[IRCA] E-QSL from 585-2WEB in Bourke, Australia
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[IRCA] E-QSL from 585-2WEB in Bourke, Australia

Hello All,
For many of us trying recently, getting any type of transoceanic DX QSL can be an exercise in frustration. But just to show that the exact opposite can happen, I received an e-QSL from 585-2WEB (10 kW, Bourke, Australia) this morning after an extremely weak reception at the Rockwork 4 cliff in Oregon last week.
On the Cliff at 1250 UTC on July 22nd I heard a threshold audio signal on 585 kHz, dropping in and out of the noise (and the traffic noise from the 18 wheelers on Highway 101). I decided to record the weak signal in the remote chance that it might come up to a level stable enough to get some identity clues. After about a minute of recording I decided that the effort was hopeless, shut off the MP3 recorder, and went on to record MP3's on other frequencies.
After getting off of the noisy cliff I decided there was nothing to lose by listening to the "wasted" MP3. I played back the recording, and was surprised to detect some rock music notes at a weak level. Switching to ultra-sensitive headphones, I played back the weak MP3 recording (posted at http://www.mediafire.com/listen/geimfubkdv7y4h2/585-2WEB-1250z072213PL380.MP3  about 100 times, and was finally able to identify the song as James Taylor singing "You've Got a Friend."  
Now, for the lucky part of the story. I knew that of the possible South Pacific stations on this frequency, only 585-2WEB (10 kW, in Bourke, Australia) was likely to play this kind of music. I also knew that 2WEB's Programming Director, David Sharp, was previously a famous DXer here in the states, and was highly motivated to respond to reception reports. Finally, I knew that David could confirm reception simply by matching an MP3 song with his programming log. Within 12 hours of sending my ultra-weak MP3-based reception report to David, I had an e-QSL from 585-2WEB (pasted below). So, of the 32 DU stations received on the Cliff last week, this was certainly one of the most rewarding. Thanks, David!
73, Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)

Pasted from David's 585-2WEB e-QSL:
I was able to compare the song clip with our music roster and once again you've 
managed to receive 2WEB. I am happy to send you a written QSL if this brief 
email doesn't suffice (and considering you have verified us in the past). 
David Sharp
Programme Director


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