[IRCA] TP's & DU's for Monday, October 15, 2012
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[IRCA] TP's & DU's for Monday, October 15, 2012

No Russian long waves again. It was equal DU TP reception this morning here. 828 New Zealand with Radio Trackside with horse racing calls, over under JOBB. 2BL in early at 1244 utc. Upper channels much better this morning. Unknown station on 1575 during a VOA fade out. Listen from 1243-1430 utc. Have a nice week. 

594    JAPAN, JOAK NHK1 1303-1304 weak signal rising to fair signal with man in Japanese. W-SW ewe. 10/15/2012

603    REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HLSA 1333 assuming the station with music and moderate splatter. W-SW ewe. 10/15/2012

639    UNKNOWN 1408 couple stations with very weak signals. One seemed Chinese? other English? just guessing. W-SW ewe. 10/15/2012

693    JAPAN, JOAB NHK2 1243 weak signal with woman in Japanese and heavy domestic splatter. Good signal at 1424. W-SW ewe. 10/15/2012

702    AUSTRALIA, 2BL ABC 1244-1247 fair signal with moderate splatter. Matched live stream audio. W-SW ewe. 10/15/2012

738    TAHITI, Radio Polynesie 1306 fair signal with French and mixing with 2NR. W-SW ewe. 10/15/2012

738    AUSTRALIA, 2NR 1306-1308 fair signal over Tahiti with Tony Delroy program. "Rural Australia" topic with "You Don't Know Me" song (instrumental) playing in background.
Matched live stream audio. W-SW ewe. 10/15/2012

774    JAPAN, JOUB NHK2 1248 fair signal with moderate splatter with Radio English Conversation Program. Over 3LO. W-SW ewe. 10/15/2012

774    AUSTRALIA, 3L0 1248 weak under JOUB signal briefly. Talk program as 2BL programming. Weak at 1425. W-SW ewe. 10/15/20112

828    JAPAN, JOBB NHK2 1253 fair signal with Radio English Conversation Program. W-SW ewe. 10/15/2012.

828    NEW ZEALAND, Radio Trackside 1355-1401 weak signal with horse racing call. 1357 JOBB took over channel. 10/13 3GI heard on this channel. JOBB pips at 1400 utc. 1403 another race call heard equal to JOBB. W-SW ewe. 10/15/2012

846    UNKNOWN, 1340-1345 very weak to weak signal with man in Asian language. Checked BED 56 shortwave // 9745. Nothing. First time this season signal heard on this channel.  W-SW ewe. 10/15/2012

891    AUSTRALIA, 5AN 1351-1354 weak signal with talk. Assuming the "Nightlife" program on 5AN. 

1008   JAPAN, JONR ABC 1312-1317 weak signal at times battling Aussie station. Woman in Japanese. Last heard on 10/03. W-SW ewe. 10/15/2012

1008   AUSTRALIA?, 1312 very weak to poor signal under JONR with man talking. Assuming one of the Racing stations on channel. W-SW ewe. 10/15/2012

1134   JAPAN, JOQR 1427-1430 fair signal with man/woman in Japanese. W-SW ewe. 

1566   REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HLAZ FEBC 1328 very weak fading signal with man in Japanese. NW ewe. 10/15/2012

1575   THAILAND, VOA 1411 1412 weak signal in Khmer (PALs) W-|SW ewe. 10/15/2012

1575   UNKNOWN, 1413-1420 poor to very weak signal on channel.  Man talking in ? Did not sound like Asian dialect.  W-SW ewe. 10/15/2012

Best regards,

Kalama, WA
JRC NRD 545 - DRAKE R8B - EAC R 390 A
NW - SW ewes - Sky Wire loop 753'
High Performance Active Whip (long wave) 
Solar Indices SF 132 A 19 K 2
Local Sunrise 1429 utc
      Sunset  0124 utc
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