IRCA Index

Thread index
Last updated: Tue Feb 26 18:28:48 2019
111603 messages

  • [IRCA] TA highlights from tonight, Bruce Portzer
  • [IRCA] France-1377 into N Alabama, J.D. Stephens
  • [IRCA] MN 17 TA audios 0345-0445 UTC, George Sherman
  • [IRCA] TP for 8 Oct from Victoria, BC, Nick Hall-Patch
  • [IRCA] Chile logged!, Jim Renfrew
  • [IRCA] Special Event Station, Ira Elbert New III
  • [IRCA] KRND 1630, Paul B. Walker, Jr.
  • [IRCA] Does anyone have an affiliates list for conservative talk network?, BARRY DAVIES
  • [IRCA] Puyallup, WA TP's (or lack thereof) for 10-9, D1028Gary
  • [IRCA] Arizona TP's for 10-9-09, Bill Block
  • [IRCA] Grayland report 10/08/09-10/09/09, vroomski
  • [IRCA] 1575 and others in early, Don Moman VE6JY
  • [IRCA] WCLE-1570 Cleveland TN on Day Power w/ Emergency Bcst, J.D. Stephens
  • [IRCA] Another routine west coast TA alert, Bruce Portzer
  • [IRCA] 1134 kHz "Buzz Saw" is Gone-- but so is Croatia, D1028Gary
  • [IRCA] Who is Talk Radio Station on 810 with JERRY DOYLE?????, Robert S.Ross VA3SW
  • Re: [IRCA] Talk Radio Station on 810 with JERRY DOYLE?????, Robert S.Ross VA3SW
  • [IRCA] Wisconsin completed !, Neil Kazaross
  • [IRCA] Arizona TP's for 10-13-09, Bill Block
  • [IRCA] TPs on Orcas, Oct 10, John H. Bryant

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