[IRCA] Alberta TPs for 29 Nov 2012
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[IRCA] Alberta TPs for 29 Nov 2012

A pretty good morning, at the upper end of dial anyhow. Audio today on 1593, 1566, and 1557, with faint traces on 1422. China on 1593 was good at times, with the signal it's had this month. Heard past 1500, a first for TPs this year. Korea on 1566 was fair at times, and 1557 (presumably Taiwan) had bits of audio now and again. 1575 was very close, but didn't quite get this this morning. Down lower, the carriers were stronger than of late, but none of the big Japanese stations were that close to audio.

Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, Alberta
Perseus SDR, Wellbrook Phased Array
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