[IRCA] Valentines Day TP DX in Seattle
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[IRCA] Valentines Day TP DX in Seattle

It was an impressive morning for TPs, kind of like early autumn except sunrise was later. The low-mid band was quite nice, with most of the low band activity happening at about 1300. The extreme upper part of the band was not very good but several signals were heard in the 1150-1350 range at sunrise. As Nick noted, the enhancement lasted a while today with some stations hanging in until 1530.
Good - A native speaker would have understood most of at, at least for 
brief periods
747    JOIB, weather report 1308
774    JOUB, man & woman with English lesson 1239
850 KICY, countryish song 1502, then detailed "sign on" announcement by station manager followed by news
890    KBBI, marine weather by woman 1502, mixing with CJDC
972 HLCA, 1300 3+1 pips, fanfare, happy man & woman talking, quite good at other times but best 1255-1324 1566 HLAZ, 1208-1345 Japanese program sometimes quite listenable, other times fair-nil

Fair - A native speaker would have recognized words and phrases
693 JOAB, tail end of weather report, then local ID by woman 1320. Then English lesson by enthusiastic man & woman
819    DPRK, 1243 female singer cutting through 820 splatter
828    JOBB, 1242 English lesson //774
936 CHINA, Chinese announcement 1240. I think I heard "Anhui" mentioned a couple of times, but not 100% sure.
981    CNR1, man in Chinese 1527, otherwise poor-nil in CKNW splatter
1179    JOOR, 1459 Japanese woman in 1180 splatter
1287    JOHR Japanese discussion 1518
1314    JOUF cheerful Japanese woman and sedate man 1522

Poor - A native speaker would have understood none of it
864    3+1 pips weak 1300
945    Chinese talk, presumably CNR1 1238 in KJR splat
963    Talk 1338 getting beaten up quite badly by 960 splatter
1134    KBS time pips 1500, then male talk
1170 KBS, weak time pips 1200 1300 1400 1500 during ToH pause in KPUG audio. The pips at 1300 were mixed with a second set, probably CNR 1323 Woman talking 1520, inflections consistent with Russian so presumably CRI
1422    traces of talk faded up for about a minute 1220, otherwise nothing
1575    VOA, Asian talk 1424

Carriers - 567 603 675 738 756 873 891 927 954 1008 1017 1035 1044 1107 1116 1242 1305
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