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[IRCA] TP DX in Seattle on March 6

Today's TP DX was similar to yesterday's. Reception was limited to a few of the regulars that dutifully checked in for a while. Hardly any of them stayed past 1400 UTC. Most of them reached their peak strength at about 1310-1320 UTC.
774    JOUB, Japanese male 1326, then Chinese lesson 1330
1566    HLAZ, Japanese program 1320, male talk

594    JOAK, Japanese talk 1311
693    JOAB, English lesson 1312
972    HLCA, Korean woman 1403

828    JOBB, woman talking 1316
1206    Yanbian, Woman at 1305 on 1205.95

747 864 891 981 1053 1134 1242 1422 1503

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