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Re: [IRCA] 1610 Time Pips


I checked the Seattle NOAA weather radio tonight. At :20 and :40 it had a full blown ID with call, location, frequency, and current time, all in low-res synthesized voice. No time pips, but another site could be doing things slightly differently. I also heard the same ID at :49, so it might be something they do every 10 minutes.

On 11/20/2014 17:40, Steve wrote:
Thanks for the hints Gary...perhaps it is one of the NOAA relays...maybe someone who hears one of them well enough will tell us if they have time pips. They certainly jumped out of the mess here.
Steve / 73

The 1610 kHz frequency is a real jumble here in western Washington at night, but there are a couple of low-powered NOAA weather relay stations in Aberdeen, WA and in NE Oregon that might match your description. Here in Puyallup (about 30 miles south of Seattle) one of these weather relay stations is usually in the 1610 mix at night, along with the Yakima WSDOT TIS station or one of the other low powered WSDOT relays (and rarely, the 1610-Carribean Beacon station from Anguilla, with sermons from the late Gene Scott or his daughter).
73, Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)

----- Original Message -----

From: "STEVE MCDONALD" <ve7sl@xxxxxxx>
To: "Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America" <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 8:22:30 AM
Subject: [IRCA] 1610 Time Pips

Last evening while working at the bench, I had 1610kHz running in the background...just after local sunset. At both 20 mins and 40 mins after the hour, there were 5 very easily-heard time pip second markers, but no copy on the station itself....looping E-W at the time....any ideas of which station this would be?

Mayne Island, BC
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