Re: [IRCA] mystery on 1008 khz
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Re: [IRCA] mystery on 1008 khz


I believe it's at 2030 when many IRIB stations go to regional networks and are no longer parallel. So the big question is: what frequencies did you check for a parallel?

On 4/20/2013 5:01 AM, Allen Willie wrote:
RE: mystery on 1008 khz Hi Allen,
sorry for the late reply, I haven't had time to check the frequency
properly. How certain are you about the language? WRTH says, that Egypt
carries Hebrew at this time and that's what I am hearing now at 2030.
Was the audio muffled? Then it's Egypt. Yemen has usually been about 60
Hz below nominal and I had its carrier earlier in the evening, but now
it is gone. Iran is also there.

73, Mauno
Joensuu, Finland
28.3.2013 23:29, Allen Willie kirjoitti:
Hello To All,

While scanning the band this evening at 20:45 UTC  , Arabic talk with Middle Eastern music was noted for a few brief moments on 1008 khz mixing with Radio Punto Canaries  before disappearing once again. It was surprising as only Punto or GrootNiuews from the Netherlands have been the usual occupier of the channel at this location.

I quickly fired up the ultralight radio as well and heard the same on it, albeit with a weaker signal.

A European Medium Wave Guide lookup  revealed possibly Egypt or Yemen in Arabic at that time of day. I have no recording of it but will monitor that frequency the next few days around the same time in hopes of hearing more .

Any ideas on this one from the International Dxers  would be appreciated


Allen Willie
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland
Hello Mauno, Thanks for the thoughts about the station heard on 1008 khz. Since that evening I haven't heard it again on the frequency. It was definitely Arabic language heard and very distinct with no muffling.
Between the EMWG and MW List the information provided seems to suggest that it may have been Yemen.
It definitely wasn't IRIB in Iran as I checked possible parallels at the time and found language differences. The two guides show a station in Egypt on 1008 but transmission only up to 20:00 UTC. The other is 24 hours but only 1000 watts which seems unlikely if all the info listed is indeed correct. Yemen is listed as until 21:30 on one site and 22:10 on the other. I will keep a further ear to the frequency . Regards Allen Willie
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland
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