Re: [IRCA] Alberta TPs for 10 May 2014
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Re: [IRCA] Alberta TPs for 10 May 2014

If the DX came to Alberta it was apparently a one day visit. The following day had some carriers on similar channels, and today was pretty much dead. The Asians, it seems, have gone for the season.

Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, Alberta

On 12/05/2014 8:31 AM, Nick Hall-Patch wrote:
So Alberta is where the DX has gone?

Beyond hearing Tahiti at a reasonable level around 1229UT on 10 May, fair strength carriers were restricted to 1008 1098 and 1503. There were carriers on the X-band, but weak. 1611 doesn't need much strength here to start delivering audio, but there really is a tangle of carriers there to mangle up any audio that creeps through.
best wishes,


At 04:35 12-05-14, you wrote:
Between vacation and work commitments (not to mention mornings totally lacking in TPs) it's been a while since I reported. Finally listened again yesterday, and found all the action was DU and limited to the X-band.
1611 - Just the faintest of audio traces at 1129.
1629.03 - traces of man speaking at 1128
1656 - Man talking at 1131. Too weak to determine language, but it wasn't English. Possibly Greek. 1701.07 - AUSTRALIA, R.Brisvaani. Easily the best of the DU signals, with quite consistent signal from 1125 to 1135. Mostly Indian vocals, but some talk too.
Carriers also noted on 1638, 1674, 1683, as well as on a few channels 
in the regular band above 1500 khz.


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, Alberta

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