[IRCA] Popular new features need new donors!
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[IRCA] Popular new features need new donors!

February 1 2014


Now that 2014 is moving along, we need to tell you that we've had
only 8 donations in January, to be expected as thoughts and
concerns are elsewhere over the Christmas/New Year period.

The result is that we still have to find $1,842 to meet the January
overheads...these are real costs we have to pay others for.....and
the rate is fixed at $450 per week for five years even though costs
of utilities etc go up. Our volunteers get paid nothing of course!

Last 3 months v previous 3 months
* New visits +4.5%
* All visits -3.2%
* USA visits +29.5%
* Australia visits +1.5%
* NZ visits -23.7%
[these are affected by seasonal variations] 

You'll find more new Retro Radio Dial features now online as we've
had some time to research them over the quiet time, and we've got
some more in the works. We'll do what we can to keep bringing more
features and content online this year, which is also our 10th
anniversary online.

We've been fielding a good number of the inquiries that
people make when their focus is on family and memories, and we
continue the work of protecting memorabilia and researching new
features and all the other unseen work that goes behind what we share.

Join us on our Facebook page - we have now reached 880 likes and

Already, four of our new features rank in the Top 20 features seen
during January 2014... it's good to see they're liked so much!

We must now find $1,842 without delay:
* we've about reached the limit to financial loss we can tolerate 
* all donations are publicly acknowledged
* tax deductible receipts for NZ donors
* new option to donate smaller regular amounts
* we have no other income except for donations
* Yes, we do much more than manage a website too!

It's easy to make a donation. Just use Visa, Mastercard, Amex etc
safely via the secure Paypal donation button on every page of our
website www.radioheritage.net. You can choose the amount, the
currency and for recurring payments, how much and how often. This is
a very safe and well respected global payment system and your data is
completely protected. We never even get to know your credit card

So if you do want to see radio heritage protected and shared, don't
wait for someone else to make a donation, 99% of people never bother
to... but the 1% make it possible for thousands to enjoy hundreds of
features every day, underpin our radio guides, and make it possible
to keep safe many thousands of items of radio memorabilia for all to

Thanks so much for joining us again in 2014, and do enjoy the new
features we've recently added such as Retro Radio Dial Australia, New
Zealand & Pacific; South East Asia; South Asia; and Brazil....and
keep an eye out for more......

All best wishes for 2014, and thank you if you can make
a donation this weekend. It is very very seriously needed.

Radio Heritage Foundation
The Global Radio Memories Project
connecting today's people with yesterdays radio
Email code PW7 to be removed from this mailing list and allow 15
working days for a volunteer to process your request.

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