Re: [IRCA] 1566 kHz... Benin?
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Re: [IRCA] 1566 kHz... Benin?

04:45 UT ! Belgium is already under daylight at this time of the year, so I can't tell who is it.
Sorry for the false alarm.


Le 2013-05-30 09:21, Sylvain Naud a écrit :
Looks like Belgium, Don. I always find them around 10Hz bellow. Here's from last November logs:
2012-11-01   00:07  1125  BEL RTBF Vivacité, Houdeng - English song, 
fair and offset at 1124.99
Sylvain Naud
Portneuf, QC

Le 2013-05-30 00:47, Don Moman VE6JY a écrit :
checking for other hets and I see something on 1124.989, haven't researched
this one yet. Weaker then 1566 but consistent on Eu wire at 0445 ut

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