[IRCA] Fw: KFAB off the air late Thursday/early Friday
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[IRCA] Fw: KFAB off the air late Thursday/early Friday

Just received this from Greg Gade, the chief engineer for Clear Channel Omaha who was kind enough to give those who attended the 2011 NRC convention in Omaha a tour of KFAB's transmitter... 
Rick Dau
South Omaha, Nebraska (back after a jaunt to Oklahoma City and Little Rock) 
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Gade, Greg" <GregGade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Rick Dau <drummer1965usa@xxxxxxxxx> 
Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2012 9:06 AM
Subject: KFAB

We're tentatively planning to take KFAB off the air Thursday night/Friday morning at midnight.  It could be down for a few hours, it just depends on how repairs go.  Feel free to share if you'd like.
Greg Gade| Director of Engineering | Clear Channel Media + Entertainment
( 402.561.2000
* 5010 Underwood Ave | Omaha, NE | 68132
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