Re: [IRCA] SDR Recommendations?
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Re: [IRCA] SDR Recommendations?

Now that I'm a bit more awake Bruce, I believe that I recall that the Excalibur
was only unable to do timed unattended recordings, but that the pricier
Excalibur Pro can.   What is your experience there?  Two of the DXers at the PEI
expedition last fall were jumping through hoops using Splinterware or some such
in order to record while they caught a few moments of sleep. It wasn't a
computer issue.

Meantime, dead simple Spectravue was reliably performing that service for the
remaining two DXers who were using RFSpace radios.

Do I recall that Perseus' native software has some difficulties in that
direction also?   Simon Brown's SDR Console now handles Perseus I've heard, but
I haven't any experience with its timed recording capabilities, and if I did, it
would be out of date, as that software is constantly developing.

best wishes, 


Quoting Bruce Portzer <bportzer@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Hi Anthony
> I've owned an Excalibur for the past two years, and very recently added 
> a Perseus to my radio collection.  Both are quite good receivers.   I'm 
> not aware of any Mac software to run either radio, although there may be 
> third party software I don't know about.
> I've been generally happy withe the User Interface that comes with the 
> Excalibur.  I'm much less impressed with the Perseus UI, but I've only 
> been using it for a couple of days and may need to give it more time.
> I haven't run into the recording issue Nick mentions.  I routinely use 
> the Excalibur to record 2 MHZ sections of spectrum (MW & SW) with no 
> problems.  That's with a quad core (i5) CPU in my PC. The problem could 
> nonetheless occur with older, slower PCs (single CPU and possibly some 
> low end dual core PCs).
> Bruce

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