Re: [IRCA] Gone With the Wind...
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Re: [IRCA] Gone With the Wind...


Got an 18' ladder if you want to come pick it up ;)

I had most of a 400' longwire vanish into thin air about 25 years ago.

Direct lightning hit on 7/22 Copperweld and the biggest chunk I found was about 8". Fortunately it was grounded at the house end so the only damage other than the antenna could be fixed with a bit of paint.
Tim Hills
Sioux Falls, SD

On 4/26/2012 20:29, Ira Elbert New III wrote:
...with a little help from a riding mower.
My 135' Long Wire Antenna is no more. It was down and I didn't see it in time. The mower sucked it up, wrapped it around the blades a couple of times, and then it was no more. It was ripped in two and even ripped from the balun at the feed point.
I know I haven't been burning up the dials lately, but I was thinking this year might be different once summer rolled around. Now I need to figure something else out. Anyone have a really tall ladder I can borrow?

Ira Elbert New, IIIWatkinsville, GeorgiaProudly Serving You Since 1964. 		 	   		

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