[IRCA] Oregon Cliff Ultralight DU's for 7-19
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[IRCA] Oregon Cliff Ultralight DU's for 7-19

Hello All,

Thanks very much to Steve, Nick and Dennis for their excellent and informative DU-DXing reports.
This morning was a pretty wild time at the the ocean side cliff near 
Yachats (Cape Perpetua), with Longwave DX rising up from yesterday's 
mediocre situation. Radio Rossii was vibrant on 279 and fair on 153, 
but the big news was an excellent South Pacific NDB-DX opening around 
1210. 260-NF (2 kW, Norfolk Island) and 270-FA (1 kw, Samoa) made 
repeat appearances from last year's cliff DXpedition in August, and a 
new one was added just above the noise level as 238-KT (New Zealand) 
barely made it through around the same time.
Medium wave DU's were again vibrant, with the Aussies making a super 
comeback after being missing in action yesterday. 891-5AN was pegging 
the PL-380's S/N display at 25 for about 10 minutes, and strong enough 
to hear on a barefoot Sony SRF-T615. A diverse mix of unfamilar Aussies 
was showing up all over the band at strong levels, making me feel like 
a rank beginner in DU-DXing. Kiwis were also vibrant, with 783-Access 
Radio especially good. 1017-2KY was heard again, with many others. 
Sorry for the short report!
73, Gary

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