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[IRCA] TP DX in Seattle on Sept 21

Today's TP DX session was probably my best so far this season. There were lots of Korean and Japanese signals to be heard, but very little from China. VOA-1575 was sub-par as well. Most of the action was at the lower half of the band, although 1566 did quite well at times.

774 JOUB, 1314 talk & music //747. Also good 1330 with program transition 972 HLCA, lively discussion by men & women in Korean 1332, then partial pop song with the group making comments, including much laughter and giggling. Quite loud by 1335 by which time it was playing music
1053    Korean jammer 1347
1566 HLAZ, quite good at times 1235-1345+ in Japanese, sounded mostly like a church service

747    JOIB, Japanese talk 1314, then brief music & more talk
828    JOBB, talk & mx 1314 //747/774
1287    JOHR, man in Japanese, then music 1317

567    JOIK, woman talking 1311
594    traces of talk 1320
657    DPRK, emphatic talk 1303
693    JOAB, Japanese talk 1310
819    DPRK, woman talking (ID?), then pips & emphatic talk 1300
864 tone at ToH (possibly from time pips) 1300, bits of talk noted later, peaking 1330 with what sounded like Japanese woman 873 DPRK??, male talk 1315, not //NHK2. Inflections consistent with N Korea stations
981    Music 1337, probably CNR1
1134    Deep voiced man 1333, not sure if JJ or KK
1170    KBS, partial pips 1300 during pause in KPUG audio
1206 talk 1316-19 Korean-like inflections so presumed Yanbian, two carriers: 1205.95 (the strongest) & 1206.00
1242   weak female talk 1331, possibly mixing with a second station
1323    weak music 1332
1476 Male talk, CC-like inflections 1330, 2 carriers: 1476(Strongest), 1476.25 with a buzz between them
1575    traces of talk 1340

576 585 603 648 702 738 756 792 837 846 855(2 carriers) 891 909 918 936 945 1008 1017 1035(2 visible) 1098 1107(2) 1125 1143 1179 1188 1197 1215 1224 1251 1269 1296 1314 1332 1341 1377 1386 1395 1413 1422 1458 1503 1557
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