Re: [IRCA] mystery: chants on 1476
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Re: [IRCA] mystery: chants on 1476

Maybe Egypt was on between 2200-2400 by mistake on those days? Tonight they signed off at 2201 as listed. Iran is definitely on, but they are 260 Hz above nominal and should not sign off at 2400.
73, Mauno

18.5.2013 3:09, Allen Willie kirjoitti:
Hello To All,
A couple of evenings including just now I have been hearing chants only around 23:45 - 00:00 UTC on 1476 khz, ending exactly at 00:00 UTC . Medium Wave List lists Iran and Egypt but indicating transmission from both up  until around 22:00 or 22:30 UTC only.
I wonder which of these it could be that is still audible up until the zero UTC mark.
Any ideas would be appreciated. Not much to go on I realize but no other talk has been audible during listening times
Allen Willie
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland
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