Re: [IRCA] Fiji off AM except 558
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Re: [IRCA] Fiji off AM except 558

Hi Walt (and Patrick),

Thanks for the information regarding the Fiji stations, especially the 10 kw Radio Fiji One station on 639 kHz in Lautoka. That station's strong signal and distinctive island music certainly were popular with TP-DXers.
During a couple of Oregon coast trips last summer 639-Radio Fiji One 
already seemed to be missing in action on most days, with unusual 
dominance of the frequency by the 2 kW RNZ relay in Alexandra (// 675). 
This was a big contrast with the summer of 2010, when Radio Fiji One 
was received on 558, 639 and 684 kHz in Lincoln City.
73, Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA)

-----Original Message-----
From: Walter Salmaniw <canswl@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sat, Jun 23, 2012 8:01 pm
Subject: Fiji off AM except 558

An end of an era.  In case anyone has missed this from Bryan Clark, via DXLD Fiji is off AM except for 558.  639 was once a regular many mornings on the west coast, and provided enjoyable Fijiian music and programming.  Too bad.  A sign of the times, I suppose....Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, BC

** FIJI. Latest news is that all their AM stations except one are now gone. The sole survivor seems to be 558 AM. Everything else is now on FM (David Ricquish, June NZDX Times via DXLD)
A check of the website shows Radio Fiji One on 558 with 
coverage for Deuba, Navua, Lami, Suva, Nausori, Korovou and Lau, but no 
medium wave listings for other networks (Bryan Clark, ibid.)
558, Radio Fiji One, Suva all alone in Fijian on NE EWE 0547 29/5, 
good. The only Fijian AM still operating – see news above. Mixed Radio 
Sport co-channel 0618 30/5 on East EWE (Bryan Clark at Mangawhai 
(Northland), New Zealand with AOR7030+, EWEs to North, Central & South 
America, 100m BOG to NE and Alpha Delta Sloper antennas, June NZ DX 
Times via DXLD)

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