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[IRCA] TP DX in Seattle on April 6

The TPs rebounded noticeably from yesterday, with several briefly making weak appearances. 972 was briefly quite good, but he others were about what I'd expect for April. There was sorta kinda somewhat of a sunrise enhancement at about 1315, but it basically boosted a handful of stations from "inaudible" to "faint mumbling".
972    HLCA, group discussion 1307

774    JOUB, male talk 1312
1566    HLAZ, Japanese woman 1241
1575    VOA, woman in SEA language 1318

693    JOAB, male talk //774 at 1311
1053    jammer 1316
1206    Yanbian, weak talk 1317 on 1205.95
1242    JOLF?, weak female talk 1318
1323 music 1258, sounded like the tune CRI normally plays just before the ToH
1422    JORF?, weak talk 1309

594 702 828 747 891 945 963 981 1134 1143 1287  1386 1494 1503 1512 1602
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