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[IRCA] Alberta TPs for 15 March 2015

Listening in Lamont, AB this weekend, and this morning was quite interesting (can't comment on yesterday, as I slept through it), with a mixture of TP and DU signals stretching right from 531 to 1701. Left the recorder on at home, and a quick check said it was interesting there as well. Will be interesting to compare the differences. Started at 1245 this morning, with a number of strong carriers from Japan. They seemed to peak early though, and were fading well before sunrise. There may have been a slight enhancement then, but it only benefited the DU signals. Today's audio:
531  unID                   Suspected Japan when I first noted traces 
here at 1312, but came up a bit better with EZL/pop music, so much more 
likely to be DU, probably Australia.
567  unID                   Traces of man talking at 1335, but too weak 
to determine if it was DU or TP, though I'm leaning to DU.
576  unID                   Instrumental music at 1339. Host spoke a few 
minutes later but signal had faded too much to determine language.   Had 
a "DU feel" to it though.
594  JOAK, Japan                   The first signal to produce audio 
this morning, with traces at 1303, and up to good by 1315.  Stalled then 
though, and gradually declined to fade out around 1345 sunrise.
612   ABC Brisbane, Australia          Woman/man conversing during an 
693    JOAB, Japan     Man in Japanese at 1313.  Fair signals generally 
for the next half hour.
702    ABC Sydney, Australia     Woman interviewing man at 1341, poor 
signal, but confirmed with web stream.
774    JOUB, Japan      Poor-fair at 1319 with man and woman conversing.

828 JOBB, Japan Very weak, but definitely woman in Japanese at 1315, // 693 khz..
1116    4BC, Brisbane, Australia    Male host talking with woman caller 
on phone-in program at 1329, // web stream.
1188  unID              Weak signal, with woman talking under heavy KEX 
splatter at 1318.
1566   HLAZ, Korea      Had a strong carrier when I first checked at 
1245, but never really developed, with a poor level during talk by a 
woman at 1339 being the best it could do.
1575   VOA, Thailand     Traces of man talking at 1332

1701.07 Radio Brisvaani, AUSTRALIA Presumed the one with Indian music at a poor level at 1324.
Many carriers, but those in the "almost there" category were:

585, 1107, 1548, 1638


Nigel Pimblett
currently in Lamont, AB

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