Re: [IRCA] TP's & DU's for Saturday, August 25, 2012 / Victoria version
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Re: [IRCA] TP's & DU's for Saturday, August 25, 2012 / Victoria version

I'm inclined to agree that HLAZ was off the air for some time this morning, or there was a propagation blanket that affected only that station. However, it was quite audible at 1200UT and afterwards, but faded rapidly or went off at 1218UT, and didn't return (not even a carrier) except for a brief reprise, with a good carrier back up at 1258, then fading up enough just after 1300 with some choral mx, then completely gone again less than a minute later (the wonders of an SDR recording, hi). But that was it for excitement this morning, as there really wasn't much else in the way of audio, and what Asiatic peak was there was done by 1240UT I think. 279 would have been good on an antenna more suitable for longwave I would think, judging by its strength.
As for DUs....nope, beyond a carrier on 1548 that sometimes was a 
little on the strong side.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at least


reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it understandable by a
native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

1566 HLAZ slow instrumental mx with a classical flavor from 1159UT, then what sounded like KK talk by man at 1211, not expected CC. Disappeared by 1219UT.

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or noise could be
understood by a native speaker:

1053 jamming on and on from 1218UT onwards, with varying strength, but almost always there when checked

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at by
cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music) :

738 FF inflected talk by woman and man at 1254
774 man talking, likely JJ, at 1223 and other times before 1300

Strongish het, no audio (either undermodulated or ravaged by splatter):

279, 747, 828, 1134, 1287,  1548, 1575

best wishes,


At 13:32 25-08-12, Dennis wrote:

Scanned the long wave band this morning and came up with 7 Alaskan weather forecast stations. Nothing from HLAZ 1566 this morning. Not even a het on the channel. Other TP's heard and VOA the next channel up was in. Are they off the air? Audio being heard on 1701 with singing along with XEPE splatter at 1322 utc.

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