[IRCA] TP 2 Jun; Victoria version
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[IRCA] TP 2 Jun; Victoria version

Another minimal morning. One definite audio on 1566.003kHz, though weak, sort of gospel sounding vocal in the murk, at 1150UT, faded by the hour. Unless HLAZ has drifted again, it seems rather late to have been them. MWoffsets list shows both HLAZ and 3NE on about 1566.003, but I'm pretty sure that HLAZ is on channel now. Other carriers at the time were noted on 1332, 1476, 1503 and 1593.
The dominant carrier at 1115UT in contrast was very close to 
1566.000, and a carrier on 594 noted at the same time, and that would 
have been a more appropriate time for east Asians, especially with 
present conditions.

best wishes,


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