Re: [IRCA] Alberta TPs/TAs for 12 Jan 2013
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Re: [IRCA] Alberta TPs/TAs for 12 Jan 2013

Thanks for the info Chuck. Nei Menggu would make more sense given what else I was hearing, and on a quick listen to a recording it's not sounding Mandarin to my ears.


On 12/01/2013 12:53 PM, Chuck wrote:

From Grayland, Nei Menggu shows up more than anything else although there is also another station with CRI that may be CNR8.

On 1/12/2013 10:40 AM, Nigel Pimblett wrote:
This morning didn't match yesterday's wonderful opening, but still some signals of interest. Listened between 1450 and 1530. Today's audio:
693 - JOAB Japan, weak at 1515
747 - JOIB Japan still fair at 1522
774 - JOUB good at 1512. Again the best Japanese signal today, though 747 was close today.
972 - unID, with instrumental music at 1456.  Faded by 1500 of course.
1026 - Russian at 1451, presumed Voice of Russia.
1098 - Chinese at 1453. I'm presuming this is Taiwan, but are there other possiblilities? It's been pretty good the past 2 days, yet I never heard it when the east Asians were better earlier in the season.
1377 - traces of audio at 1450
1386 - woman speaking at 1457 Too weak to determine language, but not Japanese, Korean, or Chinese.
1422 - weak audio with woman talking at 1450.
1539 - VOA Urdu from UAE at 1451, not as good as yesterday, but would still have been understandable if I knew Urdu. 1575 - Radio Farda, UAE, with man speaking at 1454. Again, not at yesterday's level, but quite good on peaks. 1593 - Weak audio, with man speaking at 1453. Likely VOA from Kuwait, but too weak to be certain.
Plenty of strong carriers that never quite made audio, with 1503, 
1413, adn 1242 especially noteworthy.


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, Alberta

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