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[IRCA] 600 KOGO (5kw) San Diego heard in Michigan

DU signals looked promising yesterday morning with more weak carriers noted than usual here. Those never materialized but I was excited when I caught 5kw KOGO at a good level on 600 which is usually occupied by a strong WMT. Here's how KOGO sounded from Michigan:

I also had CBS Sportsradio on 650, very weak under KGAB who had a monster signal. I presume this was probably KIKK Pasadena, TX. which would also be a new one here. This was also at 1100 UTC yesterday morning. I couldn't find references to any other CBS Sportradio's on 650. At only 250 watts, I'd like to claim this one!
Tim Tromp
Perseus SDR + phased BOGs

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