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Re: [IRCA] New DU heard in Michigan this morning!

Super catch from Michigan! Certainly no sign of them here this morning. Actually, during this solar hiccup seemingly the only DU stuff I'm getting (other than Tahiti) is from New Zealand, with nothing from Australia (which under normal conditions is far more common).

Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, AB

 On 21/03/2015 7:48 AM, Tim Tromp wrote:
I've been chasing a carrier on 1548.01 for the past month or so during
sunrise which has been strong at times but never with any audio making it
through the domestic splatter.  Like previous SRS DXing sessions, the
1548.01 carrier was there again this morning.  And oddly enough, it always
appears strongest on my North D-KAZ.  It's not even present on the South
D-KAZ and it's barely there on the Southwest phased BOGs.  The same
reception pattern holds true for the domestic Aussie broadcasters in the
120 meter shortwave band.  They always come in better on the North D-KAZ.
As sunrise approached here this morning at 1147 UTC, I could see 1548.01
gaining in strength until some weak music could be heard - specifically Jim
Croce's "Bad Bad Leroy Brown".  Things only got better from that point when
I heard two Aussie accented ladies talking about the music between each
song selection, and finally catching this announcement from one of them:
"you're listening to ABC Local Radio".  Finally nailed 4QD Emerald, QLD.!
Audio lasted until about 1140 UTC until it faded down to just a carrier
again.  I posted a bit of this to YouTube here:

No other DUs noted here this morning and surprisingly nothing but a weak
carrier from 738 Tahiti which has been decent at times during the past few

Tim Tromp
West Michigan
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