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Re: [IRCA] Logs - Cape Cod, MA: late OCT - early NOV 2014

--- Begin Message --- Please note the following corrections to recently submitted Cape Cod log report
882 | UNITED KINGDOM | BBC R.Wales, Washford et al., OCT 29 0200 - 
Woman mentioned "from the BBC World Service", pips, news about Iraq; 
fair. [Connelly*Y-MA]
909 | UNITED KINGDOM | BBC Five Live synchros | OCT 29 0200 - Man "This 
is BBC Five Live", item about Ebola; good. + NOV 8 0100 - "5 Live" ID; 
fair. [Connelly*Y-MA]
Mark Connelly, WA1ION - South Yarmouth, MA

--- End Message ---
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