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[IRCA] TP DX in Seattle on March 12

The TPs today were mostly the regulars. There was no consistent reception pattern today. Each station faded up and down when it felt like it, rather than enhancing in unison as they sometimes do.
GOOD - generally understandable by a native speaker, if only briefly
594    JOAK, discussion 1248
693    JOAB, man in Japanese 1327
774    JOUB Portuguese lesson 1356
1566 HLAZ, huge today, choir 1335, Japanese male 1340, woman with closing anmt 1342
FAIR - words and phrases would have been recognizable to a native speaker
747    JOIB, Portuguese lesson 1247
890    KBBI?, BBC type pgm mixing with CJDC 1254.  Gone before toh.
972    HLCA, consistently fair-poor 1229-1427 today
1575    VOA, man & woman in unid language 1407

POOR - program content was recognizable but not understandable
828    JOBB 1328 talk //775
981    CNR1, bits of talk in 980 splat 1355
1053   jammer 1319
1242   a few syllables of faint Japanese talk 1349
1422    faint talk 1349
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