Re: [IRCA] GeoClock
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Re: [IRCA] GeoClock

Thank you gentlemen. Thankfully,the hard drive of my dead Vista laptop is still working so I might find the missing map files.
In the "demo" version, there are four maps apparently named MAPxx.EGA so 
I have to verify on my older hard drive, how much more filename with 
that extension there is (there should be 45 for my basic version).
Sylvain Naud

Le 2013-09-12 06:37, Russ Edmunds a écrit :
Early on, all of the maps were in VGA format. Those were converted to EGA format in conjunction with a
GeoClock version change at least 10 years ago. I haven't needed to change anything since then and it
still runs as it should. That said, there are also the "space view" maps which did present a problem, and I
did have to obtain replacements from him, but again that was close to 10 years ago.

Russ Edmunds
15 mi NNW of Philadelphia
Grid FN20id

  From: Tony Ward <tonyward@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: Russ Edmunds <wb2bjh@xxxxxxxxx>; Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 9:24 PM
Subject: Re: [IRCA] GeoClock
I am still running XP in the PC World, but most operations are now on Apples. I do recall having to change all the suffixes of the maps  (I think) sometime ago on one of the GeoClock updates. I bought the full version and even my own Whitby-Centred VE3NO map, and my usage goes back 25 years or so, through many updates. If (as Russ says) there was a version update with Win7, I suggest you check the map-names, particularly the suffixes Sylvain.
Tony Ward (VE3NO) NYAA Starfest
Whitby, ON


A few strings short of a full Universe...

  From: Russ Edmunds <wb2bjh@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 9:01:53 PM
Subject: Re: [IRCA] GeoClock

If you saved/backed up the map and data files somewhere you should be able to re-load them. I've always kept backups
which I've used for that purpose when any became corrupted.

Russ Edmunds
15 mi NNW of Philadelphia
Grid FN20id

From: Sylvain Naud <sylvainnaud62@xxxxxxxxx>
To: International Radio Club of America <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 8:47 PM
Subject: [IRCA] GeoClock

Hi All,

A couple of years ago, I purchased the basic version of GeoClock to get
more maps than the demo version. It worked well until recently, after
changing my Vista laptop with a Win 7 machine. I went trough the
registering processas it should and I entered my license key.

Now, the software seem having been registered but I only have the 4 demo
maps instead of the 45 maps I should normally have. I emailed the author
some days ago
  asking for help but I'm still without any answer.

I'm now wondering if there's any kind of support nowadays for this
program?  Is there something more "up to date" on the market that
doesthe same job, or even better?

Any hints would be welcome.

Thank you.

Sylvain Naud
Portneuf, QC
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