Re: [DX] Hamburger Lokalradio --- SW special on October 1st - 3rd
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Re: [DX] Hamburger Lokalradio --- SW special on October 1st - 3rd

Samoin Siikalatvan Rantsilassa, jos sitten huomenna aamulla täällä tai sitten alkuillasta Laukaassa?

Tarmo Kontro [Tarmo.Kontro@xxxxxxxx] kirjoitti:
Hm. SWR "blokkaa" taajuutta ...

>>> Mauno Ritola <Mauno.Ritola@xxxxxxxxx> 10/1/2011 11:41  >>>
** GERMANY. Hi Glenn, Please find enclosed an item regarding the three-day Hamburger Lokalradio special on shortwave. It contains another World of Radio relay (which will advertise the regular shows commencing a few da
ys afterwards) plus a one-off relay of Keith Perron's Happy Station Show. Thank you for spreading the word! Allbest, Thomas
5980, Hamburger Lokalradio - There is a special multi-hour SW operation from Hamburger Lokalradio (HLR) on Saturday, October 1st,
Sunday, October 2nd, and Monday, October 3rd 2011. The station is on
the air on all three days between 0600 and 1600 UT on 5980 kHz from
the Kall transmitter site in Germany with a power of 1 kW.

Hamburger Lokalradio is looking forward to receiving letters and
reception reports. Correct reports will be confirmed with a special QSL card. Address: Hamburger Lokalradio, Kulturzentrum LOLA, Lohbruegger Landstr 8, 21031 Hamburg, Germany. (Return postage is highly appreciated.)

The programme line-up contains various current HLR shows as well as
highlights from the programme archives. For English-speaking listeners, there are a number of shows produced by external broadcasters:

Saturday, October 1st, 0900-0930 UT: New Letters on the Air
Saturday, October 1st, 0930-1000 UT: Glenn Hauser's World of Radio
Saturday, October 1st, 1000-1100 UT: Happy Station Show with Keith
Monday, October 3rd, 1000-1100 UT: Happy Station Show with Keith

The HLR special offers a rare opportunity for European listeners to
receive the Happy Station Show on shortwave. Producer Keith Perron will offer a special Happy Station Show QSL card, and there will also be a prize draw for listeners of his show (Thomas Voelkner, Sept 25, WORLD OF RADIO 1584, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

And thenceforth, as previously announced, WORLD OF RADIO will air Tuesdays at 0930 on 5980. I shall of course be interested in how reception is in Europe, altho WOR itself as a program does not issue QSLs (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1584, DXLD)

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