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Re: [IRCA] [RealDX] Auroral unIDs (US) with web link
The calls before 'jackson weather' while exceedingly weak are clearer than the later set of calls. I 'm in awe that you've picked this much from the clip - thanks!
As for 1150, I can hear the W.MA but the second letter sounds more like a ''K' or a "J" than an "I", to me. But I've likely conditioned myself to hear what I hear. There is no obvious option for anything phonetically close to J or K, so I can only write this one off as 'I; and presume it to be WIMA. Everything in the clip points to that.
I'm considering the 1150 case closed, and the 620 to be MS and the 1280 to be TN. And I'm terribly appreciative to you and to Paul Walker, who is probably not related to Todd Walker at WIMA 1150 (Paul, see reference below). Paul and Andrew, you both have very good DXers' ears! Appreciate your good guidance here!
Saul Chernos
Burnt River ON
To: RealDX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; am@xxxxxxxxxxx; irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; amfmtvdx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; mwdx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: RealDX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2015 20:33:18 +0000
Subject: RE: [RealDX] Auroral unIDs (US) with web link
The bit at the beginning of the 1150 clip
(at 1”) is “11-50 WIMA” but then there are one or two more
words – sounding like “Sports Hour”. Starting at 6” he
mentions “… will be introducing Sports Desk, and this Wednesday
morning … checking in with WIMA’s Todd Walker. Basketballs are
bouncing in the middle of March..” – I’m not 100% certain
about some of these words but “WIMA’s Todd Walker” is
I can hear no third station in your clip –
just CKOC and WIMA.
Listening again to 620, the opening
advertisement is for Texassuperfood.com and the phone number 1.844.DR.BLACK (at
13”); starting at 23” I hear the sung jingle to be “WJDX
Jackson Weather”.
From: RealDX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:RealDX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 28 March 2015 04:18
To: realdx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
am@xxxxxxxxxxx; irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; amfmtvdx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
Subject: RE: [RealDX] Auroral
unIDs (US) with web link
Thanks for listening to these clips and your suggestions,
1) Re 1280, you IDed it as WMCP Columbia TN, noting that
"the opening few seconds are the arrangements for the late Patty Johnson
(her first name is before the start of the recording) who died on Tuesday 17th
March – see http://oandnfh.funeralplan2.com/obituaries.aspx?turl=http://hosting-24758.tributes.com/obituary/show/patty-johnson-102289179
then the second part is for Gladys Brown Renfro see
* You nailed this one spot on. A DXer in the Ozarks, not
too far away, also solved it the same way, and the web sites all check out.
Good ears, man! It's a relog, but probably only heard once or so.
2) Re 620, you noted the phone number as
844-BUY-RADIO, and also "Jackson
weather" sung out at 0:27, and also the call letters WJDX sung out at
* I can hear the iHeart reference and phone number no
problem. I can also hear the call letters - or at least enough that I'm
convinced it's WJDX. WDAE FL is also iHeart and at first I assumed it
was WDAE, then I wasn't so sure, and wanted to rule it out. I've heard it a
fair bit and have never heard a jingle like that. I also hear "Jackson weather"
though it's marginal. The Fox Sports seals it, though there is no
doubt a few stations in there. This one is new. I'm impressed.
3) Re 1150. I think this one's a goner. WIMA is in
there for sure. So is CKOC. There's a third station I'm chasing here. Or
rather, it's at the very start of the clip and sounds to me like "1150
WJOH." But maybe it's distorted. Maybe it's also WIMA, which (also) IDs a
few seconds later (CKOC follows even later in the clip). DXer Paul
Walker ruled out WGGH IL, which I'd considered low probability but
seeing no other obvious options it was what I thought it would end up being.
Paul worked there as an announcer not long ago, and assured me it wasn't
I'm no Otolaryngologist, but I do declare your ears
in perfect working order. Thanks, Andrew!
Thanks also to Paul, and to the DXer from the Ozarks,
whose comments you can read (re the 1280), and hear my clips, at http://forums.wtfda.org/showthread.php?9612
Saul Chernos
Burnt River
Posted by: "Andrew Brade" <andrew.brade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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