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Re: [IRCA] [dxld] AM radio struggling to keep listeners.

I understand Brandon. However, the conservative talk and sports radio aside, what will AM radio offer to listeners in the future.? My adult children, around 30 years old give or take, do not listen to AM radio and rarely if ever listen to FM radio. I know that my experience is anecdotal, but the ratings suggest that fewer and fewer young people are indeed listening to AM radio.
I have to wonder what form AM radio will take in the next 15 to 20 
years.  And I love AM radio, and have for over 50 years.
Bill Harms

On 9/2/2014 7:18 PM, Brandon swl.tn.usa@xxxxxxxxx [dxld] wrote:
A re-hashed end of AM except for conservative talk with some sports 
radio saving the band reporting. Save to the perennial solar 
storm/global warming/hurricane/asteroid/etc // eschatological folder.
On 9/2/2014 6:05 PM, Bill Harms philcobill@xxxxxxxxxxx [dxld] wrote:


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