[IRCA] recent logs - Cape Cod, MA (late OCT + early NOV)
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[IRCA] recent logs - Cape Cod, MA (late OCT + early NOV)

Report from Mark Connelly, WA1ION - Times / dates = UTC / 2013
e-mail = "MarkWA1ION@xxxxxxx"

[Connelly*O-MA] = Orleans, Cape Cod, MA, USA
(GC= 41.8072 N / 69.9537 W) (= 41° 48.43' N / 69° 57.22' W)
beach area: northeast end of Tonset Road, near Weeset Road; map:

[Connelly*Y-MA] = South Yarmouth, Cape Cod, MA, USA
(GC= 41.6931 N / 70.1912 W) (= 41° 41.59' N / 70° 11.47' W)

Receiver: Microtelecom Perseus

Orleans - cardioid-pattern Micro-SuperLoop on car roof, square, 2 m per side, with Clifton Laboratories Z10130A amp on east bottom corner to speaker wire to 2:1 transformer to W7IUV amp, and 9:1 transformer on west corner to speaker wire to 500 ohm null-adjust potentiometer

South Yarmouth - two dual-feedline cardioid-pattern SuperLoops,
(75-255 degrees, 9 m vert. by 15 m horiz.) and
(170-350 degrees, 10 m vert. by 11 m horiz.)

Note: Some of the loggings coincided with the dates of East Coast DXpeditions at Prince Edward Island, Canada (http://www.bamlog.com/2013peidxped.htm), Newfoundland, and New Jersey. There were also western DXpeditions active in Oregon and Colorado.



531 | ALGERIA | Jil FM, F'kirina Wilaya d'Oum El Bouaghi, NOV 6 2200 - hard rock // 549; fair to good. [Connelly*Y-MA]

549 | ALGERIA | Jil FM, Les Trembles, NOV 6 2200 - // 531 with hard rock male vocal across the top of the hour; good. [Connelly*Y-MA]

558 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, NOV 9 2201 - Spanish talk; in WGAN slop. [Connelly*O-MA]

576 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, NOV 11 2200 - ID "Radio Nacional de Espana"; noisy. [Connelly*Y-MA]

585 | SPAIN | RNE R.1, Madrid, NOV 9 2201 - fast Spanish news, sports; to very good peak. [Connelly*O-MA]

603 | FRANCE | France Info, Lyon-Tramoyes, NOV 6 2201 - France Info music fanfare; just under Spain. [Connelly*Y-MA]

603 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, NOV 6 2201 - fast Spanish talk by man; over France. [Connelly*Y-MA]

611 | MOROCCO | RTM A, Sebaa-Aioun, NOV 6 2201 - news by man in Arabic; over 612 het. [Connelly*Y-MA]

612 | SPAIN | RNE R.1, Lerida / Lleida, NOV 9 2201 - man in Spanish; fair, splittable (on USB) from 611 Morocco. [Connelly*O-MA]

621 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | RNE R.1 synchros, NOV 6 2200 - "Wild World" by Cat Stevens, Spanish talk // 855; over second station believed to be Belgium. [Connelly*Y-MA]

639 | SPAIN | RNE R.1, La Coruna et al., NOV 6 2200 - "Wild World" by Cat Stevens, Spanish talk // 855; good, over second station (Czech?). + NOV 12 0002 - talk // 855; LOUD! [Connelly*Y-MA]

657 | SPAIN | RNE R.5, Madrid, NOV 12 0002 - Spanish talk // 855; fair. [Connelly*Y-MA]

665.77 | IRAN | IRIB1, OCT 22 2303 - bits of audio on carrier that was stronger than adjacent 666.0. [Connelly*Y-MA]

684 | SPAIN | RNE R.1, Sevilla, NOV 12 0002 - newstalk // 855; to good peak despite WRKO slop. [Connelly*Y-MA]

693 | SPAIN | RNE R.1 synchros, NOV 9 2130 - sports shouting // 684; dominant. [Connelly*O-MA]

693 | UNITED KINGDOM | BBC R. 5, Droitwich et al., OCT 22 2303 - // 909 with mention of a government investigation, aircraft; fair. + NOV 11 2200 - // 909 with tennis match coverage mentioning Rafael Nadal; fair. [Connelly*Y-MA]

711 | FRANCE | France Info, Rennes, NOV 11 2200 - talk up to France Info theme at 2200:35, woman in French; good. [Connelly*Y-MA]

711.111 | WESTERN SAHARA | RTM, Laayoune, NOV 12 0002 - bits of Arabic music, light modulation; carrier stronger than adjacent 711.0 France. [Connelly*Y-MA]

729 | SPAIN | RNE R.1 synchros, NOV 12 0002 - // 855 with man & woman in Spanish; through slop. [Connelly*Y-MA]

738 | SPAIN | RNE R.1, Barcelona, NOV 12 0002 - talk // 855; to fair peak. [Connelly*Y-MA]

747 | CANARY ISLANDS | RNE R.5 synchros, NOV 9 2130 - folk style vocal, Radio Cinco ID/slogan; fair. [Connelly*O-MA]

747 | NETHERLANDS | R.5, Zeewolde (Flevoland), OCT 23 2300 - Flamingos 1959 oldie "I Only Have Eyes for You", then Dutch talk and jingle. + NOV 6 2100 - Dutch news by woman. [Connelly*Y-MA]

756 | GERMANY | Deutschlandfunk, Braunschweig & Ravensburg, OCT 22 2303 - woman in German; fair to good. + NOV 6 2200 - Deutschlandfunk sounder, pips; fair. [Connelly*Y-MA]

765 | IRAN | IRIB 1, Chahbahar, OCT 22 2303 - probably this with chanting; poor. [Connelly*Y-MA]

774 | SPAIN | RNE R.1 synchros, OCT 22 2303 - // 855 with news by man & woman; through 780 WTME slop. + NOV 6 2200 - "Wild World" by Cat Stevens // 855; fair. [Connelly*Y-MA]

792 | FRANCE | France Info, Limoges, NOV 11 2158 - man in French // 1206; fair. [Connelly*Y-MA]

792 | SPAIN | SER, Sevilla, NOV 9 2131 - atop with Spanish sporting event. [Connelly*O-MA]

801 | SPAIN | RNE R.1 synchros, NOV 9 2129 - echoey Spanish // 855. [Connelly*O-MA]

837 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | COPE synchros, NOV 6 2201 - man in Spanish. [Connelly*Y-MA]

855 | SPAIN | RNE R.1 synchros, OCT 22 2303 - // 774 with man & woman in Spanish; through WEEI slop. + NOV 6 2200 - Cat Stevens "Wild World", then woman in Spanish, pips, Radio Nacional de Espana ID. UnID weak carriers noted on adjacent 855.023 & 855.073. [Connelly*Y-MA]

864 | EGYPT | ERTU, Santah, NOV 9 2131 - Arabic vocal; now up over Spain and France. [Connelly*O-MA]

864 | FRANCE | France Bleu, Villebon-sur-Yvette, OCT 22 2303 - disco vocal; fair. + NOV 6 2159 - woman in French; to good peak. + NOV 11 2200 - Bleu jingle, man in French; to good peak. [Connelly*Y-MA]

864 | SPAIN | RNE R.1, Socuellamos, NOV 9 2130 - excited talk // 855; slightly over France and Egypt. [Connelly*O-MA]

873 | SPAIN | SER synchros, NOV 12 0002 - fast Spanish talk; through slop. [Connelly*Y-MA]

882 | UNITED KINGDOM | BBC R.Wales, Washford, NOV 12 0002 - light music; over COPE. [Connelly*Y-MA]

890.985 | ALGERIA | Chaine 1, Algiers, NOV 6 2200 - 5+1 pips (last higher), woman then man in Arabic; LOUD, more than 10 dB stronger than 890 WAMG. [Connelly*Y-MA]

909 | UNITED KINGDOM | BBC R.5 synchros, OCT 22 2303 - news mentioning arrest of someone suffering mental illness; fair. + NOV 6 2159 - sports talk mentioning Liverpool, also German teams including Hamburg; good with slight echo, over something else (likely Romania). + NOV 11 2200 - // 693 with tennis match coverage mentioning Rafael Nadal; good. [Connelly*Y-MA]

918 | SPAIN | R. Intercontinental, Madrid, NOV 12 0002 - man in Spanish; poor to fair. [Connelly*Y-MA]

936 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, NOV 12 0002 - // 855 with man & woman in Spanish; over others. [Connelly*Y-MA]

945 | FRANCE | France Info, Toulouse, NOV 6 2200 - French talk by man across the top of the hour, brief bit of talk by woman, then France Info fanfare music at 2201 UTC; good. [Connelly*Y-MA]

954 | SPAIN | Onda Cero, Madrid, NOV 6 2200 - Spanish news; through slop. [Connelly*Y-MA]

981 | ALGERIA | RTVA Chaine 2, Algiers, NOV 6 2200 - Arabic male vocal, guitar, then 5+1 pips, news-intro fanfare music; loud. + NOV 11 2200 - male Arabic vocal, drumming, 5+1 pips (last higher); good. [Connelly*Y-MA]

999 | SPAIN | COPE synchros, NOV 6 2101 - Spanish news by man; over others. + NOV 11 2200 - pips, man & woman in Spanish with COPE ID, fanfare music; good, over others. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1026 | SPAIN | SER synchros, NOV 9 2158 - // 1116, 1485 with two men in Spanish with sportstalk; through WBZ slop. [Connelly*O-MA]

1053.103 | LIBYA | Libyan Jamahiriya, Tripoli, NOV 9 2129 - man in Arabic; LOUD! [Connelly*O-MA]

1062 | ITALY | RAI Radiouno synchros, NOV 9 2201 - seemed to be woman in Italian; through WQOM slop. [Connelly*O-MA]

1089 | UNITED KINGDOM | TalkSport synchros, NOV 6 2200 - talk about Arsenal and Manchester United teams; good. [Connelly*Y-MA] + NOV 9 2130 - talk "I'm a Chelsea fan", promo for "Inside the Boiler Room" show, TalkSport ID; good. [Connelly*O-MA]

1098 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, NOV 6 2200 - // 1107, 1152 with 5+1 pips, fanfare, ID "Radio Nacional de Espana". [Connelly*Y-MA]

1107 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, NOV 6 2200 - // 1098, 1152 with 5+1 pips, fanfare, ID "Radio Nacional de Espana". [Connelly*Y-MA]

1125 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, NOV 9 2101 - // 1098, 1107 with echoey Spanish talk (possibly sports commentary); fair. [Connelly*O-MA]

1126.51 | LIBYA | R. Free Libya, El Beida, NOV 9 2129 - het against Spain, not much audio, previously ID'ed on mwoffsets list. [Connelly*O-MA]

1134 | SPAIN | COPE synchros, NOV 12 0002 - fast Spanish talk by man; to good peak. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1152 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, NOV 6 2200 - ID "Radio Nacional de Espana". [Connelly*Y-MA]

1179 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | SER synchros, NOV 11 2200 - SER news by woman in Spanish; dominant. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1206 | FRANCE | France Info, Bordeaux, NOV 11 2158 - man in French // 792 et al.; good. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1214.13 | ALBANIA | Fllake, NOV 6 2200 - growl against UK. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1215 | SPAIN | COPE synchros, NOV 9 2131 - two men in Spanish talking and laughing; good, dominant. [Connelly*O-MA]

1215 | UNITED KINGDOM | Absolute R. synchros, NOV 6 2200 - Absolute Radio ID, promo's / adverts; over Spain, others. USB used to dodge Albania growl. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1296 | SPAIN | COPE, Valencia, NOV 9 2201 - Spanish talk; in jumble. [Connelly*O-MA]

1305 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, NOV 9 2129 - // 747 with folk vocal; fair. [Connelly*O-MA]

1314 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, NOV 9 2100 - fanfare music, Radio Nacional de Espana ID; fair. [Connelly*O-MA]

1377 | FRANCE | France Info, Lille, NOV 11 2200 - French talk across top-of-hour, France Info theme music at 2200:35; good. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1394.86 | ALBANIA | TWR, Fllake, NOV 9 2058 - female vocal hymn; fair. [Connelly*O-MA]

1404 | FRANCE | France Info synchros, NOV 9 2131 - speech // 1377; poor. [Connelly*O-MA]

1413 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, NOV 11 2201 - man & woman in Spanish // 774; poor. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1422 | ALGERIA | RTA, Algiers, NOV 11 2358 - Arabic vocal & violins; good. + NOV 12 0001 - woman in French; fair. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1457.64 | ALBANIA | Fllake, NOV 9 2130 - bits of piano music or chimes, talk by woman; growl against probable UK 1458.0. [Connelly*O-MA]

1467 | FRANCE | TWR, Roumoules, NOV 9 2130 - TWR musical box interval signal, man in Arabic; good. [Connelly*O-MA]

1485 | SPAIN | SER synchros, NOV 9 2130 - sports shouting; fair. [Connelly*O-MA]

1494 | FRANCE (CORSICA) | France Bleu, Bastia, NOV 9 2101 - French talk by man not // France Info outlets; over France Info synchros. [Connelly*O-MA]

1503 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, NOV 11 2200 - ID "Radio Nacional de Espana", news; to fair peak. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1521 | SAUDI ARABIA | BSKSA, Duba, NOV 9 2100 - pop Arabic female vocal, man in Arabic, dramatic music, news; loud. [Connelly*O-MA]

1557 | FRANCE | France Info, Fontbonne, NOV 9 2100 - France Info theme music at 2100:34, woman in French; loud. [Connelly*O-MA]


530 | CUBA | CMBQ, R. Enciclopedia, La Habana, NOV 7 0000 - ID "Radio Enciclopedia, La Habana, Cuba"; good. + NOV 12 0000 - cover version of "Love Is Blue" instrumental, into usual samba-like theme music, ID by woman "transmite CMBQ, Radio Enciclopedia desde La Habana, Cuba"; good. [Connelly*Y-MA]

540 | CUBA | R. Rebelde, Guantanamo & Sancti Spiritus, NOV 12 0000 - ID "Rebelde, La Habana"; over WFLF and growl from 539.858 Nicaragua. [Connelly*Y-MA]

560 | CUBA | R. Rebelde, Ciego Avila, NOV 11 2359 - Latin jazz // 670; mixed with WFIL and remnants of nulled WGAN. [Connelly*Y-MA]

570 | CUBA | R. Reloj, Arroyo Arenas, NOV 11 2359 - Reloj program; annihilating WMCA. [Connelly*Y-MA]

580 | PUERTO RICO | WKAQ, San Juan, NOV 7 0000 - WKAQ San Juan ID and list of other network stations; loud. [Connelly*Y-MA]

590 | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | HIDV, R. Santa Maria, La Vega, NOV 7 0000 - "Radio Santa Maria" ID atop channel with WEZE nulled. Thanks to Timo Klimoff and Arnstein Bue of RealDX list for ID help. [Connelly*Y-MA]

600 | CUBA | CMKV, R. Rebelde, Urbano Noris, NOV 7 0000 - ID "aqui Rebelde"; good. [Connelly*Y-MA]

610 | CUBA | CMAN, R. Rebelde, Bahia Honda, NOV 11 2359 - jazz // 670; under WIOD. [Connelly*Y-MA]

620 | CUBA | R. Rebelde, Colon / Moa, NOV 11 2359 - // 670 with Latin American jazz, then organ music, announcement "Rebelde, La Habana, emisora de la revolucion"; over WSNR & WZON. [Connelly*Y-MA]

630 | VENEZUELA | YVKA, R. Nacional de Venezuela, Caracas, NOV 7 0000 - ID "Radio Nacional de Venezuela", tropical music; briefly over WPRO, others. [Connelly*Y-MA]

640 | CUBA | R. Progreso synchros, NOV 7 0001 - soft female vocal // 690. [Connelly*Y-MA]

650 | CUBA | R. Progreso synchros, NOV 7 0000 - severe "wobbler" with audio // 640; demolishing WSM. [Connelly*Y-MA]

670 | CUBA | CMQ, R. Rebelde, Arroyo Arenas, NOV 7 0000 - ID "aqui Rebelde, transmitiendo desde la Habana, Cuba"; loud. [Connelly*Y-MA]

690 | CUBA | R. Progreso, Jovellanos, NOV 7 0001 - soft female vocal // 640. [Connelly*Y-MA]

710 | CUBA | R. Rebelde synchros, NOV 12 0000 - // 670 with 'spooky' organ music, talk "la programacion deportiva de Radio Rebelde"; mixed with WOR. [Connelly*Y-MA]

750 | CUBA | CMHV, R.Progreso, Trinidad, NOV 12 0000 - woman in Spanish // 650; under WSB. [Connelly*Y-MA]

750 | VENEZUELA | YVKS, RCR, Caracas, NOV 7 0000 - Venezuelan sportstalk, RCR ID; over CBGY, WSB, Cuba. [Connelly*Y-MA]

760 | COLOMBIA | HJAJ, RCN, Barranquilla, NOV 12 0000 - "RCN noticias" mention; mixed with WJR, others. [Connelly*Y-MA]

770 | CUBA | R. Rebelde, Victoria de las Tunas, NOV 7 0001 - Rebelde talk // 670; over WABC. [Connelly*Y-MA]

790 | CUBA | R. Reloj, Pinar del Rio & Holguin, NOV 12 0000 - Reloj programming; over WPRV, others. [Connelly*Y-MA]

810 | BAHAMAS | ZNS3, Freeport, NOV 7 0001 - accented Bahamas news, sports; over WGY, CJVA, and several stations in Spanish. [Connelly*Y-MA]

870 | CUBA | R. Reloj synchros, NOV 7 0000 - Reloj dominant with tick-tocks, some carrier instability (though not full-blown "wobbling"). [Connelly*Y-MA]

890.112 | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (t) | HIPJ, R. Continental, Santo Domingo, NOV 11 2359 - growl presumably from this one (logged previously). [Connelly*Y-MA]

900 | CUBA | R. Progreso, NOV 12 0001 - woman in Spanish // 690; over jumble. [Connelly*Y-MA]

960 | CUBA | R. Reloj, Guantanamo, NOV 11 2359 - Reloj programming; over WELI, WHYL, others. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1000 | CUBA | R. Granma, Media Luna, NOV 7 0000 - ID "Transmite Radio Granma" by woman. A "Radio Surco" mention was also heard. Thanks to Arnstein Bue on RealDX for ID assistance. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1020 | CUBA | R. Reloj, Victoria de las Tunas, NOV 12 0000 - Reloj over KDKA and unID Spanish talker. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1039.61 | VENEZUELA | La Voz de Carabobo, YVLB, Valencia, NOV 7 0001 - fast Spanish talk by man through slop (OK on LSB). [Connelly*Y-MA]

1060 | COLOMBIA | HJLY, R. Delfin, Riohacha, NOV 7 0001 - Radio Delfin ID; over WQOM, KYW, Cuba, and growl from something on 1060.28. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1180 | CUBA | R. Rebelde (CMBT Villa Maria and others), NOV 11 2359 - Latin jazz // 670; over WHAM. [Connelly*Y-MA]

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