINE ** 9100. Jun 9, 2019. 2113-2129, Echo of Hope-VOH, Gyeonggi-do-KOR (16181 km), in Korean. Man announcer talks, preaching, presumably; 2126 A song. Very poor to barely audible reception, with noise and some fading, 25322 to 25311. Note: Power 10kW only. Is she, really ?? GREAT BRITAIN ** 7300. Jun 9, 2019. 2107-2112, HCJB-Radio Akhbar Mufriha, Woofferton-G, in Tachelhit. Man pastor makes a sermon. Fair reception this night, here, 35433. GUINEA ** 9650. Jun 9, 2019. 2156-2230, Radio Guinee, Conakri-GUI, in French. Guinean songs; Man talks, ID and short pieces of songs; 2202 Man and woman announcers present "Le Journal": National news, mainly government news; 2217 Man talks, ID and next a musical program Very good to excellent reception and programming, 45544 to 55555. USA ** 6195. Jun 9, 2019. 0402-0415, NHK World Japan, Furman-SC, in Spanish. Man and woman announcers present "Boletin Informativo NHK"; 0410 ID and a dx program "Buzon de Radio Japon": variety news, music and listeners' correspondence. Very good reception, 45544. JRX_Jose Ronaldo Xavier SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL Cabedelo, Brazil (UTC-3)
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs June 6-7-8, 2019 |
Sunday, June 09 2019
log June 8th, 20.00 - June 9th 01.00 UT, in Cape Canaveral FL stateCUBA on all channels EVEN exact frequencies like on 5025, 5040, 6000, 6060, 6100, 6165, 7380, 9535, 9640, 11670, 11700, 11760, 11850, 15140, 15370, 15730 kHz. Only Bauta TX #5 as always OFF - or irregularly on air - nothing heard on 13740 kHz at 2100-0400 13740 BAU 100 160 SoAm Spanish Buenos Aires tx Bauta #5 USA 11750.006 WHRI South Carolina, En religious theme program, at 22.33 UT on June 8, S=9+10dB signal noted in Cape Canaveral FL.
- - - - log June 9th, 05.00 - 06.30 UT, in Cape Canaveral FL state, and in Belgium/Netherlands border and at eastern Switzerland remote SDR units: 9630.447 BRA Radio Aparecida poor signal S=4 or -98dBm noted at 05.18 UT 11855.710 kHz too, S=2-3 -114dBm at 05.38 UT. 9664.192 BRA R Voz Missionara, Camboriu SC, similar strength at 05.20 UT 9700.007 NZL R NZi English sce at 05.26 UT on June 9. S=7 or -84dBm lousy signals in FL, MA, MI, NY, NJ US state units 9825.005 USA WHRI in En, male pastor sermon, S=9+5dB or -70dBm. 11930even VAT Vatican Radio, Santa Maria die Galeria, VAT state, Latin language mass. Padres chorus at 05.40 UT, S=7 -88dBm in FL 11980.007 TUR Voice of Turkey Emirler, Turkish phone-in program, 05.42 UT S=8 or -84dBm signal strength. 11700even F__ RFI Paris via TDF Issoudun in French language to Africa, S=6 or -94dBm poor signal at 05.45 UT. 11730even F__ NHK Radio Japan in French, 190degrees to all Africa, via TDF Issoudun 500kW power relay. S=6-7 -92dBm at 05.47 UT. Talk on Belgium Radio RTFB Belgique ... 11775even ALB CRI European relay site, from Cerrik Albania, Arabic to NoWE/We/Central Africa S=6 or -92dBm. at 05.48 UT, same strength also on 11710even ALB CRI European relay site, from Cerrik Albania, English towards Near and Middle East, NoEaAF. 11790even MDG RFI Paris in Swahili to EaAF and CeAF at 05.48 UT via ENC Encompass Digital Media Services FMO organized via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility. S=6 or -92dBm in FL, but stronger at S=9+15dB or -61dBm in central Europe at 05.48 UT, 11 kHz wideband audio signal 11945even UAE BBC London in Kinyarwanda/Kirundi, Suns 05.29-06.00 UT via ENC Al Dhabbaya relay site. S=8 -89dBm strength, 05.58 UT 11964.948 - 11974.777 kHz DRM signal block visible, measured of KWT Radio Kuwait at 06.00 UT, S=5 or -104dBm in Europe. 12015even UK BBCWS English via ENC Woofferton bcast center in England 06.02 UT on June 9. S=9+20dB or -58dBm signal, lots of HKG news on giant protest demonstration against CHN mainland government Beijing clashes in 1989y, and new extraditions law. also on 12095even OMA BBCWS English via ENC Al Seela Oman relay site, S=9 -74dBm Palestine / Israel civil war amongst Yerusalem & Gaza Strip. 12130.007 THA US IBB BBG Radio Mazaal Pashto language sce via Udorn Thani relay in northeastern Thailand. 06.04 UT on June 9. S=5 or -103dBm noted in Switzerland and Germany central Europe 13580.014 MDG BBC London English. Hong Kong giant protest demonstration, at 06.00-08.00 UT via ENC Encompass Digital Media Services FMO organized via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility. 06.10 UT. S=9+5 or -73dBm signal, 11.4 kHz wide audio 13610.143 ARS SBA via MOCI Riyadh in Swahili at 06.13 UT, S=4 or -104dBm poor and tiny signal - non-directional to ME: -
" ITU type #930 4-leg quadrant antenna, the simplest form of quadrant antenna is represented by an arrangement of two horizontal end-fed half -wave dipoles placed at right angles. Another form of quadrant antenna consists of four dipole elements in the form of a square and fed at opposite corners. Quadrant antennas may also be stacked to achieve more directive vertical radiation pattern and consequently higher directivity gain."
13625.008 IRN IRIB Sirjan in Dari language, to ME and CeAsian states, mainly eastern Persia and Afghanistan. S=6 or -98dBm 06.14 UT 13660even UK BBCWS English via ENC Woofferton bcast center in England 06.17 UT on June 9. S=9+30dB or -43dBm powerful signal. "Weekend" program, HKG activities, Grand Slam Tennis match in Paris, Kricket game. 13635.006 TUR Voice of Turkey Emirler, Turkish phone-in program, 06.22 UT
06.00-13.00 UT scheduled, S=9+30dB or -52dBm signal strength. 13639.977 IRN IRIB Sirjan in Arabic, singer program, 06.28 UT on June 9, S=6 or -96dBm poor signal. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 9) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2019
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 6-7-8, 2019log June 7th, 00.00 - 01.00 UT, in Cape Canaveral FL USA 5130.412 kHz WBCQ at 00.23 UT on June 7 ? Allan Weiner Worldwide discussion?, S=5 or -95dB poor signal. 5800.017 kHz WRMI TEST poor-TX channel, popmx, S=7 in Cape Canaveral remote SDR unit at 00.30 UT on June 7. same program 5950 kHz S=9+10dB, 9395 kHz S=8-9 in FL. 7490.086 kHz WBCQ popmx ( 5130v kHz not on air), S=9+20dB at 00.35 UT. log RHC Spanish at 13.54 UT on June 8 in Detroit and Edmonton remotedly:
13700even RHC Bauta S=7-8 in Detroit MI state S=9+50db -23dBm powerhouse signal in Edmonton Alberta CAN 13740.004 RHC Bejucal S=6-7 in Detroit MI state S=9+35db -42dBm powerhouse signal in Edmonton Alberta CAN and also all even fq exactness of RHC La Habana in Spanish at 14.00 UT on 9535BEJ, 9640BEJ, 11760BAU, 15140BAU, 15230QUI kHz. 73 wb df5sx ----- Original Message ----- From: "Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX" Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2019
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 6-7-8, 2019 ** CUBA. 6000, June 7 at 0559, RHC English is JBM/suptorted; 6060 is off as usual; 6100 undermodulated but sufficient at S9+30; 6165 S9/+10 but JBM. 5040 had been VG S9+20/30 but just now to dead air and off; 12200 at 0601 is a JBA carrier, 2 x 6100 kHz. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)** U S A. 5890, June 6 at 0415, WWCR is S9+10 of dead air except for some hum, about same level as modulated 5935; at 0453, 5890 is off and 5935 has declined to VP level (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 5830, June 7 at 1045, WTWW-1 is S9+10/20 of dead air instead of SFAW; for quite a while now it had been merely undermodulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, dx listening digest) This report dispatched at 0309 UT June 8 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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