Re: [IRCA] What happened to Starchat BCB Chat ?
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Re: [IRCA] What happened to Starchat BCB Chat ?

Thanx, Stephen. I don't use Mozilla. Up until a month or so ago, I could easily access it via IE from server, or from my Apple mobile device with Safari browser using the same URL.
Now, the website won't open up.

Anyone have any solutions?


J.D. Stephens

From: Stephen Airy <pianoplayer88key@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America
Subject: Re: [IRCA] What happened to Starchat BCB Chat ?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

It's still there for me.? Steps I took to get in just now:
Open Chatzilla (my chat client - attached to Firefox)
type "/server", then wait the several seconds for it to load
type "/join #mwdx" ... and there it is. :)
I also have AndChat on my Android phone, and it has an entry I can tap on to open the server.? (I don't remember if I have it set to auto-join the chat or not, though.)
73, Stephen A 
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